Tsitrosept - fortifying agent

June 6, 2010

  • Tsitrosept - fortifying agent
  • Mechanism of action

 Tsitrosept - known representative of the category of dietary supplements, dietary supplements, the reception of which recommended not only as an adjunct in the treatment of any disease, but also as a bracing means. Medications tsitrosept can not be considered, although it is recommended to take it under certain conditions - rather, it is an effective dietary supplement that provides the body with the necessary dose of vitamin C.

 Tsitrosept - fortifying agent

What tsitrosept

In its pure form tsitrosept - is diluted grapefruit extract, which is obtained from the parts of the grapefruit, which are not used for food: bones, skin, partitions between slices of grapefruit. The resulting concentrated extract was diluted in glycerol Glycerine: a miracle ingredient for skin and hair  Glycerine: a miracle ingredient for skin and hair
   (tsitrosepte in the drop grapefruit extract content of not less than thirty percent). Since fresh grapefruit - it is one of the richest sources of vitamin C and fruit, have known antibacterial properties tsitrosept preserving useful properties of grapefruit, is considered to be an effective adjunct in the treatment of certain diseases provoked by harmful microorganisms and tonic means for receiving, for example, when vitamin deficiency .

 Tsitrosept - fortifying agent

Beneficial features

The main advantage of tsitrosepta - is its ability to neutralize the activity of harmful microorganisms, antibacterial and antiviral properties, "borrowed" from the drug grapefruit. The ability to suppress the activity of bacteria tsitrosepta is comparable with the ability to kill bacteria some of the most common antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 . Equally well tsitrosept acts bacterial infections provoked by staphylococcus, streptococcus, chlamydia Chlamydia: insidious and widespread disease  Chlamydia: insidious and widespread disease
 . Equally effective tsitrosept and for the most common viruses - such as viruses, influenza and provoke symptoms of herpes, unlike antibiotics, which in relation to viral infections useless. Thus tsitrosept, unlike antibiotics, acts selectively destroy only harmful bacteria and microflora without breaking the body - that is, without affecting the "good" bacteria. Finally, the active substance tsitrosepta help and fungal diseases - including inhibit the activity and proliferation of fungi genus candida albicans (Candida white) that provoke thrush (candidiasis).

 Tsitrosept - fortifying agent

Source of vitamins and minerals

Being an effective antibacterial and antiviral agent, tsitrosept has another important property - grapefruit extract, the main component of the drug, contains large amounts of vitamin C, a water-soluble vitamin, the need for which the organism is sufficiently large (ideally vitamin C is recommended to take daily). Vitamin C and flavonoids, organic compounds that contain grapefruit extract, help enhance the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
 Weakened by any illness.
  Indications for admission

First tsitrosept as a tonic and an antiviral agent indicated for all respiratory diseases - influenza, acute respiratory diseases, acute respiratory viral infections. Recommended dosage - twenty drops once a day for a few days before cold symptoms. In addition, taking tsitrosept in addition to antifungal drugs can be and all forms of candidiasis (thrush). Recommended dosage of such cases - fifteen drops twice a day (can be taken separately or stirring in a beaker of liquid).

 Tsitrosept - fortifying agent

The side effects and the risk of overdose

Since any synthetic compounds consisting tsitrosepta no risk of side effects even after prolonged use of this product is minimal. Almost impossible and overdose tsitroseptom - even the use of large amounts of the drug over a long period of time does not affect the normal microflora. In addition, tsitrosept considered hypoallergenic means - that is not able to provoke an allergic reaction.

Six nutrient for diabetics

April 24, 2012

 nutrients diabetics
 Diabetes and related complications are the fifth leading cause of death in the United States, and according to some medical research organizations, about a third of people with diabetes can not control blood sugar levels. People with diabetes do not control blood sugar levels Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health  Blood sugar - one of the main indicators of human health
 Are at increased risk of complications such as heart attack, stroke, acute renal failure, blindness and gangrene.

According to statistics, in patients with diabetes are two to four times higher risk of dying from a heart attack or stroke. In 80% of cases of diabetes is caused by the early death from cardiovascular diseases. But experts say that is not so hopeless with the help of some nutrients (and products containing them) diabetics can naturally regulate blood sugar Blood sugar - a very important indicator  Blood sugar - a very important indicator
 And all others - to reduce the risk of diabetes.

