Corn oil: the good and the harm to human

November 24, 2014

 corn oil benefits and harms
 Vegetable oils, nutritionists advise to include in the diet daily. But what kind of oil to choose - it's up to consumers. All species have their own advantages and disadvantages. For example, corn oil, benefit and harm that has been well studied, shown primarily as a tonic. It is recommended to everyone who is trying to lead a healthy lifestyle.


"Golden West"

For the first time to produce corn oil began in the native maize - in America, in Indiana at the turn of the XIX and XX centuries. For oil saturated shade called "Gold of the West."

Today there are several varieties of corn oil:

  • The crude oil is refined maize differs dark golden color with a reddish tinge and a strong aroma. It contains the maximum amount of nutrients and is considered the most useful. Its use is recommended in the crude form, such as salad dressings. For frying oil is not suitable;
  • Nedezodorirovannoe Refined oil is also recommended for salads without subjecting to a heat treatment. It is cleaned, during which loses some nutrients, but at the same time retains the characteristic aroma;
  • Refined, deodorized corn oil labeled "P" is most common in the market. It is ideal for frying because it does not burn and does not foam. In contrast, sunflower oil, corn by thermal treatment practically does not form any harmful substances, including carcinogens;
  • Refined, deodorized corn oil labeled "D" is used for the preparation of infant and dietetic foods.


Beneficial features

The unrefined corn oil contains almost twice as much vitamin E, than in the usual sunflower. In the process of purification of the vitamin is lost, but corn oil is a reliable source of tocopherol Vitamin E (tocopherol) - not to be carried away  Vitamin E (tocopherol) - not to be carried away

Ornate oil and carotene, and vitamins B1, B2, K, and PP, as in many corn oil fatty acids - linoleic, palmitic, oleic, stearic and others. Polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 successfully help lower cholesterol How quickly reduce cholesterol eleven tips  How quickly reduce cholesterol eleven tips
   in blood.

Finally, corn oil - a source of trace elements: magnesium, iron and potassium. In addition, corn oil - a source of lecithin.

Regular consumption of corn oil can improve the immune system due to the high mineral content of unsaturated fatty acids.

Vitamin E normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system. Tocopherol is often called the vitamin of youth: it significantly improves the skin condition during indoor and outdoor use. Corn oil improves tissue regeneration, has beneficial effects on hair growth.

Lecithin, vitamins and minerals contribute to improvement of the internal organs, particularly the cardiovascular system. Health strengthened, increasing the body's resistance to infections.


The harm of corn oil

Benefits and harms of corn oil were studied very well, but if the beneficial properties of spoken and written a lot about the negative impact of the corn oil health is often silent. Most often, such an effect is due to improper or excessive use of oil.

Do not forget that any vegetable oil by 99% consists of fat, which means different record calorie. Therefore, if too carried away corn oil, unpleasant consequences in the form of weight gain will not keep you waiting.

In addition, a large amount of fat is bad for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the liver and gallbladder. And if you have gallstone disease, the use of oil (any, not just corn) in pure form and in large quantities can be dangerous, because the triggers shifting of stones from the spot. Unfortunately, many are not even aware of the presence of gallstones Gall bladder: structure and function  Gall bladder: structure and function
   before their movement, so in any case can not be treated corn or any other oil without prior examination by a doctor.

Crude oil contains the maximum amount of nutrients. Note, however, that harmful substances, such as residues of pesticides used in the cultivation of maize, in which the oil is also stored. It is therefore desirable to use such an oil in limited quantities, or buy expensive organic corn oil, grown without the use of chemicals.

Sometimes, corn oil, for that matter, any other product, may cause individual intolerance. Naturally, in this case, from this product should refuse.


Terms of use

The high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6 in corn oil can be to the body not only beneficial, but harmful. The fact is that is important to the health of the balance of polyunsaturated fatty acids of different groups. If the food is too little omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (found, for example, in linseed oil and fish oil), the acid group of omega-6 may be useful from harmful: to increase the viscosity of the blood, affects the immune system Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
 . For this reason it is not recommended to completely switch to corn oil, abandoning other fats. Meals should be varied so that the body receives all the necessary material, and the balance is not disturbed.

Corn oil can be used as other vegetable oils. In addition, it can be used to stimulate the gallbladder (only after consultation with your doctor). To do this, you need to drink a spoonful of oil on an empty stomach half an hour before a meal. Also, corn oil rubbed into the hair to make it softer and more manageable, are used as the basis of cosmetic masks.

Article Tags:
  • oil
  • the benefits and harms of products

Apitherapy honey as fuel for life

March 23, 2008

 Apitherapy - a type of alternative medicine involving the use to treat a number of diseases of bee venom (apitoxin). In addition, along with bee venom in apitherapy used and some bee products - in particular, the traditional means of folk medicine propolis and honey, medicinal properties have been known for centuries.

 Apitherapy honey as fuel for life

Bee venom as medicine

The venom of bee, which enters the body after an insect bite, contains more than fifty different substances that have a complex effect on the body. The main and most useful for the human component of bee venom - peptides, amino acid compounds, each with a different effect on the human body: the peptides contained in the poisons bees, suppress inflammation, act as a natural pain reliever, normalizes the cardiovascular and nervous system. Furthermore, in bee venom contains a series of acids (formic acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid), minerals (in trace amounts - copper, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium), histamines.

The main advantage of bee venom, however, is not in its complex composition and diversity of the active components, and the stimulating effects of bee venom on the body: entering the human body, bee venom stimulates many physiological processes, accelerate the natural healing mechanisms. Bee venom stimulates the cardiovascular system, central and peripheral nervous system, has hypotensive action (lowers blood pressure), and stimulates the blood vessels to dilate. In addition, the bee venom (of course, if you use it for medicinal purposes with caution), no side effects, since its composition - only natural ingredients and no synthetic compounds.

 Apitherapy honey as fuel for life

The use of bee venom

Apiterapiya as the bee venom therapy involves the exposure of various organs and, thus, is useful in treating a variety of diseases and disorders. For example, due to the ability of bee venom to strengthen the walls of blood vessels can help apitherapy in the treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. A normalization of bee venom functions of the endocrine glands (thyroid and pancreas, adrenal glands, pituitary gland) can effectively treat disorders and diseases of the endocrine system. That is why apitherapy as a useful adjuvant therapy and hormone replacement therapy, chronic administration of synthetic hormones (eg, corticosteroids are used to treat, including eczema, psoriasis, arthritis and other diseases).

As a means of rehabilitation therapy apitherapy can be useful to eliminate the effects of a stroke: bee venom helps repair damage to the peripheral nervous system and, thus, to regain muscle tone and sensitivity of nerve endings. And by improving the blood circulation and vasodilation bee venom restores blood flow to the affected organs (especially important when paresis and paralysis, arising as a result of stroke).

 Apitherapy honey as fuel for life


Apitherapy can be recommended for the following diseases and disorders:

  • Skin diseases: atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis;
  • Rheumatic diseases: gout, rheumatoid arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
 , Osteoarthritis;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system: thyroid dysfunction The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
 , Education thyrotoxic goiter, diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   the second type;
  • Damage to the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system - neuritis and neuropathy, tremor, osteochondrosis Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight  Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight
 , The effects of stroke;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system: arrhythmia, cardiomyopathy, hypertension, the effects of myocardial infarction;
  • Some urological and gynecological diseases: diseases of the prostate, uterine cancer, erectile dysfunction.

The average duration of treatment means apitherapy is two to three weeks. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the individual response of the body to the active bee venom.

Article Tags:
  • dietetic food
