Ovarian Cysts - normal or dangerous? - Symptoms

June 20, 2013

  • Ovarian Cysts - normal or dangerous?
  • Cyst of the corpus luteum of the ovary
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 symptoms of ovarian cysts

Symptoms of ovarian cysts

Although most ovarian cysts are asymptomatic, in some cases, there is a dull ache in the abdomen or oppressive feeling of fullness. Ovarian cysts can cause pain during sexual intercourse and at other times. In case of severe pain requiring hospitalization. Pain and abdominal pressure may be caused by several factors:

  • Bleeding or rupture of the cyst and the resulting irritation of the abdominal tissue
  • The large size of the cyst
  • Looping cysts, violates the blood supply to it

Irregular painful periods after the normal time - a common symptom of ovarian cysts. Increasing the size or bloating may also indicate the presence of ovarian cysts.

Typically, ovarian cyst causes symptoms in the following cases:

  • She is torn;
  • It reaches very large;
  • It blocks the flow of blood to the ovaries.

In such circumstances, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the pelvic region. The range of pain is wide - from dull, oppressive to acute, severe pain;
  • Difficult defecation;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse;
  • Frequent urination;
  • Changes in the menstrual cycle - menstrual bleeding may become irregular and / or more or less intense than usual;
  • Bloating is not associated with meals;
  • Indigestion or stomach feeling of fullness even after a small meal;
  • Lightheadedness or dizziness;
  • Fatigue, lethargy.

The main symptoms of ovarian cysts are associated with the menstrual period (delay period) or with pain. Unpleasant, painful symptoms of ovarian cysts Ovarian Cysts: Symptoms and Complications  Ovarian Cysts: Symptoms and Complications
   characteristic of the following cases:

  • When sprouting cysts to large
  • When cysts rupture, accompanied by internal bleeding
  • When torsion of ovary or fallopian tubes caused by the growth of ovarian cysts
  • After intercourse

The fluctuations of the menstrual cycle (its duration) and changes in menstrual periods caused by ovarian cyst - a rare phenomenon. Most of these changes provoke the corpus luteum cyst Corpus luteum cyst - when hormonal changes  Corpus luteum cyst - when hormonal changes
   ovary. In some cases the growth of ovarian cysts can lead to a slight vaginal bleeding or "spotting" bleeding from the vagina.

 Symptoms | Ovarian cyst - normal or dangerous?

Symptoms of ovarian cyst rupture

Ovarian cysts are formed in the majority of women, but usually they do not cause discomfort, and are diagnosed only in rare cases. Sometimes cysts cause mild to moderate pain, feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen, but it usually does not speak about any serious problems.

Severe health effects may have an ovarian cyst rupture Rupture of ovarian cysts - requires emergency surgery  Rupture of ovarian cysts - requires emergency surgery
 The most common symptom of which is severe pain in the pelvic area.

Usually, it is stronger than the pain during menstruation, and does not pass after taking analgesics (in the best case, it can temporarily weaken). The pain is worse during bowel movements, sexual activity and intense exercise. During menstruation, the pain can be amplified; menstrual bleeding, they tend to become much more intense.

If untreated, the gap ovarian cysts cause the following symptoms:

  • Nausea, sometimes - vomiting;
  • Weakness, lightheadedness caused by loss of blood;
  • Hot flashes;
  • An abrupt change in blood pressure.

 Symptoms | Ovarian cyst - normal or dangerous?

Symptoms of functional ovarian cysts

Functional ovarian cysts usually harmless and do not cause any discomfort. Often they are found only during a pelvic exam Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health  Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health
 . However, large ovarian cysts can cause the following symptoms:

  • Frequent urination - if a large cyst presses on the bladder;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Changes in the menstrual cycle;
  • The increase in weight.

In rare cases, cyst leads to more serious symptoms such as:

  • Sudden, severe pain in the pelvic area;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • A sudden attack of nausea, dizziness, and weakness;
  • Vaginal bleeding.

If you have any of these symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help.

Polycystic ovarian treatment - consult your doctor in time

April 3, 2013

  • Polycystic ovarian treatment - consult your doctor in time
  • Medication
  • Methods

 polycystic ovary syndrome treatment
 The problem of medical measures in polycystic ovary continues to attract the attention of many researchers. The methods of conservative treatment and surgical treatment, with which it is possible to achieve the main goals of treatment. Treatment of polycystic ovary continues to improve in practice implemented methods based on the use of techniques of endoscopic surgery.

 Polycystic ovarian treatment - consult your doctor in time

The main directions of therapeutic effects

Treatment methods are developed in two main directions. First of all it concerns the improvement of methods of surgical treatment of patients with this disease. In addition to traditional access through a laparotomy surgery (or laparotomy), widely used modern technologies, which include the technique of endoscopic interventions, the use of laser, electrical action and other factors. On the other hand, due to the success of clinical pharmacology prepared medicament for inducing ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   patients. This makes it possible to restore a woman's reproductive potential, fertility and the onset of the long-awaited pregnancy with many years of unsuccessful infertility treatment Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority  Infertility Treatment - What principles are priority
 . Two directions in the treatment strategy in polycystic ovaries do not contradict each other. There is a legitimate need to be consistently applied conservative and surgical methods of treatment, as well as in the case of ineffective surgery further influence by conservative means.