 Six nutrient for diabetics


French researchers found that selenium - an antioxidant contained in large amounts in nuts and liver, can protect us from diabetes. The study, published in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism, suggests that men with high levels of selenium in the blood of half the risk of developing dysglycemia than men with low levels of selenium. Dysglycemia - is an abnormal increase or decrease in plasma glucose concentration, which can lead to the development of diabetes. The recommended daily intake of selenium for adults is 55 micrograms. Selenium boosts immunity, and also serves to prevent complications of diabetes on the cardiovascular system and eyesight.

 Six nutrient for diabetics

Vitamin D

British researchers analyzed 28 studies that involved 99 795 people, and found that participants with high levels of vitamin D risk of diabetes of the second type was reduced by 55% compared with participants who have vitamin D levels remained low.

Sources of Vitamin D: sunshine (which is why it is sometimes called the "solar" vitamin) supplements and foods such as tuna and salmon. The recommended daily dose of vitamin D for adults under fifty years of age is 200 international units. For people aged 50 to 70 years, the recommended dose is 400 International Units, and the elderly over seventy should increase the dose to 600 international units a day.

Moreover, if you take vitamin D in childhood, it helps prevent the development of diabetes, which proved Finnish scientists. They studied a group of twelve thousand children born in 1966. In the period until 1997 diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   It was found in 81 study participants.

In the process of monitoring the children were divided into groups, depending on the reception of the vitamin. It turned out that its use in general reduces the risk of disease, but the most noticeable at high doses and regular admission. In such cases, the probability of disease is reduced by 80%. Contact vitamin D and diabetes confirmed by the example of Finland itself. In this country, the world's highest prevalence of diabetes of the first type (he often appears just as children) and sunlight (the main source of vitamin D) children there are sorely lacking.

 Six nutrient for diabetics

Vitamin K

A study of Dutch scientists with the participation of more than 38 000 people confirmed that increased levels of vitamin K in the body by 20% reduces the risk of diabetes of the second type (the study period was ten years). The recommended daily dose of vitamin K - 120 micrograms for men and 90 mcg for women. Vitamin K exists in two main forms: vitamin K-1 (found in green leafy vegetables and certain vegetable oils) and vitamin K-2 (found in foods of animal origin: meat, eggs and cheese).

 Six nutrient for diabetics


Numerous studies have shown that dietary supplements of chromium increases the absorption of insulin in the body. In some cases, regular intake of chromium even led to the normalization of blood glucose in diabetic patients.

A study conducted by American scientists showed that daily supplementation of chromium improves insulin sensitivity in patients with Type II diabetes. In the study participants taking chromium, there was an increase in insulin sensitivity by 8, 9%, and the participants who took the placebo Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis  Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis
 - 3, 6%.

Chromium is very necessary diabetes because it interacts with insulin, helping to regulate blood sugar, or glucose levels. Despite the fact that the obtained synthetic OTP, it is better to prefer natural chromium contained in the yeast - the richest source of it as more effective. In addition, biologically active chromium is in tomatoes, bulb onions, black pepper, calf liver and sprouted wheat.

 Six nutrient for diabetics

Alpha-lipoic acid

In several studies, the alpha-lipoic acid (essential fatty acid needed for energy metabolism of glucose) can regulate blood glucose levels in patients with Type II diabetes, as well as to reduce (or even eliminate!) The need for insulin in diabetics insulinzavisisyh. In Europe, alpha-lipoic acid for a long time use in treating diabetes to prevent side effects such as cataract and neuropathy, and to reduce the dosages of insulin for the treatment of insulin-dependent diabetes type.

Alpha-lipoic acid is called the "universal antioxidant" because it supports the action of other antioxidants (glutathione, vitamins C and E, ubiquinone). In addition, it provides the body with the energy needed for an active metabolism, removes heavy and toxic metals, strengthens the nervous and immune systems. The main source of alpha-lipoic acid - green vegetables, such as broccoli.

 Six nutrient for diabetics

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

Coenzyme Q-10 - a fat-soluble vitamin-like compound that is produced in the liver of any animal body, including a human. Studies have shown that intake of coenzyme Q-10 contributes to the normalization, and elevated levels of reducing sugars and ketone bodies in the blood (30%). The daily requirement of coenzyme Q10 is 30 mg. Natural sources of coenzyme Q10: fish, beef and other meat, and vegetables, and whole wheat grains.

Article Tags:
  • nutrition in diabetes
