Why do we need fiber? Paradoxical as it may sound, the main value of the plant fibers is that they have no nutritional value. The fibers are not digested and does not contribute to weight gain, but cleanse the body, stimulate peristalsis and create a feeling of satiety. Contained fiber in plant foods, so it is important to include them in your menu.
Useful "ballast"
It would seem that the word "ballast" has a negative connotation. What good is a product that does not give him the substances the body needs - no protein, no fat, no carbohydrates? It was long thought that the vegetable fiber did not need a man: in favor were carefully cleaned, refined products. It was the food of the rich people who choose for themselves the best.
But over time, doctors began to notice that the use of refined products have often backfired. Widely constipation and other digestive disorders, and obesity. In search of an explanation for this phenomenon scientists have paid attention to the fiber.
Foods containing fiber are usually low in calories, but it is not the main advantage of vegetable fibers. The human body can not absorb fat and therefore, these coarse fibers pass through the gastro-intestinal tract and excreted naturally.
So fiber stimulates peristalsis. Moreover, the fibers act like a brush, thoroughly cleaning the intestinal wall of accumulated sediment. Fiber absorbs and removes toxins and waste products. In addition, the soluble dietary fibers are converted into a kind of jelly, which is necessary for the life of useful bacteria found in the gastrointestinal tract.
Fiber comes in two forms - soluble and insoluble. Both of these varieties have their own characteristics.
Soluble fiber
Soluble fibers, as the name implies, can be dissolved in the water, becoming a jelly-like mass. This group includes resin, inulin and pectin. The resins have the ability to slow down the absorption of glucose. Pectin is capable of absorbing some of the material, and also slows the absorption of glucose. Inulin - a probiotic desired bacteria living in the intestine for normal operation.
Soluble fiber slows down the digestion of food. As a result, it eaten digested slowly, helping to prevent spikes in blood sugar
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. Furthermore, soluble fiber reduces cholesterol and neutralize toxins that can cause cancer.
Contains soluble fiber in plant foods. Her many legumes (beans, peas, lentils, beans), grains (rye, oats, barley) and in some fruits. Apples, quinces, peaches
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, Avocados, prunes, raisins, berries - products with high content of fiber.
Products with coarse fiber
Insoluble fiber in foods - a coarse plant fibers that can not dissolve in water. This group includes lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose. Upon contact with water, such fibers swell like a sponge, significantly increasing in volume. Thus the fiber increases the volume of intestinal contents and stimulates the bowels.
Fiber combats constipation and allows you to quickly remove the wastes, until they managed to poison the body.
According to some researchers, this property of cellulose makes it an effective tool for the prevention of many diseases, including very heavy.
What foods contain fiber of this kind? Cellulose much in the second grade wheat flour, all kinds of cabbage, bran, young green peas, cucumbers, peppers, berries and carrots. Hemicellulose is found in the bran, unrefined grains, cereals, beet. Other foods rich in fiber - is eggplant, green beans, radishes
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. Interestingly, most of the lignin contained in vegetables that are stored for a long time.
In what foods are high in fiber?
Fiber is found only in plant foods, so it is important to include in the diet of the maximum amount of fruit, vegetables and cereals. Fruits and vegetables as possible should be consumed in its raw form - during prolonged cooking can degrade cellulose. Apples, pears, peaches and other fruits is better not to clean - it is contained in the skin of the most crude fiber.
On the day a healthy person should eat 25 grams of fiber. Those seeking to lose weight, can increase the amount of fiber to 35 grams per day.
The champion on the content of dietary fiber - bran. 100 grams contains 44 grams of fiber. Much less vegetable fiber in almonds - 15%. The green peas - 12%. Followed wheat - 9, 6 grams of fat per 100 grams.
Other foods rich in fiber: whole grain bread (8, 5%), peanuts (8, 1%), beans (7%), raisins (6, 8%), lentils and fresh herbs (3, 8%), carrots broccoli (3%), white cabbage (2, 9%), apples and potatoes (2%).
Terms of use
Foods high in fiber in the diet should be administered with caution. If you dramatically increase the amount of food plant fibers, it can lead to indigestion, bloating and other unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, those who previously preferred refined foods, should increase the amount of fiber in your diet slowly.
At the use of fiber is very important to drink plenty of water and generally consume enough fluids. Otherwise beneficial effect on the body tissue is reduced.
Maria Bykov