Rowan and its healing properties - restores power

January 21, 2010

 Rowan - a plant that is always much appreciated in Russia. About rowan evolved songs, fairy tales, its fruits have always been considered therapeutic. During the long winter months, it is the fruit of rowan Russian people saved from lack of vitamins and downs immunity protects them from severe infections.

 Rowan and its healing properties - restores power

How and where to grow rowan

Rowan is a family rozovotsvetnyh (to the same family are dog rose, apricot, quince, apple, hawthorn, etc.). Rowan - a tree with round or egg-shaped crown and smooth gray-black bark on the trunks of mature trees covered with cracks. Young shoots pubescent at first, then bare shiny, brown color, covered with lenticels. The leaves are alternate, non-paired, with ten to fifteen elongated leaves, serrate, dark-green, dull, below pubescent, bluish. Flowers white, fragrant, clustered at the ends of branches in the dense inflorescence (flowering in May-June). The fruit - bright orange-red berries ripen in September-October.

Rowan is found in different types of forests: in alder, deciduous, mixed, pine, fir - on the fringes, glades, on the waterfront in the North Caucasus, central Russia, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East.

 Rowan and its healing properties - restores power

How to collect medicinal raw materials from a mountain ash

Medicinal raw materials rowan are primarily fruit, then flowers and sometimes leaves.

The flowers are harvested in early bloom, and the whole inflorescence is cut and dried in the shade, in well ventilated areas, after drying, they become a creamy white color.

Only ripe fruits are harvested (after the first frost in September-November), when they are not yellow, and red, tearing whole seed heads. They are laid out in thin layers and dried at a temperature not exceeding 60 ° C. Dried fruits shrivel and become red-orange or red-brown color, moderate luster, slightly tart flavor and a bitter-sour taste.

 Rowan and its healing properties - restores power

What good is contained in the fruits of mountain ash

The fruits of mountain ash contains organic acids (malic, citric, succinic, tartaric), sugar, a small amount of tannin, traces of essential oil Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?  Essential oils and conception: can help the roses?
 , Carotene (a vitamin A precursor), ascorbic acid, vitamin E, flavonoids, mineral salts, bitter substances, alcohols and some other substances.

The fruits of mountain ash have diuretic, mild laxative, hemostatic, astringent, choleretic and protivodizenteriynoe action, as well as help to restore immunity.

 Rowan and its healing properties - restores power

Under what conditions apply

The fruits of mountain ash are well regain strength after an illness (including post-infection), and restore the body's defenses (immune system), treat diseases associated with vitamin deficiency (eg scurvy), anemia. The fruits of mountain ash contribute to the normalization of stools in dysentery and diarrhea in the restoration of impaired water-salt metabolism, reduce bile stasis in diseases of the biliary tract.

Moreover, infusions and decoctions of mountain ash is used for high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, rheumatism Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart  Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart
 , Menstrual disorders (including those with frequent bleeding) hemorrhoids. As a light diuretic mountain ash is used in inflammatory diseases of the kidneys (pyelonephritis) and urinary tract (eg, inflammation of the bladder Urinary bladder - structure and function  Urinary bladder - structure and function
   - Cystitis). Rowan is a part of some of the charges, which are used in gastritis with decreased secretion and gastric acidity.

It is not necessary to use extracts of mountain ash in the propensity to diarrhea - which may worsen the condition.

 Rowan and its healing properties - restores power

How to prepare medicines from Rowan

From Rowan prepare various medicines and vitamin funds:

  • infusion of the fruits of mountain ash: 10 g of dried fruits of mountain ash put in an enamel bowl, pour a glass of cold water, close lid and heated in boiling water bath Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures  Sauna and health: the benefits and harms of bath procedures
   Fifteen minutes, cool, strain, wring out and bring to a volume of 200 ml; Take half a cup twice a day before meals;
  • Tincture of the fruits of mountain ash is prepared from the rate of 50 g of dried fruit on half a liter of vodka: the fruits are filled with vodka and insist in a dark place for three weeks, filter and take a teaspoon three times a day before meals;
  • fresh fruit with sugar rowan kilogram fresh fruit through a sieve and mixed with 1, 5 kg of sugar, take a tablespoon several times a day as a vitamin in food supplements.

Fruits and leaves of mountain ash is sometimes used for disinfection of water (if you can not boil it). To do this, the fruit or sprigs of rowan placed for several hours in a bowl with water.

