Rh factor - still medical mystery

May 24, 2009

  • Rh factor - still medical mystery
  • The mechanism of rhesus

 Rhesus factor
 About Rh factor as medical problems today do not speak very often, and until the mid-20th century it was a major health problem. In particular, it is each year causes the death of tens or even hundreds of thousands of deaths of young children worldwide.

Rh factor - a genetic feature that relates to the presence of a certain protein on the surface of red blood cells. If this protein is, the Rh factor - is the most common - positive. In the absence of this protein in humans will have a negative Rh factor. Rh factor is absolutely no effect on human health, but it can have an impact on the pregnancy. If a woman has Rh-negative and the father of her child - positive during pregnancy, she may need special care. Rh factor is determined woman has during the first prenatal visit. This simple analysis does not require special preparation of the patient.

 Rh factor - still medical mystery

Historical note

In 1939, the work was first published, in which the mentioned hemolytic reaction due to blood transfusions, and the development and neonatal severe hemophilia Hemophilia - a rare, but the disease sign  Hemophilia - a rare, but the disease sign
 . The study found that the serum of a woman caused the bonding of red blood cells of blood about 80% of the subjects, even though their blood type matched. In 1940, another study suggests serum that caused agglutination of 85% of blood samples of different people.

A few years later it was identified D-antigen - the same protein, whereby the blood refers to the rhesus-positive. Soon Rh began to consider blood transfusion, as well as in the care of pregnant women. Now, with rare exceptions, people donated blood transfusions, which coincides with their own blood group Blood groups - what do you know yours?  Blood groups - what do you know yours?
   and Rh factor. However, for several years, it is widely practiced transfusion of Rh-negative blood to people with a positive Rh factor.

 Rh factor - still medical mystery


During pregnancy - or, more likely, during delivery, a small amount of the baby's blood can mix with the mother's blood. If the mother has a positive Rh factor, it is not a problem. However, if the mother has Rh-negative and the baby - is positive, the mother may develop antibodies to the D-antigen. During the first pregnancy that may not cause any problems, but if there are subsequent pregnancies, and the child will again Rh positive red blood cells may attack antibodies child. As a result, the child may develop severe anemia and other dangerous condition.

Blood tests for antibodies do twice during pregnancy - in the first trimester and after 28 weeks. If antibody production Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity  Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
   It does not start, the women injected with Rh immunoglobulin to prevent their production during the current pregnancy. If the baby is born Rh positive, soon after birth need another injection. As a rule, such injections are required during all subsequent pregnancies, as well as after the birth of children with a positive Rh factor. In addition, injections of Rh-immunoglobulin may be necessary after abortion Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?  Miscarriage - can you protect yourself from it?
 , Abortion, ectopic pregnancy, amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, bleeding and abdominal trauma during pregnancy.

If the analysis shows that antibody production has already begun, Rh immune globulin does not help. In this case, the state will closely monitor the child; if necessary, blood transfusions before birth through the umbilical cord, or immediately after birth.

With proper care can avoid serious problems that a few decades ago faced many women with Rh-negative.

Heparin ointment - applied with caution

May 20, 2010

  • Heparin ointment - applied with caution
  • Anticoagulants of direct action

 heparin ointment
 Substances that reduce blood clotting, are widely used in medicine to prevent blood clots and resorption already formed clots during surgery in patients with myocardial infarction Myocardial infarction - the most formidable diagnosis  Myocardial infarction - the most formidable diagnosis
   and in many other cases. These substances are called anticoagulants. They prevent the formation of fibrin - basic protein consisting of blood clots, and stop the growth of already formed clots. Anticoagulants can influence clot formation in different stages. Anticoagulants distinguish direct (substances that act directly on thrombin in blood) and indirect (which inhibit synthesis of substances responsible for blood clotting, such as prothrombin, in the liver).

 Heparin ointment - applied with caution

The mechanism of action of heparin

Heparin - is an anticoagulant having antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory action. It is used to prevent and treat thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism Thromboembolism: severe complications  Thromboembolism: severe complications
   and thromboembolic complications. This drug acts directly on the blood plasma, activating agents that enhance anticoagulant activity.

Heparin ointment - a combined preparation for external use, which is composed of heparin, benzocaine, and benzyl.

Gradually separated from the other components of the ointment, heparin is beginning to moderate anti-thrombotic and anti-inflammatory effect. It provides the resolution of existing and prevention of the formation of new blood clots. Benzocaine is a local anesthetic and relieves pain. Benzyl extends superficial blood vessels, improving the absorption of heparin. Heparin ointment applied topically for the affected limb caused by thrombophlebitis, thrombosis Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke  Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
 And when hemorrhoidal vein damage.

 Heparin ointment - applied with caution

Indications and contraindications to the use of heparin ointment

Heparin ointment can be used for the following problems:

  • Thrombophlebitis (blood clots and inflammation of venous walls, mostly in superficial veins).
  • Varicose veins and its complications, such as thrombosis and moving blood clots.
  • Thrombosis hemorrhoidal veins.
  • Post-traumatic hematoma, including muscles and tendons; joint injuries, including sprains and strains Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment  Dislocation - Prevention and Treatment
  • Sports injuries, edema.
  • Inflammation of veins after intravenous injection.

The dosage of heparin is chosen individually. It is necessary to take into account the patient's overall health.

Contraindications to the use of heparin ointment are:

  • Necrotizing processes in areas affected thrombophlebitis.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Thrombocytopenia - decrease in the level of platelets in the blood.
  • Increased sensitivity to heparin.
  • Heparin ointment should not be applied to open and festering wounds.

During pregnancy, the use of heparin ointment can only by prescription only under his supervision. During lactation the use of heparin ointment is considered safe, but it also needs to be used only on the advice of a physician.

 Heparin ointment - applied with caution

The use of heparin ointment

Heparin ointment applied light massaging movements, and a thin layer to the affected skin and the area around them 2-3 times a day. For the treatment of tumors of the injury need to apply the ointment up to ten days; inflammation in superficial veins - one or two weeks.

Thrombosis hemorrhoidal veins heparin ointment applied rectally. It should be used daily until the complete disappearance of symptoms. This occurs after an average of 3-14 days.

 Heparin ointment - applied with caution

Overdose and side effects

Symptoms of overdose of heparin may be bleeding; in this case it is necessary as soon as possible, seek medical help.

Side effects of heparin ointment may also be pruritus, urticaria and dermatitis.

As the high-molecular compound, heparin can cause gipersenzitivnye reaction. Patients undergoing such reactions before applying heparin ointment need to apply some ointment on a small area of ​​skin; If during the day signs gipersenzitivnoy reaction does not appear, the ointment can be used, otherwise the doctor should appoint another anticoagulant.
