Ten products have no place in a diabetic diet
April 25, 2012
For patients with diabetes
Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
products do not fall simply on the permitted and prohibited. Balance your diet is much more important than the amount of sugar in the food you eat. Try to eat and not abuse any carbohydrates. Eat small portions. If carbohydrate foods, the most nutritious and, if possible, let it be complex carbohydrates; Eat them with protein food. From the products on this list does not necessarily give up urgently, but their number in your diet should be significantly reduced. For more information about what is useful and what is bad for you, you can provide a doctor.
Pasta and Noodles
Most pasta a high glycemic index, because they are prepared with the use of simple carbohydrates: flour, white rice, and others. Diabetics have better pasta rarely and in small amounts. However, you can afford to whole grain pasta. Garnish greens and vegetables red neutralize their effect on blood sugar
Blood sugar - a very important indicator
White rice is a white, because his carefully treated with hot steam. On exposure to high temperatures, many beneficial properties disappear and all you can offer these white grains - a considerable portion of simple carbohydrates. Brown rice is much more useful, but they should not be abused.
Pastries, pies, cakes, pies, sweets - not for you. They have a lot of calories and few nutrients. You should also limit itself to the use of cream and very sweet berries and fruits such as watermelons, figs, bananas
Bananas: the benefits and harms health
. They have a high glycemic index.
Sweet drinks
Stay away from soft drinks, sweetened juices and energy. There is no need to abuse and juices without added sugar.
Many studies have shown that caffeine is bad for the health of diabetics. Therefore, caffeinated drinks is better avoided.
How boiled and roast potatoes should be eaten in limited quantities and with foods containing protein.
White bread
Avoid bread baking and in general any, prepared with the addition of wheat flour. Most of the baking being done with this meal, but the popularity of a healthy lifestyle is doing its job and an assortment of whole grain products is constantly expanding.
Diabetics have particularly high risk of developing heart disease, so their diet should be the minimum amount of trans-fats and saturated fats. This means that you need to give up eating a lot of pork fat, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats, margarine and butter.
Artificial sweeteners
Surely you've heard that substances such as chemical sweeteners that are added to foods "without sugar" safe for diabetics as it does not raise blood sugar levels
Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
. In some cases this may be true, but it is not so simple. Experts warn that the food and drink "sugar" carbohydrates are present (the same sweeteners and flour, for example), because of which your blood sugar may go up. The question of safety of artificial sweeteners is still a subject of controversy.
If you have diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage), or high blood pressure, or if the disease regularly goes out of control, it would be safer for you to do completely without alcohol. In other cases, a moderate dose of alcohol will not bring harm.
Low-calorie dishes: the health of the plate without strict diets
May 26, 2011
The most famous of the world nutritionists recommend not starve, forcing the body to stress
How to beat stress? Create an oasis
And eat regularly in small portions. Dishes should be thus low-calorie, which can only be prepared from products with poor nutritional value. The lower calorie food, the more energy is to ensure the full life of the body spends from internal reserves, burning the hated fat.
Tips nutritionists
Most diets aimed at weight loss, based on the diet, which are excluded from the high-calorie foods. Psychologically, a person is difficult to overcome the ban: the comfort of your diet, the body is catching up, the weight comes back, and even increased. Because for a healthy weight loss, nutritionists recommend not to exclude, but to enter into the daily diet of delicious food products capable of low caloric fill the stomach, give a feeling of fullness.
Dietitians advise not to neglect counting calories, no matter how routine it may seem. We should not forget about even the most minor "little things": one sweet tea for the evening will bring extra 15-25 calories. It should also pay attention to the quality of products and their total weight in the formation of the daily diet. Even low-calorie meals in large quantities can lead to overeating and fat.
Low-calorie meals and dishes
Low-calorie meals are prepared from products with high water content, low "energy density".
Vegetables - cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage), cucumbers, green beans, radishes, radish
Benefits and harms of radish: what you need to know about this vegetable
, Pumpkin, zucchini, celery stemmed.
- Fruits - apples, quince, citrus, pineapple.
- Berries - Cranberries
Cranberries for health and beauty
, Cherry, blackberry.
- The fish - tuna, pollock, pike perch, cod, pike, saffron cod.
- Meat - beef, rabbit, heart and kidneys.
- Dairy products - low-fat yogurt, lean cheese, yogurt, sour.
- Seafood - squid, shrimp, crabs and seaweed.
In comparison between a low-calorie foods should be borne in mind that, for example, calorie lean fish twice lower than lean meat. This protein content food will be identical, whereas vitamins and minerals fish dish surpass meat at times.
Low-calorie dishes prepared from the above products, adhering to strict rules: do not add to the dish starchy vegetables, butter and vegetable oil for frying, do not abuse the spices and salt, sugar
. Steamed meals, in an oven, Passer water reducing caloric during cooking
. The most common fast food with a low calorie vegetables are frozen, are easy to prepare, shifting the mixture on a hot frying pan, with the addition of filtered water
. Vegetable purees, stews and steamed vegetables - tasty and nutritious meals are high in vitamins and dietary fiber
. Boiled fish, steam cutlets, seafood in various combinations with fruits and vegetables help to diversify the menu, and the total calories remained within normal limits
. The total energy value of the daily diet should not be less than 1800 kcal or above 2000 kcal for women bias in either direction is equally damaging to the slim figure
Stroyneyuschim as interesting
The list of harmful products is quite large, everyone defines it for themselves
. Someone will add extra weight fried potatoes and sausages, and some earn fat by eating cakes and chocolate
. It depends not only on the blood group, but also from the natural constitution, age, sex, and even the geography of residence
. Set the list of products on which a person fullness, can be in different ways: passing the tests in the clinic nutrition, studied the recommendations of doctors to patients each blood group
. You can easily do: indulging in the fact that like most foods, establish a safe "dose" of this dangerous product, that is the amount that will bring moral satisfaction, without spoiling the figure
. Doctors recommend if wanted cakes or chips, to withstand a ten-minute pause to understand yourself
. It may be that the body needs only a respite rather than seizing challenges
. It is best at this moment to drink a glass of pure water, it fills the stomach and the brain receives a signal saturation
Beauty secrets of the film star seldom fall, because each such prescription - its weight in gold. Irina Ponarovskaya not only low-calorie daily intake, carefully drawn nutritionist food, it is at the waist thin gold chain. Any extra piece is immediately reflected in the figure, and a metal chain painful bites into the skin.
A wise Chinese proverb says: "Nothing helps a slim figure like a dream
Dreams: how to understand our dreams
on an empty stomach. "
Jeanne Pyatirikova