The rules of a blood test for children: for every age - its rate
February 10, 2011
- The rules of a blood test for children: for every age - its rate
- Changes in the composition
Sometimes the results of blood tests in children different from adults, as some values depend on the age, weight and other factors. In addition, the laboratory results can be in different forms. To understand the results of the analysis, it is necessary to know what indicators are normal.
- Check out the term for different types of blood. CBC - one of the most common types of analyzes. Normal values are: hematocrit - 30-40%, hemoglobin - 10-13 g / dL, white blood cells - 3 000-10 000 cells / platelets - 170 000-380 000 / mm3.
- Blood tests include blood glucose
Glucose: The energy source
This indicator is important when screening for diabetes. Normal glucose levels in children - 60-100 mg / Decl. Often, too, it is important to determine the level of cholesterol, which is a normal level for children - 80-200 mg / Decl.
- Determine electrolyte balance, which is important for blood and cell functioning. Normal values: Bicarbonate - 24-34 mmol / l, calcium - 8, 8-10, 4 mg / Decl chloro - 97-106 mmol / l, magnesium - 1, 3-2, 3 mg / Decl phosphates - 3 2-5, 7 mg / Decl, potassium - 3, 6-5, 2 mmol / l sodium - 135-144 mmol / l.
- To find out if it is working liver, look for bilirubin (norm - 0-1, 4 mg / Decl overall, 0-0, 4 mg / Decl direct) and ammonia (norm - 11-35 g / Decl).
- The work of the kidneys also can be assessed by a blood test. Normal levels of blood urea nitrogen - 5-18 mg / Decl, creatinine
Creatinine - will talk about the work of the kidneys
- At least 0, 5 mg / Decl.
- To be sure that you have correctly understood a blood test, consult your doctor. The results of different people can vary greatly and it is better if they would interpret the professional.
The normal white blood cell count in children
Human blood is made up of white blood cells (white blood cells), erythrocytes (red blood cells) and platelets. White blood cells - is the army, which is an infection and fights with them. In children, as in adults, the level of white blood cells can be understood as the body tries to fight the infection.
Newborn very high level of white blood cells in the blood. It usually ranges from 9,000 to 30,000.
After the first weeks of life, the level of white blood cells become normal for people - both for the child and adult. Normal for a healthy person of any age is considered to be the level of 4,000 to 10,800.
Lower level
Reduced white blood cell count is considered to be lower than 3500. The reason for its decline may have an infection in white blood cells which fight against die faster than the time to recover, as well as cancer, congenital and autoimmune diseases, and certain medications. A child with a low level of white blood cells can not be other signs of disease, but may be increased temperature. If you suspect that a child could fall the level of white blood cells (for example, this happened before) and had a fever, contact your doctor immediately.
Typically, if a child has an elevated level of leukocytes, it means that the organism produces "army" to fight infection. Elevated levels of white blood cells may also be associated with a disease of the bone marrow or the immune system, and may be a reaction to the drug. Typical childhood diseases in which increased levels of white blood cells - pertussis
This pest, pest whooping ...
and measles
Measles in children - may cause serious complications
. If a child has elevated levels of white blood cells, your doctor will prescribe further tests to determine the cause.
Why do I need analysis
Blood tests are usually made each year to the pediatrician could see that the baby is healthy and there are no hidden diseases. In addition to regular surveys, white blood cell count is checked to see if there are infectious or other diseases, and to establish how the treatment. If the white blood cell count has returned to normal performance, so the treatment was successful.
A blood test for hormones: a complex study
February 17, 2011
- A blood test for hormones: a complex study
- What do the tests
There are many different blood tests for hormones. They are used, for example, in the diagnosis of pregnancy, infertility treatment, for suspected thyroid disease
Thyroid disease - women at risk
, and so on. We'll talk about some of the varieties of the analysis on hormones.
Analysis of blood follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
This test is typically used to determine a woman's menopause occurred or not. As FSH levels rise when the ovaries begin to produce less estrogen, FSH levels increased more likely to say the approach of menopause.
It is normal FSH levels 3-20 mlU / ml.
If FSH levels consistently above 10-12 mlu / ml, this indicates the start of perimenopause - the initial stage of menopause, when it appears her physical symptoms, but the month has not yet ceased. Even higher levels of FSH - 30-40 mlU / ml means that menopause or indicating serious violations of ovarian function. Some women with such high levels of FSH are still menstruating but this result of analysis for this hormone indicates that the organism is no longer produce enough estrogen to maintain the function of the ovaries.
A blood test for levels of estrogen
When ovarian function declines, and decreases the level of estrogen in the blood. Reduced levels of estrogen in the blood can be a sign of both normal menopausal and early menopause.
Analysis for other ovarian hormones
Depending on your symptoms, the patient doctor may prescribe a blood test to other ovarian hormones: testosterone, progesterone and luteinizing hormone (LH).
Testosterone: recently in the diagnosis of various states of all women pay more attention to this hormone.
As increased and decreased testosterone levels in the blood may indicate various disorders, and the analysis results on the level of this hormone is necessary to take into account during the treatment.
Assays for progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
and LH are used for the diagnosis of menopause, early menopause, and various violations.
A blood test for thyroid hormones
The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate processes by which the body uses energy. Analysis on thyroid hormones to determine how well the thyroid gland, and to identify the various problems in the body.
Thyroid hormones are essential for normal brain development, especially during the first three years of life when the thyroid gland does not produce enough baby hormones (as happens in congenital hypothyroidism), it can develop mental retardation
Mental retardation - if the mind is underdeveloped
. Therefore, a blood test for thyroid hormones is of great importance.
Among these tests:
- A blood test for thyroxine (T4). Most of thyroxine
Thyroxine - the main thyroid hormone
(T4) in blood is related to a protein called thyroxine-binding globulin. Less than 1% of thyroxine is free. This analysis indicates the level of both free and bound thyroxine.
- A blood test for free thyroxine. It is free thyroxine has the greatest effect on various tissues in the body.
- Analysis on triiodothyronine (T3).
Blood test for cortisol
Blood test for cortisol can help to identify the various problems with the adrenal gland and the pituitary gland. The hormone cortisol is produced in the adrenal glands and has many important functions. For example, it helps the body to convert glucose into energy, and fats, as well as to cope with stress. On cortisol levels can affect a variety of factors, such as physical or psychological stress, infection or trauma. Normally, cortisol levels rise early in the morning, reaching a maximum of about seven in the morning and in the evening decreasing. If cortisol levels during the day does not change, this may indicate Cushing's syndrome, which is characterized by increased activity of the adrenal glands.