C-reactive protein, elevated - sign of inflammation or tissue damage

July 16, 2014

 C-reactive protein increased
 C-reactive protein increased - it is said that somewhere in the body there is inflammation or tissue necrosis occurred. C-reactive protein (CRP) is very sensitive to such changes. Therefore, in the biochemical analysis of blood is required to investigate the amount of CRP.


The reasons for the increased C-reactive protein

The blood plasma contains about 100 protein. They are formed mainly in the liver and serves to maintain the osmotic blood pressure that keeps it in water and salt. Thus, each protein has its own function.

CRP is also produced in the liver, a glycoprotein related to acute phase proteins of inflammation. Under the influence of various bioactive components of the blood increases the amount of CRP are already a few hours after the onset of inflammation, and by day CRP in the blood may exceed the rate (hole - 5 mg / l) in dozens of times, which is particularly clearly seen in bacterial infections.

C-reactive protein levels are also increased necrosis of tissues, including myocardial infarction Myocardial infarction - the most formidable diagnosis  Myocardial infarction - the most formidable diagnosis
   and tumor lysis. Furthermore, recent studies found that CRP levels may be a marker of atherosclerotic lesion blood vessels, since the development of the last one of the key roles is played indolent inflammation in vascular walls. Damage to the walls of blood vessels and the development of the inflammatory process associated with increased CRP levels, contribute to obesity, smoking and diabetes Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease

Even a small increase of CRP in the blood can clearly reflect the activity of the inflammatory process in the walls of blood vessels and is a reliable sign of atherosclerosis.

It is proved that in patients with high CRP and normal content of low density lipoprotein (LDL - that contribute to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels) the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD), hypertension, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases is higher than in those with normal CRP and high levels of LDL.

In patients with ischemic heart disease high levels of CRP is a poor prognostic sign and says the risk of another heart attack, stroke Stroke - a serious brain injury  Stroke - a serious brain injury
 , Development of restenosis after coronary artery bypass surgery, and so forth.


Increased reactive protein in the blood - what does this mean?

Elevated levels of CRP in the blood may indicate:

  • of migrated acute infections, mainly bacterial;
  • exacerbation of chronic infection and inflammatory or allergic diseases, as well as the presence of chronic smoldering inflammation, for example in the walls of blood vessels;
  • of tissue damage, for example by necrosis (myocardial infarction), trauma, burns, frostbite, surgery;
  • the decay of cancer Malignant tumor: cells are mad  Malignant tumor: cells are mad
  • about high blood pressure;
  • of a endocrine pathology, e.g., diabetes, obesity; elevated blood level of the female sex hormones;
  • abuse lipid metabolism and the tendency to the development of atherosclerosis;
  • the frequent smoking.

On the test results can affect several factors. Thus, elevated C-reactive protein in the blood can be raised against the background of pregnancy, significant physical activity, hormonal contraceptives.

CRP levels in the blood can be lowered while taking certain medications (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticoids, beta-blockers).


Which diseases and states are exploring the content of CRP in the blood

Several decades ago, CRP was administered mainly for detection of latent inflammation. Today, CRP is a marker of the risk of cardiovascular disease, including in healthy people, especially the elderly.

Examine the content of CRP in the blood and in ischemic heart disease and other diseases that develop on the background of atherosclerosis. This allows you to predict possible complications and to take timely action for the treatment of such patients.

Of great importance is the study of CRP in the blood after surgical treatment of coronary artery disease, such as bypass surgery. Analysis allows time to grasp the risk of postoperative complications of recurrent myocardial infarction, stroke and so on.


Treating high C-reactive protein

How elevated C-reactive protein in the blood, and whether it should be "treated", the doctor will determine. High or low blood levels of CRP is not a disease, it suggests the possible presence of some pathology. Which it determines the physician on the basis of the interview and examination of the patient, as well as other additional survey data. The revealed pathology to be treated.

Galina Romanenko

Complete blood count how to understand why taking blood from a finger

March 3, 2011

  • Complete blood count how to understand why taking blood from a finger
  • Indicators of red blood cells

 general blood analysis
 Complete blood count - it is a very common test. It makes a lot of patients to assess the general state of health, as well as suspicions of various diseases - to clarify the diagnosis. In addition, the CBC can do regularly to keep track of how the patient at one time or another type of therapy.

For example, if a common blood test shows a high level of white blood cells, your doctor will suggest that the patient has an infection and use to further diagnose appropriate methods. Reduction of erythrocytes indicates the various types of anemia and low platelet count could be indicative of disorders related to the operation of the bone marrow, such as leukemia.

Complete blood count - it's actually a group of tests that measure various parameters:

  • The number of white blood cells - white blood cells; It is determined by the number of white blood cells in a specific volume of blood.
  • The differential analysis of white blood cells to determine the number of white blood cells of five types: neutrophils Neutrophils - protect against infection  Neutrophils - protect against infection
 , Lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils.
  • The number of red blood cells; CBC shows the level of red blood cells. Deviations from the norm of this parameter in either direction may indicate a variety of disorders.
  • The level of hemoglobin in the blood - shows the amount of hemoglobin in a certain volume of blood.
  • Hematocrit shows the percentage of red blood cells in a specific volume of whole blood.
  • Platelets - shows the platelet count in a given volume of blood. Low or high levels of platelets is typical for a variety of disorders associated with blood clotting. The average volume of platelets - a measure of the average size of platelets. New platelets are larger, and the increased rate of platelet average volume speaks about the accelerated development of platelets. This indicator gives the doctor important information about the production of platelets in the bone marrow.
  • Mean corpuscular volume shows an average size of erythrocytes. Exceeding the norm characteristic, such as anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency Vitamin B12: saves from anemia  Vitamin B12: saves from anemia
 . Reducing the average hematocrit can be observed in iron-deficiency anemia Iron deficiency anemia: how dangerous it is?  Iron deficiency anemia: how dangerous it is?
   or thalassemia.
  • The average content of hemoglobin in red blood cells - an indicator of the average amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells.
  • The average concentration of hemoglobin indicates what percentage of the volume of red blood cell hemoglobin takes.
  • The width of the distribution of red blood cells is a calculation of the size of the fluctuations of red blood cells. In some types of anemia, such as pernicious anemia, this ratio is significantly increased.

As part of a general analysis of blood Blood tests: a mirror of health  Blood tests: a mirror of health
   also determine the erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

Normal parameters in adult men erythrocyte sedimentation rate is 8 mm / hr for women - 12 mm / h.

ESR can be increased in various infectious and / or inflammatory diseases, liver kidney, endocrine disorders, cancer, fractures, as well as during pregnancy or after surgery. ESR can be elevated due to disturbances such as hyperbilirubinemia, erythremia, and so on.

Today, for general blood test commonly used hematology analyzers - automatic or semi-automatic.
