How many calories in vodka - compare with other products

November 18, 2014

 how many calories in vodka
 How many calories in vodka can easily count - calorie content listed on the label. And if some people think that it is not high, it is very much mistaken: the more degrees of alcoholic drinks, the higher the calorie content. Drink 200 grams of vodka - it's the same thing to eat about 150 grams of a 20% cream or a piece of fat meat.


What is vodka

Vodka is composed of ethyl alcohol and purified water, is a colorless spirit drink with a specific taste and smell. Strength of vodka may vary from 40 -56 vol.% To 37 in Russia, 5 vol.% In the European countries.

The quality vodka contained nothing but made from food ethyl alcohol and water are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1, 38-1, 44, and thus attained the required concentration of alcohol in 40-45 °. In the cheaper grades contain different flavors of vodka and fusel oil. In some types of vodka added essences, syrups, essential oils, plant extracts, and so forth.


Vodka as a food product

Vodka - a food product, however, in the late 16th century, it was sold in pharmacies as a medicament. A special feature of any drugs is that they have a certain dose of a therapeutic effect, as an overdose - toxic. This fully applies to the vodka, the key word in the use of this product - moderation.

Like any other food, vodka has the energy value and considerable. This is the amount of energy that is produced in humans, using a 100 ml inside vodka. It is found that the greater the degree in the vodka, the more calories therein and which are indicated on the label.

The average calorie content of 100 grams of vodka is 224 kkakl. A lot or a little? Compare, in 100 g of the following products contain: fried chicken - 210 calories, fat boiled beef - 205 kcal, Ice Cream "Sundae" - 227 calories, chocolate - 532 kcal, 20% cream - 214 calories, 20% cream - 300 calories, boiled potatoes - 120 kcal, fresh tomatoes - 23 kkakl, fresh cucumbers - 15 kcal.

This means that when using 100 ml of vodka in the organism enters as many calories as in the use of 100 g of fatty meat.

Standard calorie 224 kcal characteristic of quality vodka "Russian", "Capital" and so on. Custom (220 to 254 kcal) also occurs frequently calorie: 220 kcal - vodka, "Graf Ledoff Light", 222 kcal - vodka "Finland", 235 kcal - vodka "Myagonkaya" 252 kcal - vodka "Sibalko."

Calories 100 g ml of other alcoholic beverages, "Stark" - 230, 8 kcal, brandy - 232 calories, wine 9-11% alc. - 80 kcal, beer - 37 kcal.


Vodka and Diet

Overweight - it is a problem of our time. It is believed that he was "guilty" in the development of a variety of diseases: diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
 , Ischemic heart disease Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know  Heart disease and heart attacks: that every woman should know
 , Venous diseases, etc. Finally, the extra weight - it is unfashionable and many women sit on every possible diets just to lose weight.

However, even a very strict diet is not always combined with the rejection of alcohol. Moreover, some diets do not reject the use of alcohol. But if we consider this question in detail, it turns out:

  • Vodka contains a lot of calories, and thus increases the daily caloric diet;
  • vodka stimulates the appetite, which can also significantly disrupt a diet;
  • Finally, the vodka slows down the central nervous system, clouding the consciousness and in this state is quite possible violation of the diet.

Do not use efficiently as during a diet low alcoholic beverages, such as beer. Despite the fact that 100 ml of beer contained only 37 kcal drink it in much larger quantities. So 500 ml bottle of beer contains 185 calories and two bottles - 370 calories (like a piece of beef fat).


Who should not use vodka

First of all spirits should not be used for people with cardiovascular disease, full-bodied. Especially dangerous is the vodka for those who have high blood pressure Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?  Blood pressure - dangerous if his swing?
   (BP): under its influence, first there is an expansion of blood vessels and lower blood pressure, and then narrowing them resistant and pressure rise.

Vodka is also contraindicated in ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - a short-term expansion of the blood vessels can cause bleeding, and their subsequent narrowing worsen the condition of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and exacerbate the disease.

In acute and chronic liver diseases vodka is also contraindicated, since alcohol is a poison for the liver cells.