The operation is considered as an additional method to the basic conservative therapy. The indication for surgery should be the absence of effect of conservative treatment. In most cases the amount is to carry out a resection or cauterization of the ovaries. The preferred technique is endoscopic surgery, which at the present level provides good therapeutic results. Based on the evaluation of the results of surgical treatment, it was found that the volume of intervention should not be limited to ovarian wedge resection. It is recommended that the extended resection with removal of the medulla of the ovary within easy access. As a result, one can observe that there is a restoration of fertility in women, and it occurs in almost 88% of women who have had surgery extended resection of the ovaries.

There are obvious advantages to a simple resection of the ovary, with normal menstrual function as .  It is proved that the menstrual cycle is fully restored in 90% of women .  Expect positive results of surgical treatment can not be immediately after the operation is completed .  The effectiveness of surgical treatment is estimated at least one year (from an average of twelve to eighteen months) .  In recent years, it may be noted the publication of a large number of publications on the use of various modifications electrocautery, using laser exposure .  Produced multiple electrocauterization ovarian cortex to a depth of 4 mm, which makes it possible to coagulate atrezirovannye follicles and restore functional activity of the ovary .  Clinically it is accompanied by a regular menstrual cycle in case of violations, as well as the onset of pregnancy .  After electrocautery increases the sensitivity of the ovarian tissue to various exogenous and endogenous stimuli, which increases the effectiveness of treatment .

In recent years, an increasing number of publications on the positive results of the application of endoscopic laser vaporization. All visible cysts in the ovaries are exposed to vaporization, in some cases, the number of places vaporizirovannyh on one ovary can reach from 25 to 40. During the six-month follow-up after such surgery, the pregnancy is almost 60% of women. Endoscopic surgery techniques to minimize the development of adhesions that often develops in the postoperative period after a laparotomy. This is an important advantage of the therapeutic method that allows us to recommend this method is used in practice.

If you compare the effectiveness of different types of surgery for polycystic ovaries, it can be concluded that in patients with the typical form of the disease, and in the absence of a positive result in the use of funds of conservative therapy, surgery in the amount of the extended wedge resection, laparoscopic electrocautery or laser vaporization is most preferred.

 Polycystic ovarian treatment - consult your doctor in time

Principles purpose of drug therapy

The choice of drug therapy, which is prescribed to patients with a confirmed diagnosis of polycystic ovaries is determined by the main goals of therapy:

  • achieve regulation of the menstrual cycle
  • restore the fertile potential of women
  • prevent the development of hyperplastic processes in uterus
  • reduce the appearance of hormonal background, which are characterized by symptoms of hyperandrogenism

Achieve clinical cure in this situation allows the hormone therapy, which is assigned to each individual clinical situation, taking into account not only the form of the disease, and the presence of comorbidities, metabolic disorders .  Therapy should comply with the objectives pursued by the treatment .  When the first task is to restore fertility, it should be a priority .  If you want to normalize the menstrual disorders or other disorders correction is assigned an appropriate course of hormone therapy .  Conducting therapy should start with a weight correction, otherwise in overweight no use of any form of therapy .  Excess weight can eliminate the organization proper diet, exercise, and exercise stress, as well as using drugs .  The most frequently prescribed for therapeutic purposes, orlistat or sibutramine Sibutramine - effective but not safe  Sibutramine - effective but not safe
 . The daily dose of orlistat should not exceed 360 mg.

If the patient is not overweight, then proceed to the course of hormone therapy. Normalize the menstrual cycle regularity possible using progestin preparations. Of this group of drugs often used dydrogesterone or medroxyprogesterone. Acceptable administration of progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 But in recent years this drug in its pure form is rarely used .  The most widely received dydrogesterone, which is available under the trade name "Duphaston" .  Its use is most appropriate in the course of hormone therapy, while there is minimal risk of complications .  The drug is generally administered in the second phase of the menstrual cycle in a period of fourteen days, single dose should be 10 mg .  Depending on the clinical features of the disease course dose can be up to 40-60 mg, the treatment duration is determined individually .  To suppress the increased production of androgens glands efficient use of combined hormonal agents from the group of oral contraceptives (COC), which possess antiandrogenic activity or lacking androgenic effect .  Have to prove clinical efficacy of oral contraceptives following representatives:

  • "Jeanine"
  • "Marvelon"
  • "Regulon"
  • "Yasmin"
  • "Diane-35"

If the clinical picture is dominated by polycystic ovarian syndrome girsutny, show signs of excessive hair growth and other pathological symptoms of elevated androgen activity, the purpose of oral contraceptives should be combined with anti-androgens .  They have a specific effect on blocking androgen receptors in the female body and reduce the activity of the enzyme systems involved in the process of formation of hormones .  Cyproterone possess antiandrogenic activity (in daily doses of up to 50 mg), spironolactone (a daily dose of 100 mg) or flutamide .  To obtain a clinical effect, this type of therapy a patient should receive at least six months, in some cases up to nine months .  Everything is determined by an individual approach, therefore strict standards for the duration of the treatment does not exist .  If the background of initial therapy with antiandrogens can not achieve positive results, as determined by the development of resistance or resistance to therapy, we can apply the central hormone agonists (group GnRH agonists) .  These preparations are used in the form of monthly injection or as nasal spray .  The most common and clinically effective are "Buserelin", "Goserelin", "triptorelin" .
