Vitamin B7: the main sources and symptoms of deficiency

November 22, 2011

  • Vitamin B7: the main sources and symptoms of deficiency
  • Prevention and treatment of diseases
  • Natural sources and symptoms of deficiency

 Vitamin B7
 Vitamin B7 or biotin - the funds needed to maintain normal skin condition. Vitamin B7 contains sulfur and gives her hair, nails and skin. Therefore, it can be called beauty vitamin for the skin, hair and nails. Sulfur is involved in the synthesis of proteins - collagen, which determines the structure of the skin; has the ability to protect the skin from environmental pollution, slows the aging process. Who wants to be beautiful and to make a good impression on the people, should not be neglected vitamin B7.

Because vitamin B7 controls fat metabolism and is mainly in cells of the skin and hair, it naturally affects the content of fat in the skin. Vitamin B7 optimizes use of fatty acids in the body and makes less oily scalp, and thus may improve the overall structure and appearance of hair.

 Vitamin B7: the main sources and symptoms of deficiency

The main sources of vitamin B7: yeast, liver, chocolate, egg yolk, soy flour walnuts, peanuts, sardines, almonds, mushrooms, cauliflower, peas.

Signs of deficiency of vitamin B7 in the body:

  • fatigue;
  • nervousness, irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
  • too dry or oily skin Oily skin: Natural and artificial care  Oily skin: Natural and artificial care
  • hair loss, dandruff Dandruff: where it comes from, and what to do  Dandruff: where it comes from, and what to do
  • gray color of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat;
  • depression, lethargy, drowsiness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • anemia;
  • muscle aches.

In the absence of timely treatment of vitamin B7 deficiency may lead to malfunction of the heart, diseases of the lungs and gastrointestinal tract. In addition, a long lack of vitamin B7 in the body inhibits the growth and development of children, reduces immunity to various diseases. Babies Biotin is essential not only for growth but also for healing wounds. In severe burns it is concentrated around the wounds, as if trying to protect healthy tissue decay and help treatment.

 Vitamin B7: the main sources and symptoms of deficiency

The main functions of vitamin B7

Vitamin B7 helps metabolize protein and the metabolism is an important ally of the other B vitamins, such as folic and pantothenic acid, and vitamin B12. In addition, it is involved in the decomposition of fatty acids in the fat burning.

Vitamin B7 also plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism, interacting with the pancreatic hormone insulin. Furthermore, biotin is involved in the production of so-called glucokinase - a substance that triggers the glucose metabolism. Glucokinase is produced in the liver in the same place where it is stored biotin. This is especially important for diabetics who content of glucokinase in the liver is lowered.

A significant role is played by vitamin B7 and glycogen synthesis - accumulated in the liver and muscle carbohydrate, and the assimilation of these stocks in the so-called gluconeogenesis, during which 16 of 22 amino acids are converted into glucose. This process is extremely important to maintain a stable blood sugar level. Thus, vitamin B7 stabilizes blood sugar.

The main functions of Vitamin B7:

  • It helps produce energy;
  • It is involved in fatty acid synthesis and regulation of lipid metabolism;
  • improves metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
  • useful in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, Crohn's disease, Rett syndrome and vaginal candidiasis;
  • helps slow the graying hair and early baldness;
  • accelerates healing of tissues;
  • lowers blood cholesterol levels.

Swollen lymph nodes in the neck: a disease or a symptom?

December 5, 2011

 Swollen lymph nodes in the neck
 Lymph nodes - this is a very small accumulation of immune cells that function as part of the immune system. The human body contains more than 600 lymph nodes, but most of the increase and inflamed lymph nodes in the neck Lymph nodes in the neck - can warn of disease  Lymph nodes in the neck - can warn of disease
 , Under the chin, armpits and groin. Inflammation of the lymph nodes can appear at any age, at most a symptom in children.

The lymphatic system fights germs, infections and various abnormal substances such as cancer cells. Lymph nodes - a very important part of the immune system. Swollen lymph nodes in the neck can be the result of infections, malignancies or autoimmune disorders. In particular, lymph nodes Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system  Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
   can become inflamed due to infectious diseases such as the flu, mumps, rubella, strep throat, ear infection or mononucleosis; sometimes it is the result of lymphoma and other dangerous diseases.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes, resulting from a viral infection passes without treatment. However, if it is caused by bacteria or other pathogens, required medical assistance. Immediately consult a doctor if the lymph nodes are inflamed and enlarged for two weeks or more; if the skin is flushed over them; if they are firm to the touch and / or continue to increase rapidly.

 Swollen lymph nodes in the neck: a disease or a symptom?

Symptoms that may occur in inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck:

  • Bleeding from the gums
  • Symptoms are similar to flu symptoms (runny nose, weakness, fever, sore throat, headache, cough, body aches)
  • Increased salivation
  • Pain in the ears
  • Pain in the genitals (this symptom may indicate, for example, syphilis Syphilis - punishment of Venus  Syphilis - punishment of Venus
 Which is the cause of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck)
  • Pain in the joints
  • Skin rash
  • Hot and red skin over the lymph nodes

 Swollen lymph nodes in the neck: a disease or a symptom?

Unexplained anorexia

When these symptoms need to seek emergency medical care:

  • Difficulty swallowing
  • High temperature (above 38C)
  • Heavy breathing

 Swollen lymph nodes in the neck: a disease or a symptom?

Vomiting blood, or black substance

The most common causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes Inflammation of the lymph nodes: Causes  Inflammation of the lymph nodes: Causes

  • Colds (respiratory infection)
  • Ear infection
  • Tooth abscess
  • Flu
  • Roseola
  • Mononucleosis
  • Mumps
  • Angina
  • Tonsillitis
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Lymphatic obstruction
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Lupus

If left untreated these diseases, they can lead to serious complications and secondary diseases.

 Swollen lymph nodes in the neck: a disease or a symptom?

Other causes inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

Much less this symptom is associated with potentially life-threatening diseases, such as:

  • AIDS
  • Cat scratch disease (a bacterial infection transmitted from an infected animal)
  • Bacterial cellulitis
  • Infected Wounds
  • Syphilis
  • Toxoplasmosis (parasitic infection)
  • Tuberculosis
  • Lymphoma
  • Leukemia
  • Cancer of the mouth, throat, larynx or

 Swollen lymph nodes in the neck: a disease or a symptom?

Possible complications are inflammation of the lymph nodes in the neck

When inflammation of the lymph nodes caused by a viral infection, it is enough to use home treatments - you need enough rest, drink plenty of fluids, use warm compresses and, if necessary, to take non-prescription pain relievers.

When swelling and inflammation persist for two weeks, you need to see a doctor. Perhaps it is a bacterial infection that, if left untreated, can cause life-threatening condition.

Other complications swollen lymph nodes in the throat may be:

  • Abscess formation
  • Rheumatic fever
  • Scarlet fever
  • Septicemia
  • Toxic shock syndrome

Article Tags:
  • swollen lymph nodes
