Decreased hemoglobin - what can threaten iron deficiency anemia
June 14th, 2009
- Decreased hemoglobin - what can threaten iron deficiency anemia
- How does a lack of
Hemoglobin - a protein that leads into the red blood cells. It is rich in iron, and its main function is to transport oxygen to the various parts of the body. The molecules tested hemoglobin oxygenation and form unstable compounds called oxyhemoglobin.
When oxyhemoglobin reaches a region of low oxygen concentration and high carbon dioxide content, it releases oxygen and binds carbon dioxide. The normal level of hemoglobin in men is 13, 5-16 g per 100 ml of blood, women - 12-15, 5 Low hemoglobin was observed in different people, regardless of their age and sex, but most often it occurs in children, pregnant women and athletes.
Causes of low hemoglobin
The main reason for reduced hemoglobin is a lack of iron in the body because iron is needed to produce hemoglobin. Iron deficiency can be caused by malnutrition or impaired absorption of certain vitamins in the body.
Some genetic disorders such as thalassemia and sickle cell anemia, also can cause low hemoglobin. Finally, a low hemoglobin level is often observed in people with a history of alcoholism.
If the hemoglobin level is only slightly below normal, a person may not notice any symptoms. A significant decrease in hemoglobin level may be accompanied by symptoms such as fatigue, headache, dizziness
Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
, Fatigue, weakening of concentration.
Among the more rare symptoms: swelling of the limbs (usually the legs), prolonged heartburn, bruising and hemorrhaging even for very minor injuries, increased sweating, vomiting and blood in the stool.
External symptoms of low hemoglobin may be pale skin, nail bed and gums. Since the reduced hemoglobin deteriorates oxygen supply to the tissues of the body, shortness of breath may occur. To compensate for the lack of oxygen, the heart begins to work harder, which sometimes leads to increased heart rate and pain in the heart; decreased hemoglobin can lead to a deterioration of people with heart disease.
In the most severe cases, low levels of hemoglobin increases and heart failure
Heart failure - when the heart is unable to cope with the work
Reduced hemoglobin at the child in the first years of life if left untreated can lead to neurodevelopmental conditions.
These children often observed learning disabilities and behavioral problems; In addition, they are more susceptible to poisoning others.
Diagnosis Treatment
Many people noticed at the symptoms of low hemoglobin, start to treat this violation alone. Ideally, you should do a blood test
Blood tests: a mirror of health
To identify other potential problems. However, in any case, for the treatment of reduced hemoglobin is used, as a rule, dietary supplements
Food additives - basic classification
iron, and change in diet. The dosage of iron-containing products should be administered depending on the patient's condition.
It is recommended to seek medical attention, if only because only he can accurately prescribe you a dose of drugs that you use for treatment.
In addition, you must include in your diet foods rich in iron. These include, first of all, meat and greens, legumes, grains, dried apricots and raisins.
Despite treatment, hemoglobin level does not rise immediately. Usually, it comes back to normal a few months later, however, the main symptoms of low hemoglobin are much earlier.
The rate of uric acid in the blood - the importance of correct concentration
November 29, 2014
Uric acid - a substance that is formed when the body breaks down chemicals called purines. Purines are found in many foods and beverages, such as the liver, anchovy, mackerel, beans and peas, beer. What is the rate of uric acid in the blood, and can talk about high and low concentration of this substance?
Most uric acid dissolves in blood, and then enters into the kidneys and excreted in the urine. In some cases, however, the body produces too much uric acid, or may not display it quickly enough. This can cause various health problems.
When the analysis is assigned to the level of uric acid in the blood?
As a rule, such an analysis is prescribed for gout is suspected, and some kidney diseases. Your doctor may also recommend to do this analysis, if the patient was treated by some potent medicines and / or it has sharply decreased weight.
What is the rate of uric acid in the blood?
In the normal adult male concentration of uric acid in the blood is from 3.4 to 7 mg / dL in adult women - from 2.4 to 6 mg / dl. The rate for children - 2-5.5 mg / dl. The crystals of uric acid in the joints (which is typical for gout) can be formed even if its level is lower than 7 mg / dl.
What are deviations from the norm?
The level of uric acid in the blood may depend on the individual. Thus, some otherwise healthy people its concentration is normally somewhat higher (or lower) than that of most of the members of the same age group. In many cases, however, too high or low levels of uric acid is a sign of certain health problems.
