Folk remedies Treatment of hepatitis C - is only possible in consultation with the doctor

March 31, 2014

 folk remedies treatment of hepatitis C
 Folk remedies Treatment of hepatitis C is possible, but only on prescription. A feature of hepatitis C virus on the one hand is the ability of self-healing, and the other - a permanent mutation (change) of the virus that poses significant challenges for drug therapy. Nevertheless, modern drug therapy significantly reduces the risk of chronic hepatitis C, cirrhosis and liver cancer.


How effective traditional treatments for hepatitis C

Folk remedies used in the treatment of hepatitis C may, but as adjuvant therapy. In identifying acute hepatitis C patients in the first three months of antiviral treatment is not indicated if the disease is mild. It is believed that during the first three months, the body can cope with infection. Various folk remedies, primarily of vegetable origin, may intensify the process of self-healing.

Assign folk remedies and after a course of antiviral therapy - they help restore cellular metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 , Remove the stagnation in the biliary tract, restore normal digestive process.

What not to do is to treat people's means alone, without a prescription. If this happens, the patient itself increases the risk of developing chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer. Hepatitis Cure Hepatitis - the scourge of our time  Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
   From folk remedies, if it was for a chronic, yet managed to anyone.

Unconventional treatment of hepatitis C - is also homeopathy, hirudotherapy, reflexology. All these methods can be used, but only as an auxiliary and under medical supervision.


Hepatitis C treatment with herbs

With decoctions and infusions of herbs can improve the condition of patients with hepatitis C, but only if these drugs are used for other purposes. Some herbs may have adverse effects on the liver, therefore, how to use certain herbs at different stages of treatment of hepatitis C can tell a doctor.

In folk medicine, widespread treatment of hepatitis Treatment of hepatitis - a difficult task  Treatment of hepatitis - a difficult task
   With celandine. This grass has choleretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, well removes spasms of the biliary tract. However, a celandine should be treated with caution, as it has also toxic properties. If the doctor is allowed to use celandine Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries  Celandine - a means-tested over the centuries
   hepatitis C, it can be prepared in the following manner: 2 teaspoons of herbs pour a glass of boiled water, half an hour, strain, wring out and drink a third cup three times a day for half an hour before meals.

As Cholagogue can be used infusions of corn stigmas, everlasting, chamomile flowers, chicory. All are brewed at the rate of a tablespoon of dry powdered herb per cup of boiling water. Take them on a third cup three times a day for half an hour before meals.

Taking certain herbs for hepatitis C is contraindicated. For example, ginger contraindicated for hepatitis C. It stimulates the secretory activity of the liver cells, whereas the cells are in a state of irritation and sometimes necrotic (dying off).


What else can you enter into the complex therapy?

In the treatment of hepatitis folk medicine makes extensive use of honey. Honey contains large amounts of macro- and micronutrients and vitamins, which are directly involved in cell metabolism. Therefore, regular use of honey (but only to a limited extent) will contribute to the restoration of liver cells.

Honey can be taken for hepatitis C teaspoon three times a day with the infusion or decoction of herbs such as chicory. The course of treatment can be a long, up to several weeks. But propolis tincture (as well as any other form of alcohol tinctures) take not: Alcohol has a direct toxic effect on the liver cells.

Good effect in hepatitis C can have freshly potato juice. It reduces gastric acidity and the prevention of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum, which are quite frequent in hepatitis C. Take juice of half a cup of potatoes three times a day for half an hour before meals.

Traditional methods of treatment for hepatitis C patients will always attract as many people believe that they are absolutely safe. But this is not so, sometimes folk remedies may have a negative effect on the liver. They also can not replace modern medical treatment with antiviral drugs. Therefore, you can use folk remedies to treat hepatitis C only as adjuvant therapy and strictly on prescription.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • hepatitis C

Treatment of angina folk remedies - more benefit or harm?

October 10, 2014

  • Treatment of angina folk remedies - more benefit or harm?
  • Prescriptions

 folk remedies treatment of angina
 In modern science, there is no evidence that the angina can be treated using only alternative medicine. Besides, many of them have not been studied well enough, so the treatment of angina folk remedies can not only be ineffective, but also dangerous.

