Blueberry - berry dark blue color with a pleasant sour-sweet taste. It grows in the northern forests. Since ancient times, known medicinal properties of berries and blueberry flea leaves, which are just a pantry vitamins and minerals. Benefits and harms of blueberries have long interested scientists, some have devoted their research for many years.
The unique composition
Medicinal properties of blueberries are related to its chemical composition. At the blueberry has many useful for the human connections:
- Acids: citric, malic, lactic, oxalic acid, succinic acid, and quinine;
- vitamins B, retinol, nicotinic acid
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, ascorbic acid;
- potassium, zinc, iron, sulfur, manganese, phosphorus, chromium, copper;
- alcohols and essential oils and tannins.
One hundred grams of blueberries contains 86 grams of water, more than three grams of fiber, more than 7, 5 g carbohydrates, a little more than a gram of protein, the same amount of organic acids.
Like blueberries affect the human body?
Antioxidants, which in large doses contained in blueberries, improve memory, maintain visual acuity, strengthen blood vessels and the heart, improve metabolism
Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
, Improve immunity. Regularly eating blueberries, many times, you can reduce the risk of myocardial infarction and blood clots. Blueberries have antiseptic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, astringent and choleretic effect.
One of the most beneficial antioxidants
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Contained in blueberries may be called anthocyanins, which is no longer found in such an amount in any other plants. Proved that mirtillin glycoside, which is also contained in blueberry berries, has on the action of insulin-like
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It regulates carbohydrate metabolism and has a positive effect on the pancreas.
The bilberry fruit contains carotenoids that enhance vision and improve its sharpness at night, improve blood circulation in the eye, retinal cells renew. Usually, doctors recommend eating blueberries with a strong eyestrain at work.
Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of dark blue berries help to easier to carry the common cold, bronchitis, tracheitis, headaches, easier for rheumatism. Furthermore, blueberry equally useful both constipation and diarrhea with. The juice of blueberries - a strong germicide. Berries help in gastritis with low acidity, but at high acidity, they are contraindicated.
Also, thanks to the antibacterial capabilities of blueberry fruit can be used in treatment of the genitourinary system, especially when pyelonephritis. Blueberries are also included in the composition of cosmetic products, which are used to moisturize and rejuvenate the skin.
Blueberries toxins, slow down the aging process. But as with any product in the immoderate use, they become harmful. Too fascinated blueberries, you can achieve dehydration, blood pressure surges.
Blueberry Leaves: benefits and harms
It is well known healing effect on the human body blueberry leaves, from which you can cook very tasty and healthy tea. Mix them with lime blossoms, obtained excellent anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and sudorific.
Blueberry leaves have a mild diuretic effect, so it shows high blood pressure, for weight loss. But keep in mind that long-term use of diuretics may reflect badly on the state of the kidneys and the body as a whole. It is not necessary to drink a decoction of leaves of bilberry every day several times a day.
The leaves of blueberries also reduce the level of glucose in the blood, so they are part of the plant collections for diabetics. But, of course, such funds may appoint a doctor. Illiterate use of such funds only harm health.
Mixing blueberry leaves with green tea, you can get a means of reducing appetite and cravings for sweets. Also, taking a drink before the meal can provide an invaluable service to the body to which this tea will have a restorative effect. However, the uncontrolled use of it may lead to problems with blood pressure and dehydration.
A decoction of the leaves Bilberry is useful in diseases of the eye, thanks to its positive impact on the eye blood vessels and saturate the body with vitamin A, which is essential for the eye.
Blueberry leaves are useful for improvement of cardiac and have a positive effect on the muscles, so that shows people who are just starting to do fitness.
Bilberry leaf is included in the formulations of herbal and plant collections for urethritis and cystitis, due to its astringent and antiseptic properties. The broth of blueberry sheets positive effect on digestion, has choleretic action. Alcohol tincture of blueberry leaves a part of cosmetic skin care.
"Bilberry Forte" - benefits and harms
Residents of big cities is not so easy to buy fresh blueberries, not to mention the blueberry leaves. But all the beneficial properties of this plant are stored in pharmaceuticals based on blueberries, the most famous of which - "Bilberry-forte".
All the vitamins and antioxidants in blueberries, joined the drug. They improve visual acuity, relieve eye fatigue, reduce intraocular pressure.
"Bilberry Forte" has on the body have the same effect as that of blueberries: strengthens the body, enhances immunity, has positive effects on the cardiovascular and urogenital system, is a natural antiseptic and antibiotic, a pantry vitamins and minerals.
Contraindications to the use of berries and blueberry products is an idiosyncrasy, allergic reactions, disturbances in the gall bladder, pancreas and liver. Before using the product on the basis of bilberry it is recommended to consult a doctor to assess the potential risks of such treatment.
Article Tags:
- the benefits and harms of products