Indinol - a herbal preparation, but the dosage form in capsules makes it convenient to use. Assign Indinol capsules for the prevention and treatment of estrogen-dependent tumors of the female genital organs and mammary glands. This preparation requires a long use.
Female sex hormones estrogen
Female sex hormones, estrogens stimulate the growth of epithelial cells of the female reproductive organs and mammary glands. Such action is especially needed during the pubertal development girls, when there is a growth of genitals and in the first half of the menstrual cycle, when under the influence of estrogen is increased in the amount of mucous membrane of the uterus and the quantity of milk ducts in the breast. By the end of the menstrual cycle under the influence of the changed hormonal happening reverse development: the mucous membrane is rejected and the process begins anew.
But in some cases, too large an amount of estrogen multiplied cells continue to actively grow, resulting in the formation of tumor and premalignant disease associated with estrogen or estrogen-dependent. This mastitis, breast cancer
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, Endometriosis, uterine fibroids, erosion and cervical cancer, and so on.
How does Indinol
Indinol (active substance - indole-3-carbinol) - a herbal drug (it is derived from cruciferous plants), which prevents the growth of estrogen-dependent tumors and other diseases and prevents their development.
Action Indinol associated with suppression of the synthesis of one of the estrogen - 16 hydroxyestrone, stimulates the process of malignancy (benign transition process in cancerous). In addition, Indinol promotes faster metabolism (degradation during metabolism) of estrogens and their removal from the body, as well as reduce the number of estrogen-sensitive
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receptors in tissues of the genitals. Indinol able to stimulate the selective destruction (apoptosis) of tumor cells of epithelial origin. It also prevents the penetration of epithelial cells in the muscle layer of the uterus, which prevents the spread of endometriosis. Another Indinol action - inhibition of the stimulating effect of some biologically active substances on the growth of mammary tumors. Thus, besides the suppression of estrogen action, Indinol also have a regulating effect on the process of cell division.
This action ensures that decreases or completely suppressed tumor growth, but take Indinol it requires a long time, since, being herbal preparation, it acts slowly. Indinol especially effective when administered in the complex treatment using all methods of treatment of tumors. In this case, the drug promotes more rapid healing and prevents the development of tumor recurrence.
Finally, to Indinol exhibits high sensitivity of the human papilloma virus (HPV), Indinol also blocks the transition of diseases caused by HPV (warts and genital warts) in malignant tumors (malignancy process).
Who and how to take the capsules Indinol
Capsules Indinol recommended to take only prescribed by a doctor after a preliminary examination, as they contribute to hormonal changes, and it is not always safe for women.
Indinol prescribed for the treatment of benign and malignant tumors in the complex treatment. Furthermore, it is indicated for the treatment of diseases associated with excess estrogen - endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome and so on.
For the treatment of some forms of mastitis (eg diffuse form), your doctor may prescribe Indinol
Indinol - drug or another fiction?
monotherapy (as single drug). For the prevention of tumors of female genital Indinol also administered as monotherapy, but for a shorter period than for treatment.
Apply Indinol for the treatment of diseases caused by HPV.
Indinol taken orally half an hour before a meal or during meal 400 mg (two capsules twice a day) daily for three to six months depending on the purpose of use. For example, in the treatment of mastitis it is administered for at least six months, and for the prevention of the disease - three months.
Endometriosis and uterine fibroids are treated with a combination of Indinol epigallatom (two capsules of both the drug dvva times a day) for six months. To prevent the recurrence of these diseases with the capsule Indinol epigallatom appointed at the same dosage for three months.
At six months, the standard dose Indinol appointed as with any diseases caused by HPV.
Are there any contraindications for receiving Indinol?
They are very small, it is individual intolerance of components and the simultaneous application of drugs that lower the acidity of gastric juice. Indinol not use during pregnancy and nursing
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Side effects Indinol only known allergic reactions.
Galina Romanenko