Yasmin and endometriosis - an optimal combination

October 17, 2012

 Yarina endometriosis
 Disease called endometriosis has recently been given more attention. This is due not only to the growth trend of the problem, but also with increasing progression of endometriotic lesions during the treatment. The main problem in the presence of endometriosis is a low probability of getting pregnant, even after therapy.

In the treatment of endometriosis focuses on the hormonal preparations. Back in the sixties, after have been proposed and tested a proliferation of combined oral hormonal contraceptives, they were used for the treatment of endometriosis. Currently, the pharmaceutical market entered a new drug - Yarina, which has been used successfully for the treatment of this disease. If you make a choice among all combined hormonal contraceptives to suppress the progression of endometriotic lesions, the Yasmin and endometriosis are considered the most optimal combination.

 Yasmin and endometriosis - an optimal combination

How "works" Yarina

Yasmin is a combined low-dose monophasic contraceptives new generation. Doses of estrogen and progestogen components are identical in all tablets. The product contains 3 mg of drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol 0, 03 mg (the content of hormones in one pill).

The contraceptive effect of Yasmin is provided by two important factors: the suppression of ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   (maturation and release of an egg from the ovary) and thickening the cervical mucus, which prevents the penetration of sperm into the uterus. Moreover, the drug inhibits the growth of the uterine mucosa in secretory phase, making it impossible to implantation of a fertilized ovum.

In addition, drospirenone contained in the preparation antimineralkortikoidnoy possesses activity that prevents weight gain, and fluid retention (edema prevents development). Thus, Yasmin has beneficial effects on premenstrual syndrome and eliminating its manifestations.

Also, the drug has anti-androgenic activity, which reduces the production of sebum and reduces the appearance of acne (acne).

In medical terms Yarina is often administered for prolonged and heavy menstruation (reduces their duration and abundant), with severe chronic hemorrhagic anemia and painful menstruation (all of these phenomena are usually accompanied by endometriosis).

Yarina is the best drug of all combined estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
 -gestagennyh contraceptives for the treatment of endometriosis. Yasmin, like other COCs suppress gonadotropin release of emissions in the pituitary gland, blocks the formation of sex hormones in the ovary and proliferative changes in the lining of the uterus. In this regard, endometrial endometrioid heterotopias terminate cyclic processes, and with prolonged use, develop atrophic processes that lead to sclerosis and obliteration of the endometrial lesions.

 Yasmin and endometriosis - an optimal combination

How to take Yasmin with endometriosis

One package contains the contraceptive Yasmin preparation tablet 21 that is designed for a 28-day menstrual cycle. With the purpose of protection from unwanted pregnancy receiving Yasmin should be started on the first day of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
   (ie the first day of menstruation). Tablets must be taken every day, at the same time for three weeks. At the end of the packaging should be done a week break, during which begin menstrualnopodobnye selection. On the eighth day it resumed taking the drug.

If a woman has forgotten to take a pill at the proper time, and it took less than twelve hours, you should take the forgotten pill as soon as possible. If the interval between the previous and the forgotten tablet is more than twelve hours, you need to drink a pill and forgotten during the week to use additional contraceptive measures.

In endometriosis Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences  Endometriosis - a serious problem with serious consequences
   Yarina is appointed in a continuous mode, ie without the seven-day break. Such a scheme taking the drug helps stop the menstrual function, prevents retrograde blood reflux in the pelvis and causes regressive changes in endometrioid heterotopias. The duration of the drug depends on the prevalence and effectiveness of the treatment process, but not less than six months.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • treatment of endometriosis
  • Yarina

Endometriosis adenomyosis - the defeat of the muscle layer of the uterus

July 27, 2013

 endometriosis, adenomyosis
 Endometriosis adenomyosis - what is it? There are some forms of endometriosis, including the released form when the body of the uterus is affected - its wall. This form of endometriosis called adenomyosis. Depending on how deep in the uterine wall penetrated endometrial lesions, there are several degrees of adenomyosis.

