Celandine in oncology: is whether traditional medicine?

May 2, 2014

 celandine in oncology
 Malignant tumors are one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Disappointed with the official medicine, many patients are in despair, turning to folk medicine, for example, use celandine in oncology. How effective can be herbal cancer?


Celandine as a means of cancer: medical opinion

Known to mankind thousands of names of medicinal plants. Some of them are used only occasionally, while others have a universal action and help with a variety of diseases. For example, the extremely wide range of applications celandine: it is used to treat skin diseases, hypertension, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney, throat. Often celandine is used to fight cancerous tumors.

The official medicine does not consider celandine cancer cure and refers to such treatment wary. According to oncologists, attempts to heal on their own in most cases lead to the death of patients. Many lose valuable time trying to recover with the help of herbs, and as a result seek treatment too late, when the doctors are no longer able to overcome the disease. Therefore, oncologists strongly recommend not to self-medicate, and in the event of any suspicious symptoms to see a doctor.

This does not mean that celandine cancer treatment is impossible in principle. If such treatment is carried out with the knowledge and on the recommendation of a physician in conjunction with other recreational activities, it increases the chances of patient survival. In addition, treatment of cancer celandine possible and in a situation when conventional medicine can not offer any alternative ways to save the patient. In this case, it is possible and necessary to try all sorts of alternative healing including the treatment of cancer celandine.


Juice of celandine cancer

Celandine be treated in various ways. The most effective is the use of celandine juice. Slightly lower efficiency is a decoction of the plant. Often used liquor and celandine Infusion of celandine: use requires caution  Infusion of celandine: use requires caution
   in oncology. Whatever the form or use the plants, the treatment will be more effective the earlier it is started. When there are metastases to heal with the help of celandine it is difficult to count. However, in this situation, the plant can do a good service: celandine has a slight anesthetic effect and is able to soothe the pain.

The most common celandine is used topically to treat a variety of lesions and benign tumors. Treatment of skin cancer celandine is also possible, although its effectiveness is not always high. For the treatment of malignant tumors of the skin is generally used in the form of decoction plants compresses and lotions. Even more effective fresh juice of the plant, which is applied to the affected areas. Sometimes it is recommended to use both inside and celandine tincture.


Celandine gastric cancer

Treatment of gastric cancer celandine should be initiated as early as possible. Ideally, this treatment should be complex: Celandine may complement traditional anti-cancer therapy.

Obviously, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract celandine ingested. The drug infusion should be consumed half an hour - twenty minutes before meals. Regular intake of the infusion helps to reduce the pain in the stomach area, will contribute to the healing of tissues and, most importantly, slow down the process of tumor growth and metastasis.

Before treatment is necessary to consult with your doctor. Dispense with references to doctors will not work: no matter how effective celandine Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries  Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries
 The likelihood that the cancer can be dealt with only through this plant is negligible.


Treatment of lung cancer celandine

Air pollution and smoking - the main cause of malignant tumors in the lungs. The disease can be defeated if the seek medical advice promptly. In addition, the effectiveness of treatment can be improved if we use the methods of traditional medicine, for example, to use celandine in lung cancer.

For the treatment necessary after consultation with a doctor to use inside the infusion or decoction of celandine. Starting with the recommended low-dose, gradually increasing them. Celandine should only drink on an empty stomach shortly before a meal, it is advisable to do it in the morning.


Celandine from breast cancer and female genital mutilation

Statistics inexorable: breast cancer Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know  Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
   throughout the world it is one of the most common causes of death in women. Fortunately, the disease is easily cured if self-examination regularly and consult your doctor at the first sign of trouble. Usually breast cancer for a long time does not bother the woman, and when there are pains, to join the fight against the disease may already be too late. Therefore, bail recovery - timely access to a doctor. At the same time, you can help yourself by yourself using traditional medicine, which include, among other things, and celandine. Treatment of breast cancer celandine can be effective under two conditions: the timely treatment to the doctor, and early-onset eating healthful infusion or decoction.

Women often suffer from cervical cancer. As with breast cancer, this type of cancer respond well to treatment celandine Treatment of celandine - for help to nature  Treatment of celandine - for help to nature
 . Medicinal plants should be taken inside, and also be used for irrigation once a day. Such procedures help to stop the growth of the tumor and get rid of the pain.

Maria Bykov

Article Tags:
  • celandine

Propolis - Honey moon, an ally of health

February 10, 2011

 Propolis - gummy solid which was used as bee glue smearing slits. It contains about three hundred components of healthy, among which are antibacterial and antiviral components that make it indispensable for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

The benefits of propolis was known in ancient Egypt, where it was used for many years for the process of mummification. It follows that this substance has the ability to block the activity of microorganisms, stopping their reproduction. Nowadays propolis is widely used for the treatment because of this quality.

The most valuable in propolis are the different types of flavonoids, aromatic substances, essential oils and vitamins, oligo-elements necessary for the preservation or restoration of health.

 Propolis - Honey moon, an ally of health

The power of natural "glue"

Most often recommend the use of propolis for the treatment of throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, resulting from microbial growth in that area. If the disease is not accompanied by fever and not suspicious for anything really dangerous, the sore throat - when it is red, tickle - you can try to treat propolis, stopping viral activity.

In addition, it is used to preserve the oral health disease or treatment such as bleeding gums How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules  How to prevent bleeding gums: important rules
 . Sometimes it is caused by diabetes, sometimes - due to the general decrease in immunity. The gums should be brushed with propolis, to eliminate pain and reduce inflammation. For the same reason propolis lubricate inflamed bumps in areas affected by herpes, is applied to boils Boils and carbuncles - will warm compress  Boils and carbuncles - will warm compress
 , Skin abscesses.

In propolis well heals ability, so its thin layer can be applied to wounds, abrasions - propolis soothes and tightens the affected area. Also, it is recommended to be used for the healing of the skin after sunburn.

Homeopaths recognize the analgesic effect of propolis, due to which it is used to relieve the symptoms of rheumatism Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart  Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart
 , Arthritis, arthrosis Osteoarthritis - when the joint loses its function  Osteoarthritis - when the joint loses its function
 Spontaneously occurring muscle pain.

 Propolis - Honey moon, an ally of health

Product Form

It is better not to use pure propolis from the beehive, because it contains dirt, dust, particles of insects. Pure natural (native), propolis is used in folk medicine - it is chewed, is glued to the aching tooth or gum is placed on the patient. But many do not like it is burning, bitter taste. Propolis currently can be purchased in various forms: capsules, ointments, suppositories, lozenges, balms, alcohol tinctures, drops that are matched to the destination.

 Propolis - Honey moon, an ally of health

Safety measures

All the properties of propolis are mainly in the framework of traditional medicine. It is a natural product that is used for many years to treat various diseases, but, nevertheless, it is necessary before using consult a homeopath, and learn about the presence of food intolerances.

Propolis as honey - a strong allergen. Even if the allergy is not observed, the treatment of propolis is not recommended to continue for more than three months. Also, do not take into concentrated preparations of propolis daily.

Article Tags:
  • propolis