Elevated levels of uric acid in the blood can indicate the following violations:
- Acidosis
- Alcoholism
- Diabetes
- Podagra
The most characteristic symptom of this disease is severe, sudden pain in one or more joints. Most often there is pain in the joints
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big toes. In many patients, the symptoms of gout occur at night, even though it can occur at any time of the day. Other possible symptoms of gout: an extremely high sensitivity of the joints of patients, so that any touching them causes pain, swelling and inflammation in the joints, reddish, shiny skin on the surface of the patient's joint, peeling skin and severe itching. In severe cases, patients with gout becomes hard to walk, and even a little pressure - for example, when a person is covered by a blanket - causes severe pain.
- Hypoparathyroidism - a disease that affects the parathyroid glands
There are four, and they are located next to the thyroid gland. These glands help control calcium use by the body. When hypoparathyroidism parathyroid hormone levels become too low, the level of calcium in the blood is reduced, and the concentration of phosphorus increases. The most common cause of damage is hypoparathyroidism parathyroid glands during surgical operations. Sometimes the development of the disease results in the treatment of hyperthyroidism with radioactive iodine, too low magnesium in the blood and autoimmune disorders. The symptoms of hypoparathyroidism may be abdominal pain, brittle nails, cataracts
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, Dry hair
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, Dry and flaky skin, muscle spasms, pain in the legs, painful menstruation, tingling in the lips, fingers and toes, problems with tooth enamel (in children).
Symptoms of lead poisoning can be a pain and abdominal cramps, aggressive behavior, anemia, constipation, sleep problems, headaches, irritability, poor appetite, tiredness. Especially dangerous is lead poisoning for young children, and the younger the child is, the more dangerous it is. Exposure to lead can lead to problems with behavior and concentration, poor learning disabilities, hearing problems, kidney damage, stunted growth. With a very strong lead poisoning in both children and adults may experience symptoms such as vomiting, uncertain, stumbling gait, muscle weakness, convulsions and coma.
If elevated levels of uric acid in the blood caused by kidney stones, the patient may experience symptoms such as blood in the urine, chills, fever, nausea, vomiting, pain in the left or right side waist pain in the groin or testes.
It is a malignant disease that affects the bone marrow, which leads to an increase in the number of blood cells, the most - erythrocytes. It is a rare disease that is more common in men than in women and is most common in people older than forty years. Its symptoms include: shortness of breath when a person is in a horizontal position, dizziness, feeling of pressure in the left upper abdomen (due to an enlarged spleen), headache, itching, especially after a warm bath or shower, redness of the skin - often on the face, shortness of breath, bluish color of the skin, fatigue, vision problems.
- Abuse of products with a high concentration of purines
- Renal failure
A dangerous disorder that can lead to serious health consequences. Among its symptoms - the presence of blood in the stool, bad breath, metallic taste in mouth, change in mental status or mood swings, loss of appetite, decreased sensitivity of the hands and feet, fatigue, hand tremors, increased blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, which may continue for several days, epistaxis, hiccups last for a long time, seizures, shortness of breath, swelling, problems with urination.
The level of uric acid in the blood below normal may be a sign of the following violations:
- Fanconi syndrome - a congenital disorder that affects the functioning of the renal tubules. In this disease, a number of substances that normally should fall from the kidneys into the bloodstream, instead excreted in the urine. Sometimes this disorder occurs in adults, for example, as a result of certain medications, renal transplant, undergoing multiple myeloma or primary amyloidosis. Signs of Fanconi's syndrome are usually pain and aching in the bones weak and very intense urination, which can cause dehydration;
- Wilson's disease - an inherited disorder in which the body can not properly process the copper, and it accumulates in the body in very large quantities. Excess copper causes damage to the liver and nervous system. Wilson's disease is rare; If both parents have genes on the inheritance of the disease, the likelihood that it will develop in a child with each pregnancy is 25%. Wilson disease symptoms are shortness of the movement of hands and feet, abnormal position of the limbs, difficulty walking, emotional and behavioral problems, speech problems, weakness, tremor of the extremities, involuntary movements, the presence of blood in vomit;
- Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion, or the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone. It is a rare disorder in which the body produces insufficient amounts of the hormone, which helps control the output of fluid through the kidneys. The syndrome Parhona a decrease in sodium levels in the blood - hyponatremia. Most often it is a violation of people diagnosed with heart failure or brain injuries that affect the hypothalamus. Other causes of the syndrome can be Parhona: lung cancer, encephalitis, meningitis
Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
, Brain tumors, Guillain - Barre syndrome, deficiency of thyroid hormone or parathyroid. The most common symptoms of the disease - nausea, vomiting, convulsions, tremor, depression, memory problems, confusion, in some cases - hallucinations and coma.