Symptoms of leukemia can occur abruptly, suddenly, and can - slowly, imperceptibly. Therefore distinguish between acute and chronic leukemia. Today learned to treat leukemia, and most people recover after treatment. Of great importance is the timely detection of the disease and the time assigned to adequate treatment.
Leukemia and its species
Leukemia (leukemia, leukemia, blood cancer) - a tumor disease of the blood that affects the white blood cells - white blood cells - they do not ripen until the end, and called blasts. And since white blood cells protect the body from infection, the first symptoms of leukemia are frequent infections. Blasts fills the circulatory system, the internal organs. This leads to the fact that developing increased bleeding, anemia, disturbed function of the affected organs.
The causes of leukemia are still not completely understood. But I think that has a value of exposure to ionizing radiation, certain chemicals, viruses, and genetic predisposition of the body.
Leukemia can be acute or chronic. In acute leukemia, blood leukocytes predominate during the early stages of maturation. In chronic leukemia, the blood can be detected in leukocytes at different stages of maturation, including the later, and normal leukocytes. Leukemia is also divided, depending on what kind of leukocytes amazed - granular (granulocytes) and lymphocytes:
- acute myeloid leukemia (acute myelogenous leukemia) - AML with the growth mieloblastov - precursors of granulocytes;
- acute lymphoblastic leukemia (acute lymphocytic leukemia) - ALL blasts with the growth of lymphocytes;
- chronic myelogenous leukemia - CML;
- chronic lymphocytic leukemia - CLL.
Symptoms of acute leukemia
In adults, more likely to develop acute myeloid leukemia (AML). The disease begins in different ways. But more often the first signs are prolonged fever, malaise, weakness, shortness of breath, pain in the bones and muscles.
Sometimes the disease begins acutely, with a sore throat, sore throat. In other cases, the beginning of the imperceptible, and leukemia or accidentally discover during the examination, or at an advanced stage.
Since acute myeloid leukemia bone marrow is completely "blocked" myeloblasts do not mature, not only leukocytes but also the red blood cells (erythrocytes) and are responsible for blood clotting platelets. Due to the lack of mature white blood cells that protect the body against infection, patients develop frequent infections, purulent-septic complications.
Pale skin, increasing weakness, dizziness
Dizziness - if the ground is slipping from under his feet
, Shortness of breath, lack of appetite - a consequence of the lack of content in the blood erythrocytes. And increased bleeding, the appearance of the skin point and larger hemorrhages, bleeding gums
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, Nose bleeds, prolonged menstrual and intermenstrual bleeding in women - a consequence of the lack of content in the blood platelets.
Symptoms of leukemia in adults is often manifested in the form of infectious and necrotizing complications on the skin and mucous membranes. This festering in the field of injection, boils
Boils and carbuncles - will warm compress
Abscesses, cellulitis, necrotic lesions of the gums, sore throat
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, Ulcerative necrotic lesions of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract, upper respiratory tract and upper respiratory tract, and so on.
Lymph nodes and the liver in the acute myeloid leukemia in adults is rarely increased. But the spleen is enlarged in most cases.
The current acute myeloid leukemia progresses, the prognosis depends mainly on how quickly growing content myeloblasts in the blood. If the disease is detected and treated promptly, the prognosis is favorable in most cases.
As revealed acute myeloid leukemia
The diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia established on the basis of laboratory tests of blood and bone marrow. In the blood revealed a large number of immature white blood cells, as well as signs of anemia (lack of red blood cells) and reduced blood clotting due to a lack of platelets.
To study the bone marrow by means of a puncture of the sternum punctate is taken and examined under a microscope. The punctate revealed a large number of myeloblasts and reduced the number of cells - the precursors of red blood cells and platelets.
The symptoms of leukemia are usually first of a general nature, they are similar to the symptoms of many other diseases. It is important to promptly seek medical care, to conduct laboratory testing of blood and its results - the necessary treatment.
Galina Romanenko