Megaloblastic anemia: lack of B vitamins - Signs and Symptoms
November 25, 2011
- Megaloblastic anemia: lack of B vitamins
- Signs and symptoms
Signs and symptoms of megaloblastic anemia
Megaloblastic anemia occurs relatively slowly and can be malosimptomno. The main symptoms of anemia are nonspecific: weakness, pallor, fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness,
Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
, cardiopalmus. There are signs of glossitis
Glossitis - when it hurts language
- With areas of inflammation and atrophy of the papillae, "varnished" language possible enlargement of the spleen and liver. Gastric secretion is drastically reduced. When fibrogastroscopy revealed atrophy of the gastric mucosa, which is confirmed histologically. Observe and symptoms of the nervous system (funicular myelosis), which do not always correlate with the severity of anemia. At the heart of neurological manifestations is demyelination of nerve fibers. There distal paresthesia, peripheral polyneuropathy, sensitivity disorders, increased tendon reflexes.
Thus, for megaloblastic anemia characterized by:
- loss of blood;
- Involvement of the gastrointestinal tract;
- damage to the nervous system.
Complications megaloblastic anemia
Complications megaloblastic anemia are relatively few: Carcinoma
Carcinoma - how to prevent disaster?
stomach, gallbladder disease, gout, thrombosis
Thrombosis - the cause of heart attack and stroke
deep vein thrombosis, in rare cases - bleeding in the retina and the development of certain comorbidities.
Treatment of megaloblastic anemia
Specific treatment comprising the administration of hematopoietic cells in the required doses. Also assigned to receive vitamin B12 and folic acid at a dose of 5-15 mg per day orally (this dose provides a therapeutic effect even after resection of the small bowel, enteritis). Retikulotsitarny rise in 1, 5-2 weeks of treatment indicates a correct diagnosis. Prevention of megaloblastic anemia is administration of vitamin B12 and folic acid to persons who have had one of its deficiency and suffering from one of the conditions described above. Folic acid should be administered to pregnant women suffering from hemolytic anemia. In some cases, prescribe the reception of dilute hydrochloric acid after a meal.
Hypokalemia, when not enough potassium - Treatment and Prevention
November 25, 2011
- Hypokalemia, when potassium is missing
- Treatment and prevention
Methods of treatment of hypokalemia
Mild form of hypokalemia can be treated by taking oral supplements
Food additives - basic classification
Containing potassium. The level of potassium in the plasma than 3, 0 mmol / L, is not dangerous and is not of concern. Some of the foods rich in potassium, including fresh fruit (bananas, oranges, strawberries, avocados and apricots) and fresh vegetables (greens, mushrooms, peas, beets and tomatoes). It is also rich in potassium, beef, fish, turkey meat, orange, grapefruit and apricot juices.
Patients with serious shortages, potassium may be prescribed intravenously. In the case where potassium prescribed intravenously into the body it must come slowly. Potassium vein irritating and should be delivered at a rate of 10 mmol / l per hour. If potassium will come too quickly, it can cause cardiac excitability and trigger potentially dangerous ventricular tachycardia.
One type of hypokalemia can cause paralysis. This can occur when elevated levels of thyroid hormones in the blood. Such paralysis is called thyrotoxic periodic paralysis. In the treatment reduced the level of thyroid hormones and increases the level of potassium in the blood.
In rare cases, a patient may come a critical state. This can occur when the potassium from the plasma falls in red blood cells. This process dramatically reduces the level of potassium in the blood to 1, 0 mmol / l or below. As a result, it manifested muscle weakness, and the patient can not move. In such cases, treatment compensation potassium intravenously passes effective recovery occurs within 24 hours.
Potassium is required for cells, particularly nerve and muscle cells. Potassium should be ingested with food. It should be remembered that hypokalemia - is a metabolic disorder that occurs when the level of potassium in the blood become too low.
Thus, compliance with the rich in vitamins and trace elements balanced diet helps to prevent the lowering of the level of potassium. Foods high in potassium: bananas
Bananas: the benefits and harms health
Bran, Brussels sprouts, granola, kiwi, lima beans, milk, oranges, peaches
Peaches: benefits and harms of sun fruits
, Peanut butter, peas, beans and tomatoes.
Hemophilia: a normal life is possible - Can you play sports?
December 10, 2011
- Hemophilia: a normal life is possible
- How to deal with hemophilia
- Can I play sports?
Sports: is possible and necessary, but carefully
Often the parents of a child with hemophilia put it in almost sterile conditions, locking it in the four walls of the house, thereby protecting against all dangers of the world, limiting his physical activity. But this is a big mistake, then that motion, sport - they need everything, including such patients. Sport helps to make contact with your own body, to develop muscles, joints that will better withstand the bleeding that are possible.
But the sport need to choose wisely, for fear of injury. All kinds of physical activity, during which you can get hurt, of course, excluded. Of course, the boy is very hard to be banned from playing football together with their peers, but he needs to explain everything thoroughly to avoid serious consequences. Rugby, boxing, football, hockey - all this is not suitable for a child with hemophilia.
Instead, there is a wonderful sport that is very suitable for all, including hemophiliacs - swimming, in which the least risk of injury, dangerous for them. Swimming improves the overall muscle tone, helps reduce pain in the locomotor system related arthropathy, protects joints from injury, because the water pressure on them is reduced. Besides regular swimming lessons to help maintain normal weight, increase self-confidence.
Be careful - if you want to swim in hemophilia, living in a big city, beware of the pool in the clock with large concentrations of people. Despite the fact that the water in this case is useful to the body, avoid sports such as water polo, which increases the risk of injury.
In the holiday happy
Surely if you enter three times a week prepraty to enhance blood clotting, have overcome the idea that you are attached to the house and check out any long-term, and thus the holiday is not possible. But it is not. Of course, this is not easy, but not impossible, so if you want to take a trip - do it.
Choose a way to travel and destinations that are safe for you. It is strictly forbidden to indulge in a mountain walk - everything that is connected with the height is too dangerous. But you can go out of town, on the sea, to another city.
Before you leave, go to a doctor who is watching you, to warn him, ask for recommendations. Before you go abroad, definitely out medical insurance and have with you all the documents and medications that use. For an injection need a special camera that maintains the temperature at a predetermined level. Have on hand a stock of necessary funds that may be needed in case of bleeding.
The long road to a comfortable treatment
Over the past thirty years, science has made great progress, and now with hemophilia
Hemophilia - a rare, but the disease sign
It is much easier to maintain their health to be good, than it was before. But according to experts still have a long way to be. In the coming years it is planned to develop a method of therapy that would be more comfortable to patients, for example, the replacement is not always convenient and accessible injections into simple pill.
A complete cure of hemophilia is too early to say, but not impossible, especially when you consider how much progress has been made in the field of genetics in the last decade.