Rowan - a truly Russian plant, which has repeatedly saved our people from disease and vitamin deficiency in the hungry years of war.

Galina Romanenko

Celandine in folk medicine: a panacea

April 28, 2014

 celandine in folk medicine
 Traditional medicine has evolved over many centuries, traditional healers and herbalists have recipes seem to be on all occasions. Perhaps there will be no plants, which the healers would not find application. The effectiveness of many of the herbs and confirmed by official medicine. For a reason actively used celandine Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries  Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries
   in folk medicine - a modest plant has many beneficial properties.


Folk Medicine: Pros and Cons

The modern man has a choice: to turn to doctors or use traditional recipes, such as herbal therapy. For many centuries, this choice was not, and the treatment can be used only generous gifts of mother nature.

Almost any plant anyway useful. Some herbs have antiseptic properties, some are used to control microbial diseases, any increase immunity. And some plants are used to treat a variety of ailments. Such plants include, for example, Chinese ginseng or celandine.

Previously, people had no choice today but to the services of all human pharmaceutical industry. Pharmacy shelves are full of tablets and capsules, powders and syrups to treat a variety of ailments. Yet the love of folk medicine does not cease. This is due not only to the high cost of some drugs, but also to the fact that often the finished drugs cause allergic reactions and have numerous side effects. Folk remedies also not harmless (after all, it is most poisons of vegetable origin), but at least they do not contain preservatives, aromatics and flavorings and other ingredients that can cause allergies. The effectiveness of the herbs sometimes even superior to their chemical counterparts.

Traditional medicine is based on the centuries-old experience of mankind. Of course, in ancient times, people have not had the opportunity to find out why a particular plant helps to cure any disease. But that did not stop quacks notice the beneficial properties of various herbs and their effectiveness in different cases. Over time, many healers observations were confirmed by scientists. However, traditional medicine still conceals many mysteries that doctors have yet to unravel. That's why sometimes folk remedies can be more effective than modern medicines.


The use in folk medicine celandine

It is difficult to find a plant that is also widely used in folk medicine as celandine. This herb has anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, tonic, antispasmodic, antitumor, antiviral and tonic properties. And all of the properties in folk medicine celandine find their application.

In most cases, celandine used for outdoor applications, in particular for the treatment of various skin disorders.

With the help of juice or a decoction of the plant destroyed papillomas and warts, freckles and age spots, pimples and boils Boils and carbuncles - will warm compress  Boils and carbuncles - will warm compress
 . The very name of the herb clearly indicates its ability to purify the body from rashes. Have celandine another name - nipplewort. This name was given because of its amazing celandine effective against warts.

Despite the fact that celandine poisonous external use nipplewort virtually safe. We just need to gently apply the juice of the plant or facilities on this basis that they fell only on the affected skin - otherwise celandine can cause burns of the epidermis. In addition, before starting treatment should consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and recommendations.

Sometimes celandine is used for the treatment of mucous membranes. For example, this plant is effective in the fight against a number of gynecological diseases. Douching with celandine help with thrush and vaginitis some, painful sensations in the various etiologies and even cervical cancer Cervical cancer: possible cure  Cervical cancer: possible cure


Not only for the skin

As for the use of celandine inside, it can already be dangerous. One of the main dangers of traditional medicine is that to calculate the optimal dose of natural medicine is very difficult. The content of biologically active substances in plants is not the same, it depends on the time of year, age of the plant, its place of growth and many other factors.

At best miscalculation threatened by the fact that treatment is not effective enough. At worst possible poisoning. Since celandine contains toxic substances, risk of poisoning is very real. To minimize the risk of treatment usually starts with minimal doses, such as one drop alcoholate or with a spoon broth. Gradually increase the dose. If the patient's condition worsens, the treatment should be discontinued and consult a doctor.

Celandine can not be used in a number of diseases, such as neurological disease, epilepsy Epilepsy - a sacred disease  Epilepsy - a sacred disease
 , Angina pectoris, and bronchial asthma. To refuse treatment and to be if you are hypersensitive. Celandine is contraindicated in children, pregnant and lactating women. The rest can be treated with the help of this plant according to the recipes of traditional medicine (including drinking a decoction or infusion of celandine) after consultation with the attending physician.

Maria Bykov

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  • celandine
