Valerian and its beneficial properties: calm, just calm

September 9, 2010

 Valerian - this is probably the most well-known and common sedative. And the popularity of valerian deserved: a sufficiently pronounced soothing properties, it almost has side effects. Therefore, despite the availability of highly sedative medications, valerian is still one of the most popular tools.

 Valerian and its beneficial properties: calm, just calm

The botanical characteristics of valerian

Valerian - a perennial herb valerian family with short rhizome and school trunk, reaching two meters in height. Roots have expressed a specific smell of valerian. Valerian Leaves oval-ovate, pinnate, located opposite each other. The flowers are white and pink, small, gathered in large inflorescences. Flowers in June - August, the fruits (achene oblong) ripen in August - September.

In the wild valerian prevalent in most parts of Russia. It grows in the middle of Russia, the Urals, Siberia, the Far East, in the North Caucasus. It likes moist soil, so often grows on the banks of rivers and lakes. Cultivated as a medicinal plant.

 Valerian and its beneficial properties: calm, just calm

The chemical composition of valerian and its effect on the human body

As a medicinal raw material used valerian roots. Collected fall or early spring, peeled, obmytye and dried roots contain essential oil Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?  Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?
   (the main part of which constitute ester borneol and isovaleric acid), free valeric acid, borneol, organic acids (including isovaleric, has antispasmodic, ie, relieving muscle spasm, action), alkaloids (Valerín and hatenin), tannins, sugars and others.

Valerian preparations are widely used as a sedative (anxiolytic) agents. They reduce the excitability of the central nervous system, enhance the effect of hypnotics, have antispasmodic properties.

 Valerian and its beneficial properties: calm, just calm

Which diseases using drugs valerian

Despite the presence of more modern sedatives - tranquilizers, valerian continues to be widely used in medical practice in various neurotic conditions.

Drugs used valerian as a sedative for nervous agitation, insomnia, nervousness (including signs of disorders of the cardiovascular system). Valerian capable slightly lower blood pressure, so it drugs effective in the early stages of hypertension.

Preparations of valerian is prescribed for a variety of endocrine disorders. Thus, at an elevated thyroid The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
   Valerian relieves anxiety, lowers blood pressure. During the menstrual cycle (premenstrual syndrome, menopause, etc.), these drugs contribute to the normalization of hormonal levels.

Preparations of valerian has antispasmodic properties, so appointed for pain and spasms in the gastrointestinal tract (eg, gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Symptoms and Treatment  Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Symptoms and Treatment
   and biliary tract, and so on), often in combination with other sedatives. Valerian root has a mild laxative effect, so it is prescribed for constipation, especially spastic nature (associated with spasm of the muscles of the intestine).

Normalizing the central nervous system, valerian restores appetite, has a restorative effect (also strengthens the immune system), activates the external glands (stomach, pancreas, etc.) and internal (thyroid, gonads, pituitary) secretion.

Good tolerance and lack of serious side effects allow the use of valerian in the treatment of almost all diseases, especially in the elderly. It is very important that, unlike tranquilizers valerian is not addictive, psychological and physical dependence.

 Valerian and its beneficial properties: calm, just calm

Medications of valerian

The pharmacy you can buy valerian rhizomes with roots in the form of minced raw, bricks, divided into slices of chopped raw, valerian tincture, valerian tablets, coated tablets.

At home, valerian root tincture can be prepared. To do this, a tablespoon of dry powdered valerian root to be placed in an enamel bowl, pour a glass of boiling water, cover and heat on a boiling water bath Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures  Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures
   15 minutes. After this infusion to cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, strain, wring out and bring the number of infusions to the original level, topping it with boiled water and take a tablespoon three times a day.

Valerian - is a plant that is always in demand.

