The history of homeopathy - treatment similar similar

November 5th, 2013

 History of homeopathy
   The history of homeopathy begins with the German physician Hahnemann, who led the four basic principles of homeopathy and applied them in practice. However, if you take a close look into the past, we can see that the first assumption is that this needs to be treated like (the basic principle of homeopathy), expressed Hippocrates.


The history of homeopathy - was there anything to Hahnemann?

The first two main principles of treatment of diseases were formed by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates in the 5th century BC It is "like cures like" and "opposite treated the opposite." Today, these two principles are two approaches to the treatment of patients - homeopathic and allopathic (approach of conventional medicine).

For several centuries after Hippocrates developed only allopathic treatment approach. It was only in the 16th century, the eminent German physician Paracelsus has contributed to the development of homeopathy. He was known by Hippocrates formulated the principle of treating like with like, and therefore for the treatment of rheumatism Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart  Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart
 Who often develop hypothermia in the water, he used the bark of the willow - tree growing near the water. The success of such treatment can not be overlooked. So for the first time it opened the medicine, the active substance is acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).


The four principles of homeopathy S. Hahnemann

At the end of the 18th century German physician Hahnemann published the results of their research on homeopathy, and fourteen years after his book was published "Organon of the Medical Art". In this book, Hahnemann displays the four basic principles of classical homeopathy Classical homeopathy - a big favor small doses  Classical homeopathy - a big favor small doses
 Which homeopaths around the world still hold: such should be treated similarly and must be treated with only one drug, the dose should be the minimum necessary to carry out the potentiation (breeding) homeopathic medicines.

Hahnemann was a true enthusiast of the business, he conducted tests of homeopathic drugs on himself and his family, including children. Therefore, he was able to make a real revolution in medicine in those years. And since in those days there was no highly effective drugs that we have today, homeopathic treatment often seemed a miracle.

But Hahnemann did not stop there, he progressed in his studies further. One of the most revolutionary of his conclusions was that the higher the dilution of homeopathic medicine, the lower the concentration of the active principle and the efficiency of its action.

Most of the doctors of that time could not understand this conclusion and therefore Hahnemann showered criticism. Hahnemann to expose him was sent talented young Austrian scientist K. Goering. He had to carefully study the teachings of Hahnemann, find the weak spots and leave them standing. K. Goering reacted to the instruction very seriously: he studied the work of Hahnemann, but did not refute it - he became a disciple and follower of Hahnemann.

In the future, it K. Goering continued to study effects on the patient's ultra-low doses of homeopathic medicines Homeopathic remedies - without contraindications  Homeopathic remedies - without contraindications
 . In addition, he led the law disappearance of symptoms in the patient's recovery, which was called the law of Hering. This law is true not only for the homeopathic treatment, but also for other natural methods of healing based on the activation of the body's vitality. By law, Goering recovery should take place from the more important vital organs vital to the equally important, from the inside outwards, from top to bottom and the reverse of the appearance of symptoms.


The development of homeopathy S. Hahnemann after

During the life of Hahnemann, homeopathy is widely used in Europe, and then came to Russia. Most of his contemporaries who had to deal with this treatment, initially were skeptical, but after they witnessed the effectiveness of such treatment, their opinion is reversed. Homeopathic remedies, even treated cholera patients during an epidemic which broke out in the first half of the 19th century.

Since that time in Russia came the first homeopathic pharmacy, has been translated into Russian, a number of works on homeopathy (including "Organon of the Medical Art"), and after twenty years began to publish a monthly magazine "Homeopathic treatment". In the second half of the 19th century in St. Petersburg began working Homeopathic Hospital.

After the revolution, there was an attempt to declare homeopathy Homeopathy - the placebo effect in the service of medicine?  Homeopathy - the placebo effect in the service of medicine?
   reactionary doctrine, however, the ban on it was not followed, and continued to be used homeopathy. The second attempt was the same in 1968, but was also not supported. In 1990 it was created the Russian homeopathic society that marked the rebirth of homeopathy, and in 1995 the use of homeopathy in Russia was officially allowed.