However, some traditional methods of treatment of angina can produce good results - of course, in conjunction with other tools from this disorder. It is important to remember that all of these methods are practically useless during angina attacks - for their relief needs nitroglycerin, and in some cases, emergency medical care.

We note also that the best results are obtained by the treatment of angina Angina - the consequences of the activity  Angina - the consequences of the activity
   folk remedies (a disease also called stable angina).

This disorder is less dangerous than unstable angina Unstable angina - alarm organism  Unstable angina - alarm organism
 And his attacks are predictable, making them much easier to prevent.


Treatment of angina herbs

Herbs are used to treat angina Treatment of angina - a versatile approach  Treatment of angina - a versatile approach
   for centuries and even millennia. Despite the fact that most people use them safely, remember that they, like any other medication, can cause a variety of side effects and interact with other medicines that you take. Therefore, use any herbs only with the approval of a physician.


Treatment of angina hawthorn

Hawthorn is used to treat a variety of cardiovascular diseases in the first century AD. In the early 19th century American doctors used it extensively in the treatment of heart disease and respiratory disease. Traditionally, both traditional healers and doctors have used hawthorn berries, but today increasingly used for medicinal purposes leaves and flowers of this plant, since they contain more nutrients.

Hawthorn angina is useful because it is composed of flavonoids, including oligomeric procyanidins that dilate blood vessels, improving blood circulation and protect against damage the vascular walls. Studies in animals and in humans have shown that hawthorn stimulates blood flow in the coronary arteries, and reduces blood pressure. In one such study involved 60 people who suffer from angina. For three weeks, every day they took 180 mg of hawthorn extract or placebo Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis  Placebo - an effective tool for self-hypnosis
 . Patients who took hawthorn, improved coronary circulation and increased periods of time during which they did not experience chest pain. At the same time, the researchers stress that further research is needed to better understand the effects of hawthorn on the human body. It is also noted that in the course of the study, patients were given capsules of hawthorn extract or liquid extract, and in folk medicine, herbal teas, or more often used alcohol tinctures.

Side effects of hawthorn can be headache, dizziness, nausea and heart palpitations. However, when using this plant in safe doses, they are extremely rare.

In general, it is considered a safe reception of 160-1800 mg of hawthorn extract a day, and the treatment can last from three to 24 weeks. However, as we have said, this treatment should be agreed with your doctor; self-treatment for heart disease is unacceptable.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding to take hawthorn in any form is not recommended.

Hawthorn interact with the following medications:

  • Beta-blockers, such as atenolol, metoprolol, propranolol - medicines that lower blood pressure and dilates blood vessels. Hawthorn can enhance their effects;
  • Digoxin, a drug used for irregular heart rhythm. If you take it together with hawthorn, the effect of digoxin may be stronger than anticipated;
  • Drugs for treatment of sexual dysfunction in men. The use of drugs of this type together with hawthorn can lead to dangerous blood pressure reduction;
  • Calcium channel blockers such as amlodipine, diltiazem, nifedipine dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure. Hawthorn can make their effect is more pronounced;
  • Nitrates - drugs commonly used for angina to improve blood flow to the heart. Substances contained in Hawthorn, may increase the likelihood of such side-effects of nitrates as dizziness and low blood pressure.


Pueraria lobed angina

This plant, also known as kudzu, is widely used for the treatment of heart diseases in folk medicine for a number of Asian countries, as well as Chinese traditional medicine.

In China Pueraria lobed also used to treat alcoholism, diabetes, gastroenteritis and hearing impairment. The currently available scientific evidence suggests that it can reduce the frequency of angina attacks, but in order to better understand its operation, more research is needed. For the treatment of angina, you can use a decoction or extract of kudzu root. Researchers say that the side effects of kudzu lobular not yet been identified, although it is possible that for some people it can cause allergic reactions.

Pregnant and lactating women should not take any funds on the basis of kudzu as the impact of the components of this plant on the fetus and the baby has not yet been studied.

Kudzu should not be taken simultaneously with the drugs used for the treatment of arrhythmias, with monoamine oxidase inhibitors, as well as medications, blood thinners.