Vodka - a calorie product, moreover, it may have some toxic effects on organs and tissues, so it is often consumed in large quantities is not recommended.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Calories

Folic acid - why her excess can be dangerous for your health?

August 12, 2013

 folic acid
 Folic acid is needed by the body during periods of rapid growth and reproduction of cells, for example, during pregnancy. It is known that cancer cells, for example, also use enzymes that are produced during the synthesis of folic acid. That is why people who undergo chemotherapy Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?  Chemotherapy - it always falls the hair?
 Often prescribe medications that block the activity of these enzymes, such as methotrexate. The important and crucial period of life - both during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as in the treatment of serious diseases, it is important to carefully adjust the dose of folic acid entering the body.

For several decades, doctors recommend that pregnant women take a higher dose of folic acid, or vitamin B9, to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in the development of the newborn, and block potentially harmful effects bisferola A. Today, pregnant women and those who are just planning the birth of a child in the future It offered a variety of food additives Food additives - basic classification  Food additives - basic classification
   and a multivitamin containing folic acid, as well as fortified foods, which contain this substance.

Folic acid is actually necessary for the normal development of the fetus, but its excess can cause health problems such as kidney malfunction and permanent damage to the nerve fibers. The results of the recently completed studies have shown that exposure of the fetus to excessive amounts of folic acid increases the risk of autism and asthma. It should be noted that the study was devoted to studying the effects of synthetic folic acid, which is a part of vitamin supplements. Natural folate Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate  Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate
   (or folate), which is found in green vegetables (especially a lot of it in the peas and spinach), citrus fruits and beans, has slightly different properties, although it is also useful for health.

Pregnant women are advised to consume 600 micrograms (or slightly more than half a milligram) of folic acid a day. In order to obtain an amount of the substance to eat, e.g., 1.5 cups enriched cereal grain. The following table shows the folic acid content in some foods (in micrograms).

Food product

ug folic acid

The percentage of the daily requirement

Braised beef liver, 85 g



Boiled spinach, ½ cup



Boiled beans, ½ cup



Fortified cereal, ½ cup



Cooked white rice, half a cup



Boiled asparagus stalk 4



Cooked whole grain spaghetti, ½ cup



Boiled Brussels sprouts, ½ cup



Lettuce, finely chopped 1 cup



Avocado, cut into slices, ½ cup



Fresh spinach, 1 cup



Boiled broccoli, ½ cup



Boiled green peas, ½ cup



Canned beans, ½ cup



White bread, 1 slice



Roasted peanuts, 30 g



Wheat germ, 2 tablespoons



Tomato juice, 3/4 cup



Crab meat, 85 g



Orange juice, 3/4 cup



Turnip greens, ½ cup



Orange small size



Fresh papaya, sliced, ½ cup



Banana medium size



Yeast, a quarter teaspoon



Eggs large, hard-boiled



Baked beans, ½ cup



Melon, sliced, 1 cup



Halibut, boiled or baked, 85 g



Milk, 1% fat, 1 cup



Ground beef, boiled or roasted, 85 g



Chicken breast, grilled, 85 g



Folic acid is not only reduces the risk of neural tube defects, but also protects against the harmful effects of bisphenol A, which may lead to problems with the reproductive system of the fetus as hypospadias and undescended testes. Bisphenol A can also cause abnormal development of mammary cancer. It remains questionable whether decreases adequate intake of folic acid, the probability of DNA damage, which in the future may lead to the development of breast cancer (these injuries also associated with exposure to BPA in utero).

However, folic acid in any case should not be abused. Many prenatal vitamins contain 100% (and more) recommended for pregnant women, the daily requirement of folic acid. Some vitamin supplements contain 1 mg of folic acid, which is significantly higher than the daily rate - 600 micrograms. We should not forget that prenatal vitamins are normally only addition to vitamins that a woman receives from the diet, so the total intake of folic acid can be several times the daily rate, which is likely to lead to health problems in the fetus.

Experts note that there is a clear link between the abuse of folic acid and the development of asthma and frequent upper respiratory tract infections in children younger than 18 months. Consumption of excessive doses of folic acid during the first trimester of pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of autism in children Autism in children: the warning signs  Autism in children: the warning signs

Article Tags:
  • folic acid