Galina Romanenko

Geranium in folk medicine from the indoor flower to nose stork

December 5, 2010

 geranium traditional medicine
 Geranium or cranesbill, flower room, which represented the middle-class life of the beginning of XX century. This plant has more than three hundred species found around the world, it is growing even in the tropical mountains. His unusual name was a flower because of the similarity to the fruit geranium beak crane. In folk medicine the plant is used in neuralgia, otitis, rhinitis, and a whole spectrum of diseases of internal organs.

 Geranium in folk medicine from the indoor flower to nose stork

Botanical plant passport, the use and application of

Geranium in Greek «geranion» or «geranios» means "crane". In the US and the UK plant is called "geranium» (Cranesbill), Germany - "aistinym nose» (Storchschnäbel). The flower of the family belongs to the genus Geranium, only there are more than 300 species growing in Russia only forty. Propagated plant seeds and vegetative, flowering period of twenty to forty days. Most medicinal properties has Geranium sanguineum.

The roots of geranium contain phenols, buds, flowers and leaves - tannins, carbohydrates, vitamins, flavonoids, essential oils. Apply geranium as an astringent for intestinal disorders, women's diseases, disease, lupus, respiratory infections, rheumatism Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart  Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart
 , Epilepsy, insomnia.

 Geranium in folk medicine from the indoor flower to nose stork

Traditional methods of treatment geraniums

Geranium - a real family doctor, because in so many diseases provides invaluable assistance body healthy without pills. The easiest way to get rid of the common cold - wet wool fresh juice of the leaves of plants in a few minutes periodically to breathe the scent of the bright. Young leaves of indoor flower helps with intestinal disorders and diseases of the kidneys, because they have strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. To get rid of diarrhea, it is enough to wash some fresh sheets and just chew them.

In the event of an attack or a nervous tic intercostal neuralgia young geranium leaves put on a linen cloth and pribintovyvayut greenery to the sore spot, tied on top of a warm scarf or handkerchief. Change the bandage at the latest every thirty minutes to complete disappearance of pain. This usually occurs within an hour or two.

A very effective infusion of geranium in the deposition of salts The deposition of salts - a disease of old men?  The deposition of salts - a disease of old men?
   and osteochondrosis. To do this, take twenty grams of flowers and geranium leaves, insist on a water bath Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures  Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures
   ten or fifteen minutes, cooled, filtered, diluted with water to 200 ml. Take the infusion of two tablespoons 2-3 times a day.

From flowers geranium finished cosmetic ice: frozen fresh blossoms, filling them with clean water molds for ice. Recommended for wrinkles and refresh the complexion for women forty and older. When a toothache Toothache - itself does not take place  Toothache - itself does not take place
   enough to put on the cheek of a young leaf geranium.

The fresh juice of the plant is used in various diseases of the ears. Often in folk medicine used simple method of treatment: pure geranium leaf rolled up tube and put on a night in a sore ear. Bites of snakes, scorpions and other insects well help infusions, decoctions and preparations geranium. Corns and calluses effectively reduce a poultice of fresh grass plants.

Infusion of flowers geranium is prepared and added to the bath to soften the itching skin diseases, eczema, scabies, ulcers. The infusion of the roots is used internally for cardiovascular diseases, to lower blood pressure. Externally a decoction is used as a lotion on the different types of ulcers, carbuncles, boils and phlegmon, abscesses.

 Geranium in folk medicine from the indoor flower to nose stork

It is interesting

In the old tale of Samuel Marshak (1887-1964) "Cat House" is an interesting dialogue goats "- Listen, you fool, stop eating the host's geranium / - You try very tasty, like a cabbage leaf chew." This fun skirmish funny characters reflects the true essence of geranium - flower nature has created not only for beauty, he is good, heals and restores power.

Geranium helps keep pets clean and saves them from ticks. It's enough to lay a piece of sheet plants in the ear cat or dog. If the fur of pets rub fresh juice geranium, it will always be shiny and thick. The procedure can be carried out not more than once per quarter. Amazing plant family doctor lives next door to us - and the pain will heal, and bring the beauty of the house.

Jeanne Pyatirikova