Nowadays, homeopathy is experiencing a new upsurge, which is associated with the growing interest of doctors and patients to the gentle treatment methods. However, today homeopathy is not only followers, but also enemies.

Galina Romanenko

Bioresonance therapy - how effective is it?

November 5th, 2013

 Bioresonance therapy
 Bio resonance therapy has been put into practice for almost forty years ago, the German Franz reflexologist Morel. The invention is based on the idea that energy is measured in the acupuncture points, it contains both normal and pathological electromagnetic oscillations. If you suppress abnormal oscillations and strengthen the normal, it is possible to improve the mechanisms of self-regulation body. In accordance with these ideas engineer Erich Rasche designed a medical device for bio-resonance therapy.


Bioresonance therapy - what happens in the human body?

Bioresonance therapy (BRT) - a treatment of patients with electromagnetic waves which, like himself, and various substances. It is believed that it helps in many diseases, including when such are difficult to treat by conventional means. Apparatus for BRT are also used to change the fate that casts doubt on the effectiveness of treatment by BRT, which has not been confirmed by conventional medicine clinical research.

Nevertheless, the authors have created a method of coherent theory of the mechanism of action of bio-resonance therapy. Action BRT based on the fact that all human organs and tissues emit weak electromagnetic waves, which are the norm and harmonize health. If the body is broken, there are other, pathological variations that differ from normal, which bring discord into the work of not only the patient's body, but also the whole organism. Until recently the normal fluctuations adjust pathological, but then the last out of control and symptoms of the disease.

To correct pathological electromagnetic oscillations applied BRT vehicles, with which there is exposure to electromagnetic waves with which the human organs and tissues are in resonance. Abnormal vibrations are suppressed, which leads to the disappearance of the disease.


The electromagnetic oscillations - where they come from?

The BRT are two kinds of electromagnetic waves: the patient's own vibrations and fluctuations of external electromagnetic fields and radiation. In connection with this are two types of BRT - endogenous and exogenous.

When endogenous bioresonance therapy used in the treatment of their own electromagnetic oscillations of patient tissues that have been treated in the apparatus for BRT. As a result of this treatment, the normal oscillations have been strengthened, and pathological weakened. Following the processing of oscillations back into the patient's body, which results in the correction of the electromagnetic oscillations in the whole body of the patient and cure.

When exogenous bioresonance therapy in the patient's body receives external electromagnetic waves, which are in resonance with the normal fluctuations of organs and tissues by suppressing the abnormal fluctuations. With exogenous BRT can suppress the electromagnetic waves of infectious agents, which also leads to the healing of the sick.

Apparatus for BRT can record normal for the patient's range of electromagnetic oscillations on information carriers such as water or saline solution - they are used for continuous maintenance treatment in between sessions BRT.


This can be done bioresonance therapy

It is believed that by TRT can cure any disease. But more often it is used to treat diseases that are difficult to conventional treatments, such as allergies, chronic diseases of the internal organs are prone to frequent recurrence, endocrine diseases, diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, musculoskeletal system, urogenital organs.

Bioresonance therapy is contraindicated for tumors (both malignant and benign - BRT can stimulate growing tumors), AIDS AIDS - is still very scary  AIDS - is still very scary
 During pregnancy, when the body has a pacemaker Pacemaker: heart flaming engine  Pacemaker: heart flaming engine
   or transplanted organ (eg, kidney), acute coronary disorders and stroke, epilepsy Epilepsy - a sacred disease  Epilepsy - a sacred disease
 , Blood clotting, defects of the central nervous system of alcohol and drug intoxication and acute psychosis.

It is believed that the treatment method BRT will not be effective when structural defects in tissues and organs (such as when the wrong accrete fracture), as well as in psychiatric patients (eg, schizophrenia) that are not adequately perceive the reality (I wonder why did they electromagnetic waves act as something different?).

The effectiveness of bio-resonance therapy needs to be confirmed in clinical trials, however, it continues to apply, obviously due to the fact that the great harm to the patient such treatment will not cause.

Galina Romanenko

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  • Therapies
