Acupuncture - the ancient traditions in the service of modern science - Acupuncture points
September 16, 2006
- Acupuncture - the ancient traditions in the service of modern science
- Acupuncture
- Acupuncture points
Acupuncture points
Acupuncture points - points along the meridians, the impact of which helps to cure certain diseases by the release of the vital energy of the body. Acupuncture points
located along the 14 main meridians, meridians correspond to 12 12 internal organs one meridian is located along the spine (called the control channel), and one crosses the peritoneal cavity (the so-called channel of conception). Recently, experts in acupuncture
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We found several meridians along the meridians known from antiquity.
Full list of meridians (both modern and ancient) is a kind of map of the human body with the points located along the outer ear, nose, scalp, arms, feet, wrists and ankles. While there are a list of diseases and their corresponding points, sometimes to the point of acupuncture is chosen solely on the basis of the ancient Chinese doctrine of the balance of energy flow in the network of meridians.
Acupuncture card
In acupuncture maps showing primary acupuncture points of the body. You can choose a detailed map of acupuncture, which will allow you to quickly find the acupuncture points and find their purpose. This type of map shows how to find a potential gateway for energy Ki, signaling point and the point of origin.
Acupuncture and Infertility
Acupuncture is widely used for the treatment of many diseases, but particularly prevalent acupuncture for pain relief. Acupuncture helps to eliminate pain in the joints
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, Muscle pain, relieve migraine
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and even periodic pain in women. This technique is also used to treat sinusitis, hay fever, irritable bowel syndrome and nausea. Acupuncture is used to fight even with infertility; However no data on the efficacy of such treatment. Studies have shown that acupuncture can help couples undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF). However, there is no evidence that acupuncture can actually win infertility.
According to a study conducted in Germany in 2002, acupuncture significantly increases the chance of becoming pregnant women undergoing IVF. German researchers concluded that acupuncture increases blood flow to the uterus and relaxes the muscle tissue, which increases the chance of landing a fertilized egg. Other research indicates that the reduction of stress
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as a result of acupuncture also increases the chance of pregnancy.
Acupuncture and Weight Loss
Communication between acupuncture and weight loss has not been proved, however, this technique is used in many weight-loss programs, combined with changes in diet and lifestyle. Acupuncture relieves stress and curbs the appetite and cravings for certain products.
Acupuncture - the ancient traditions in the service of modern science - Acupuncture
September 16, 2006
- Acupuncture - the ancient traditions in the service of modern science
- Acupuncture
- Acupuncture points
One of the tenets of ancient Chinese medicine is the doctrine of the vital energy that runs the body through certain channels (meridians). For these channels, the vital energy or Qi flows through the various organs of the body and ensures proper operation. Each such channel through which the energy passes Ci is connected to the outer organ system. In violation of a uniform admission Key or termination of the energy input develops a particular disease. The system of meridians that pass through the human body, there are more than 1,000 acupuncture points, that can be impacting improve the flow of Qi energy. Acupuncture helps to identify and eliminate the clogging of the meridian it. Acupuncture restores the normal flow of energy, acting on specific points located under the skin.
Traditionally, acupuncture uses very thin and sharp needles that are inserted under the skin in specific anatomic locations. To stimulate and restore the balance of energy flow in the body pressure is applied. In modern acupuncture used sterile needles, stainless steel, and for best results, it is sometimes used low-frequency current. It is known that acupuncture relieves pain, so this technique is widely used for pain relief. Often, acupuncture therapy is coupled with the laser and electronic stimulation. Here are some diseases that the International Organization of Health (MOH) recommends acupuncture to treat:
- Respiratory diseases - acute sinusitis, acute tonsillitis, common cold and acute rhinitis
- Eye diseases - acute conjunctivitis, cataract
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, Myopia and central retinopathy
- Diseases of the mouth - a toothache, gingivitis (gum disease), pharyngitis
- Orthopaedic diseases - lucheplechevoy bursitis ("tennis elbow"), sciatica, back pain, rheumatoid arthritis
Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
, Frozen shoulder
- Gastrointestinal disease - hiccups, acute gastritis, chronic duodenal ulcer, acute and chronic colitis, constipation, diarrhea
- Neurological disorders - headaches, migraine, facial paralysis, intercostal neuralgia
Intercostal neuralgia - learn to distinguish between pain
, Nocturnal enuresis
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, Meniere's syndrome, polio, trigeminal neuralgia
Acupuncture needles and side effects
The goal of acupuncture - the restoration of health and the relief of pain and suffering. Although this technique of treatment seems to be quite unusual and mysterious, she honorably withstood the test of time. Acupuncture needle is introduced under the skin at certain points to restore disrupted energy balance. Modern techniques of acupuncture significantly improved compared to the original: Now the needle is passed through a small electrical impulse, which enhances the stimulation points. Electrical impulses generate a small battery-powered device. The frequency and intensity of the pulses can be adjusted as needed. After penetration of the needle under the skin have a feeling light tingling - it refers to the transmission of the pulse.
Gradually you may feel numbness, a rush of heat, dull ache or feel a slight tickling near the point of insertion of the needle. Generally, acupuncture needles are inserted under the skin for 15 - 30 minutes. Needles can be rotated either manually manualshchiku physician or they rotate under the action of heat or electricity. Adverse effects of acupuncture are minor and temporary. The most common side effects are dizziness, and minor bleeding after removing the needles. Contact infection and accidental puncture the lung occur in one out of a hundred. However, before the start of the session be sure to check the sterility of acupuncture needles to protect yourself from contracting infectious diseases such as hepatitis B and AIDS.
Master of Acupuncture
As any therapist or acupuncturist acupuncture master measures the vitality, energy balance or imbalance of the body. Acupuncture Master assesses the energy flow and distribution of vital energy in the body through channels known as meridians. The acupuncturist affects your health by stimulating certain areas of the body corresponding to the location of the meridians. In Europe, the master of acupuncture must have a medical degree, iache it just does not get a license to open a practice. In Asia and the East are engaged in acupuncture and people without a medical background, it is quite allowed by local laws.