Solkovagina - help with cervical lesions

September 22, 2013

  • Solkovagina - help with cervical lesions
  • Mechanism of action

 Solkovagina active ingredients are: nitric acid, acetic acid, oxalic acid and zinc nitrate. Solkovagina available in solution form, which is used for topical treatment of benign lesions of surface tissues of the cervix.

 Solkovagina - help with cervical lesions


Solkovagina can be assigned to patients who have the following violations:

  • Cervical erosion;
  • The polyps of the cervical canal;
  • Granuloma of the cervix;
  • Cysts of the cervix.

Furthermore, Solkovagina can be used in cases where patients are damaged cervix caused by surgery.

 Solkovagina - help with cervical lesions


Solkovagina contraindicated in the presence of cancerous changes in the cervix during pregnancy, lactation, and in the presence of cell dysplasia Dysplasia - what is it?  Dysplasia - what is it?
 . It is also impossible to accept those who are allergic to its components.

During treatment Solkovagina should abstain from sexual intercourse.

 Solkovagina - help with cervical lesions

Side effects

Solkovagina can cause vaginal irritation and itching. At the same time, it should be noted that the drug is very rarely causes any side effects, and if they occur advised to seek medical advice.

 Solkovagina - help with cervical lesions

Safety measures

Before you start using Solkovagina, be sure to tell your doctor about any medications you are currently taking - not only the prescription but also those sold without a prescription. If, during the course of treatment you want to start taking any more drugs, it should also talk to your doctor. This must be done to ensure that the combination of drugs will be safe.

Do not let Solkovagina other people, even if they have the same diagnosis that you have.

Since Solkovagina contains strong acids, must not be allowed contact with the drug on the skin, clothing, and especially in the eyes. When Solkovagina contact with skin or eyes wash with plenty of water and, if possible, a neutralizing solution, such as a one percent solution of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Since the processing of the affected tissues Solkovagina holds gynecologist, the likelihood that the drug gets on the skin or eyes, is minimal.

Modern methods of diagnosis of infertility: desperate help

October 4, 2013

  • Modern methods of diagnosis of infertility: desperate help
  • Men

 Modern methods of diagnosis of infertility
 Doctors recommend that women who for years can not get pregnant, do not despair and do not resort to expensive methods of fertilization until it is established that this is really necessary. First of all, of course, infertility need to determine what help the modern methods of diagnosis of infertility in women.

Infertility - a problem that worries many couples. Such a diagnosis of infertility, for someone can be a real shock, though it is actually may not be so scary. Even if you can not get pregnant within a year, and your doctor talked about infertility, twelve months - not a critical time. Studies have shown that most women under the age of 39 years, who could not get pregnant in the first year after they started trying to conceive a child, managed to make it to the second year. Among women aged 27 to 34 years old in the second year we have not been able to get pregnant only 6%, and among women aged 35 to 39 years - 9%. It should be noted that the partners participating in the study were women and less than 40 years.

 Modern methods of diagnosis of infertility: desperate help

Consult a specialist in infertility

If you are concerned that you can not get pregnant, see your doctor, it's best - a specialist in infertility. First of all, the doctor will talk to you and your partner about your disease (including those which you have had many years ago), habits and lifestyle. Some of the questions asked by a doctor can cause you embarrassment, but this conversation is an important step in the diagnosis of infertility. In many cases, the inability to conceive is the result of a combination of several problems, and to help you, the doctor should obtain the most detailed information about your health lifestyle.

Here are some topics that are usually associated infertility specialist questions:

  • Chronic diseases of both partners transferred their previous surgeries.
  • The use of caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, drugs.
  • Exposure to chemicals, toxins and radiation at work or at home.
  • Features of sexual behavior, in particular - how often you have sex, did you have sexual problems, including - diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, as well as whether someone has a partner have sex with other people.

In addition, the doctor must ask a woman about whether her pregnancy earlier, and what they are terminated (birth, medical or surgical abortion, miscarriage), how often she went monthly in the last year, whether she smearing bleeding between monthly, which she used contraceptives, whether previously visited a specialist in infertility and held there any infertility treatment, if so, with what result.

 Modern methods of diagnosis of infertility: desperate help

Gynecological examination and blood tests

After the first conversation with the doctor is usually performed a pelvic examination and a blood test. Using a blood test can determine the level of the female sex hormone, prolactin, thyroid hormones, male sex hormones (which are produced in the female body), and check the patient for the presence of diseases such as HIV and hepatitis Hepatitis - the scourge of our time  Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
 . Also, do an analysis of the stroke, with which you can detect chlamydia, gonorrhea and other genital infections, can sometimes cause problems with conception.

Often women have to give blood for analysis several times, on certain days of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
 . For example, blood is taken for analysis of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone necessary for the second or third day of the cycle. Another analysis on the luteinizing hormone is usually held about seven days after ovulation. In addition, immediately after ovulation tests carried out on the progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   estradiol and to compare them with the results of analyzes made in the first days of the cycle.

 Modern methods of diagnosis of infertility: desperate help

Other diagnostic techniques

  • Measurement of basal body temperature may be recommended in order to determine whether a woman's ovulation. While this technique has been used for many years, experts doubt its reliability. Currently, it is only an additional method in a number of other, more precise, ways to diagnose infertility.
  • Postcoital test. Women need to come to the doctor within a few hours after intercourse, so he took a sample of cervical mucus for analysis. This test allows you to evaluate the viability of sperm partner, and determine how they interact with the cervical mucus of women.
  • Transvaginal ultrasound. This procedure is carried out to assess the state of the uterus and ovaries. With this technology it is possible to determine whether there are any irregularities in the ovaries. Transvaginal ultrasound examination is carried out fifteen days before the expected onset of menstruation.
  • Hysterosalpingography - the study of the fallopian tubes, which is carried out by means of X-ray and X-ray contrast agents. With this technology it is possible to evaluate the patency of the fallopian tubes; their obstruction is one of the causes of infertility. Hysterosalpingography usually carried between the sixth and the thirteenth day of the menstrual cycle.
  • Hysteroscopy may be imposed if during hysterosalpingography revealed any problems. During this procedure, the uterus through the cervix introduced thin telescopic instrument that allows you to see inside the uterus.
  • Laparoscopy - minimally invasive procedure, for which in the abdomen makes a small incision. After it is introduced into the peritoneal cavity of a laparoscope through which can reveal endometriosis, detect scar tissue and other problems in the structure of the reproductive organs which prevent conception. Laparoscopy is performed under general anesthesia.
  • Endometrial biopsy in the diagnosis of infertility is conducted in order to determine whether a fertilized egg implanted in the endometrium (sometimes pregnancy does not occur because of problems at the stage of implantation of the embryo). Using a catheter the doctor performs sampling of endometrial tissue, which is sent to the laboratory. This procedure can cause considerable discomfort, so patients administered drugs for local anesthesia.

Most women need only some of these methods for diagnosis of infertility Diagnosis of infertility - how much should be examined couple  Diagnosis of infertility - how much should be examined couple
 . In 85% of cases diagnosis allows to identify the reasons why a woman can not become pregnant.