 Endometriosis adenomyosis - the defeat of the muscle layer of the uterus

What is endometriosis, adenomyosis

Endometriosis is a disease in which tissue similar to the structure of the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) is developing within other tissues and organs. When the endometrium develops within the body of the uterus, a form of endometriosis called adenomyosis or internal endometriosis.

Depending on how deep in the uterine wall to penetrate areas of endometrial tissue, there are three degrees of adenomyosis. When I degree of endometriosis sites are located on the border between the endometrium and myometrium, affecting only the outer layers of the myometrium (ie, on the border between the mucosa and muscle shell, affecting the outer layers of the latter). At the II degree of adenomyosis endometriosis extend to the middle of the myometrium, and for III degree - affect the entire wall of the uterus before it is serous (outer) layer.

 Endometriosis adenomyosis - the defeat of the muscle layer of the uterus

Causes of adenomyosis

For the development of any form of endometriosis requires two conditions: hormonal background in the form of increased secretion of female sex hormones estrogen and impaired immunity. The combination of all these reasons and causes adenomyosis.

Reasons adenomyosis not completely installed, as it is not clear how, the cells are separated (functional) layer of the endometrium into the myometrium fall, because on their way there is such an obstacle as basal (not separated during menstruation) layer of the endometrium. It is believed that this happens when the permeability of congenital disorders of the basal layer of the endometrium, or in violation of the outflow of menstrual blood through the cervical canal, which creates increased pressure of the uterus.

 Endometriosis adenomyosis - the defeat of the muscle layer of the uterus

Adenomyosis - a rare disease?

Conversely, adenomyosis - is one of the most frequent diseases. But in most cases it proceeds adenomyosis symptoms, and therefore the majority of women are unaware of its presence. With age, the number of female sex hormones and decreases after menopause foci of adenomyosis regress. Distribution of adenomyosis is suspended during pregnancy, since in this period of "kingdom" the female sex hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 And the endometrium from the uterine wall is not separated.

If a woman has had any intrauterine manipulation, abortion, obstructed labor, operations, this can serve as an impetus for the dissemination of adenomyosis, in this case, there are signs of it. This should be treated with adenomyosis.

 Endometriosis adenomyosis - the defeat of the muscle layer of the uterus

Symptoms of adenomyosis

The main features of adenomyosis Symptoms of adenomyosis - characteristic and recognizable  Symptoms of adenomyosis - characteristic and recognizable
   are pain and uterine bleeding Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach  Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach
 . Pain can be worn while spastic character and occur immediately prior to menstruation and continue throughout menstruation. Pain associated with the rejection of the endometrium within the myometrium, which leads to inflammation, edema and congestion of blood. This in turn causes compression of nerve endings and pain. When the muscle layer of the uterus spasms pain intensified and become acute.

In addition, a characteristic symptom of adenomyosis Adenomyosis: Symptoms - what to expect from the body?  Adenomyosis: Symptoms - what to expect from the body?
   are heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia). At the same time in front of the field and a few days of menstruation continues minor spotting. There may also metrorragii - intermenstrual bleeding.

Regular blood loss lead to the appearance of yet another characteristic symptom of adenomyosis - iron deficiency anemia.

 Endometriosis adenomyosis - the defeat of the muscle layer of the uterus

Based on what the diagnosis

The initial degree of adenomyosis is not always possible to determine during the inspection of a gynecologist. The most common areas of adenomyosis identified on ultrasound (US), which is carried out first using the external (research carried out through the abdominal wall) sensor, and then use vaginal probe (probe inserted into the vagina).

Clarify status of the uterine wall is possible by means of additional studies - hysteroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). To eliminate endometriosis tubal ligation performed X-ray examination.

 Endometriosis adenomyosis - the defeat of the muscle layer of the uterus

How to treat adenomyosis

If adenomyosis does not manifest itself and spread not, it is usually not treated. But such a woman must be constant surveillance: any adverse factor could provoke disease progression.

If you have symptoms of the disease is assigned to conservative or surgical treatment. Conservative treatment - this suppression of estrogen secretion and stimulation of immunity. Surgical treatment - removal of nodes or the entire uterus adenomyosis.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • types of endometriosis
