Phototherapy - treatment by means of creative expression

November 6, 2013

 Phototherapy is used to treat mental and border diseases and conditions through creative expression. It was noted that emotionally intense creative process may displace negative emotions in the form of irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Aggression, increased anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 , Depression and so forth.


What is art therapy and its species

Art therapy - a psychotherapeutic techniques based on self-expression through art. Most often this purpose, the painting, but there may be other forms of expression - in the form of literary works and dramatic reading of literary works (bibliotekoterapiya), dance (dance therapy), listening and composing music (music therapy), creative play with puppets and their shadows (kukloterapiya) and so on.

The idea of ​​such treatment and the term "art therapy" owned by A. Hill, who in the first half of the last century worked with TB patients in sanatoriums and said that creative expression contributes to their recovery. After a few years of art therapy techniques have been used successfully in the treatment of children removed from the Nazi concentration camps during the war.

Today, the methods of art therapy successfully used in the complex treatment of patients with mental illness (schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis), neurosis, alcohol and drug addiction, as well as a variety of diseases of the internal organs and systems prone to long duration and frequent recurrence, accompanied by neuro -psihicheskimi disorders.

One of the new modern forms of art therapy is phototherapy, development of which began in the second half of the last century in the United States and Canada.


Treatment photos

Phototherapy - this is one of psychotherapeutic techniques that are part of the art therapy. This technique involves the use of photos Psychocorrection through creative expression.

The process of phototherapy can be to create their own photos or pictures in a creative assessment made by other people, their description, and so on. The main thing here - the process of dedication, creation of positive emotions. Phototherapy is often a part of the complex treatment of patients, but can also be used as an independent method.

Phototherapy allows patients to get rid of negative emotions, develop creativity and self-esteem, focus on new sensations and feelings. Over time, these patients develop the ability to control his actions and emotions. Psychotherapist easier in such cases to establish contact with the patient, to obtain material for psychodiagnostics and work together with the patient his repressed thoughts and feelings.


How to work with photos

During phototherapy can be ready to work with photos or create your own original images. Phototherapy can be done with the photos made by the patient or collected them from various sources, with photographs of the patient made by others with photographic portraits made by himself, to hurt, family photos.

The process is supplemented by a discussion of the photos phototherapy in patients or patient with the therapist, writing descriptions of the photos and come up with in their examination of the history, creation of collages made from photos of the figures, followed by playing with them and so on.

Phototherapy has a lot to do with the fantasies and dreams, it relieves mental stress that occurs when it is impossible to meet vital needs. It is a form of satisfaction.


Indications and contraindications for phototherapy

Indications for phototherapy are border states: neuroses, emotional instability, feeling of loneliness, interpersonal conflicts, the effects of stress and high nervous and mental stress, depression, increased anxiety, fear, low self-esteem, dependence on alcohol, drugs and gambling, and so on. Phototherapy can also be used to treat psychiatric patients suffering from schizophrenia and manic-depressive psychosis Manic-depressive illness - which phases are the most dangerous?  Manic-depressive illness - which phases are the most dangerous?
   as part of anti-treatment.

Phototherapy is contraindicated in patients with acute exacerbation of mental illness Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?  Mental illness - ashamed to ask for help?
 And in the case where the patient not interested in such a creative process.

A feature of the photos is that they are able to express the unconscious psychic life of the patient characteristics, in the process of its individual response to what he saw, contribute photos "sloshing" of emotions, during which there is a replacement of the existing inside the patient's negative, destructive emotions into positive, creative.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Therapies

The mysterious Su-Jok therapy or treat migraine using a ballpoint pen ...!

October 28, 2007

 Su Jok Therapy
   Su Jok Therapy is a brilliant opening of the Korean scientist Woo Jae Pak, who after many years of careful observation and work in the clinic has developed a new treatment system in which the impact of using only the hands and feet, the same effects as in acupuncture. The professor found on the hands and feet points connected with all parts of the body. Korean Su means "hand" and Jock - "foot."

The main advantages of this system are its simplicity, safety and efficiency. It is quite easy to learn, and the rate of achievement is remarkable. In this type of therapy is not involved in the effects of any dangerous point, the stimulation of which may cause damage to health, so technicians can use it as the paramedics and lay people for self-medication.

According to the theory, which is based on Su Jok Therapy, hands and feet are a kind of remote control by the body - by clicking on the corresponding point in a certain way can affect the body.

Su Jok Therapy

 The mysterious Su-Jok therapy or treat migraine using a ballpoint pen ...!

Stimulation by means of magnets

To a certain point on the palms and soles of the feet with the help of plaster attached magnets. They should be centered around the points that are connected to the problematic organs or organ systems.

 The mysterious Su-Jok therapy or treat migraine using a ballpoint pen ...!

Biological Energy Seed

Everyone knows the force with which a tiny tender shoot, emerging from a tiny seed, makes its way up through the soil, and even through the stone. This potential energy of seeds used in the Su Jok therapy. You can stimulate certain points on the feet and palms of the sharp ends of seeds. In another embodiment, the seeds for some time with the adhesive secured to the trouble spots.

 The mysterious Su-Jok therapy or treat migraine using a ballpoint pen ...!


Warming of corresponding points has a positive effect in many diseases associated with lack of energy. Points warmed using special sticks, which is applied directly to the skin. If you do not have special tools, you can simply warm the hands and feet and fingers massage the points.

 The mysterious Su-Jok therapy or treat migraine using a ballpoint pen ...!


When using this method to influence the sensitive points very thin needle is used. It helps to harmonize the energy when a person suffers from its excess or deficiency. Some practitioners say that this treatment also has a positive effect on the energy meridians and chakras, although the description of the method Professor Park Jae Woo is not mentioned. In any case, this technique is very safe and has no known side effects.

 The mysterious Su-Jok therapy or treat migraine using a ballpoint pen ...!

Color Therapy

The essence of this direction of Su Jok therapy is that certain diseases can be treated with certain colors. If the body there are any violations, the relevant point on the hands and feet are painted in different colors. For example, in the treatment of inflammatory diseases using green and dark blue, with constant severe pain and ulcers - yellow and red.

Learn to apply Su Jok therapy can be your own - there are now quite a lot of literature on this topic. However, it is still recommended to go for at least two or three steps to a specialist to get a clear picture of the process. Improper use of Su Jok is not harmful to health - it simply does not help. However, this method to treat some diseases, you must first know what you are treating. In no case do not start treatment, placing a diagnosis based on the location and nature of the pain. If you have symptoms that may indicate a serious medical condition, consult your doctor. Su Jok therapy can be used only in states that do not require the help of a doctor or as a supplement to conventional treatment.

Article Tags:
  • therapies
  • Chinese medicine
