Acupuncture in osteochondrosis - can be very effective in the hands of an experienced specialist

November 14, 2013

 Acupuncture osteochondrosis
 Acupuncture osteochondrosis as an official method of treatment has been used for several decades. He came this method of treatment of ancient Chinese medicine - empirically, for thousands of years, Chinese doctors have identified several hundred points on the human body, with links to various organs and tissues, and tied them into a single system of meridians.


Acupuncture osteochondrosis

Today in medicine there is an activity as reflexology Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies  Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies
   - Treatment of various diseases by acting on the so-called acupuncture point (AP). Interactions of specific antibodies can affect any tissue and organs, reducing pain, fever, inflammation, metabolism stimulating Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 By increasing or decreasing the secretory function of restoring their function and so on.

Methods of exposure to such terms may be different - acupuncture, moxibustion, acupressure, hardware impacts (elektroaunktura, laser puncture) and so on. But still the primary method of exposure is acupuncture (acupuncture) - IRT.

Acupuncture osteochondrosis performed only by a physician-reflexologist who have basic education in neurology by individual selection of the AT (recipe) for exposure. In the treatment process, focusing on the patient's condition, the doctor may change the recipe. In the hands of a professional is a very effective method that can be used at any stage of the disease.


Treatment of osteoarthritis with acupuncture - what to expect?

Acupuncture in osteochondrosis in the acute stage with strong pains can relieve the pain completely or greatly reduce it. This is achieved by removing the swelling pinched nerve and its surrounding tissues. Daily conducting the sessions IRT can eliminate just started worsening without medication. Acupuncture in osteochondrosis of cervical spine in the acute stage perfectly relieves pain and spasm of the neck muscles and contributes to the rapid disappearance of the symptoms of an exacerbation. Perfectly triggered method IRT in osteochondrosis and other spine.

Acupuncture in osteochondrosis in remission poses a different problem: to stimulate blood circulation in the problem area, to cause the inflow of arterial blood and oxygen, resulting in stimulation of metabolism and slow the progression of osteoarthritis, that is, the process of destruction interarticular drives. Acupuncture with cervical osteochondrosis in remission restore motion in the cervical spine and relieve the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia - pain in the heart, heart attacks, blood pressure drops, as well as the attacks of pain in the right hypochondrium, if they are associated with cervical osteochondrosis Cervical osteochondrosis - the lot of office workers  Cervical osteochondrosis - the lot of office workers
 . Treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease is the most effective acupuncture technique.

In order to suppress the progression of osteoarthritis require several courses of IRT, each of which consists of 10-15 daily sessions. How often to repeat courses IRT determines reflexologist. Such treatment can permanently slow the progression of osteoarthritis. But even the Chinese doctors have not learned how to restore the damaged intervertebral discs. Therefore, if a reflexologist promises to cure osteochondrosis Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight  Osteochondrosis - learn how to properly distribute the weight
 Then he should not be trusted.


Contraindications and side effects

Sessions IRT contraindicated in benign and malignant tumors (IRT can stimulate their growth), infectious diseases, systemic diseases of the skin, exhaustion, psychosis during pregnancy and menstruation.

Side effects may occur IRT in a sharp decrease in blood pressure, which is accompanied by dizziness and blackouts, but a nearby reflexologist can immediately remove this side effect by acting on another point. Rare side effects are directly related to the introduction of the needle into the body - is a broken needle, wound infection, hematoma in contact with the needle into the blood vessel.

Quite often during the treatment of degenerative disc disease occurs more pain - a signal reflexologist that must be corrected recipe.


What should be done before a session IRT

Before a session IRT should:

  • eat two hours prior to the session;
  • before a session to rest for 15-30 minutes;
  • visit the toilet.

Before the session can not be engineers:

  • have severe physical exertion;
  • make any injection;
  • taking alcoholic beverages.

Acupuncture in osteochondrosis is an effective treatment, but only really in the hands of an experienced specialist.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Treatment of osteochondrosis

Manual therapy - how effective this treatment?

November 5th, 2013

 Manual therapy
 Manual therapy - is one of the branches of medicine, which was formed relatively recently. The basis of manual therapy on the experience of traditional medicine (doctors, chiropractors), as well as experience in alternative medicine - Chiropractic & Osteopathy Osteopathy - good old bone setting  Osteopathy - good old bone setting
 . In our country, manual therapy can only deal with doctors - neurologists, orthopedic and trauma that have trained and certified specialist in manual therapy.


What is chiropractic

Manual therapy - is a relatively new type of medical activity, so in determining its no sufficient clarity.

The most appropriate definition for manipulation is the following: this method of treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system and associated with this system disorders of internal organs using various hand actions.

Manipulations used in manual therapy, aimed at restoring the normal functioning of the joints of the spine, intervertebral discs, spinal nerves, peripheral joints and internal organs in the case of infringement of their function associated with spinal cord injuries.

At the heart of all the manipulations of manipulation is strictly metered sighting mechanical effect on a certain area of ​​a spine or joints of limbs in order to restore them to normal mobility or adapt to changing conditions of this body. While the impact of the identified limitation of function of joints and spine are eliminated, resulting in restoration of normal blood and lymph circulation in the affected internal organs.


Methods of manual diagnosis and manual therapy

Manual therapy is divided into manual diagnostics and proper manipulation (medical manipulations). Manual Diagnostics - a precise and detailed diagnosis of functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Manual diagnosis includes neurological and orthopedic methods of research, as well as the specific diagnosis of joint mobility (especially the joints of the spine), the state of the muscles of the back and of course, correct movements. Manual diagnosis should always be complemented by X-ray.

Chiropractic aims to restore the function of the musculoskeletal system through a complex manipulation exercises and movements. The main therapeutic methods are stretching the joints and spine (traction), the restoration of range of motion (mobilization), a fast, painless movement of small amplitude in the direction of the passive movement restrictions (manipulation), the elimination of abnormal muscle tension (relaxation).

Chiropractic manipulation is carried out strictly within the scope of a possible movement in the joint. If manipulation is performed correctly, the power of the impact on the joints need a small, but a prerequisite for the proper conduct of this procedure is complete relaxation of the patient - any muscle tension Buda impede the restoration of joint function.

Manual therapy is rarely used as the sole method of treatment. Usually the course of manual therapy is conducted in conjunction with drug therapy (including anesthetics block), physiotherapy, reflexology Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies  Reflexology - a policy of non-drug therapies
 , Physiotherapy.


Indications and contraindications for manual therapy

Indications of for manipulation are:

  • dysfunction of the spine or peripheral joints, resulting from any disease; most manual therapy used in the treatment of degenerative disc disease at sports overloads and pains arising from this, as well as pain caused by prolonged exposure of the patient in a forced position;
  • internal diseases associated with dysfunction of the spine or peripheral joints.

Contraindications for manipulation are: tumors of the musculoskeletal system, infectious and inflammatory processes in the spine, joints and spinal cord, ankylosing spondylitis (a chronic inflammatory disease of the spine and joints), fresh trauma (including fractures) of the spine and joints, conditions after surgeries spine, abnormal development of the spine and joints to the presence of focal neurological symptoms, pronounced osteoporosis Osteoporosis - he threatens you?  Osteoporosis - he threatens you?
   vertebral (brittle bones due to calcium deficiency), acute ischemic stroke, coronary heart disease with frequent attacks of angina pectoris, any acute diseases of internal organs, mental illness Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?  Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?

Manipulation manipulation require excellent knowledge of anatomy, mechanism and range of motion in the spine and joints, as well as experience in conducting such procedures.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Therapies
