Lipomatosis - how dangerous is the disease

June 7, 2014

  • Lipomatosis - how dangerous is the disease
  • The defeat of

 Development lipomatosis primarily associated with metabolic disorders. Lipomatosis is characterized by the formation of deposits of fat tissue, lipomas in the subcutaneous tissue. Lipomas can be arranged to have a connective tissue capsule or diffusely arranged, moving into the region without borders intact adipose tissue. The nature of the pathological process largely determines the severity of the clinical picture and influences the prognosis of the disease.


With what may be due to changes in metabolism

Until now it was not possible to find out the causes lipomatosis significantly, so we can talk about the impact of a number of causal factors that can lead to pathological changes in the level of metabolism. Fat deposits undergo enzymatic changes during lipolysis. If the process of destruction of fat lipolysis at a certain level is broken, it can cause the development of lipomatosis.

On the role of certain diseases is still no single point of view, but is actively discussed the role of diseases such as hypothyroidism The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones  The thyroid gland - is responsible for your hormones
 Various diseases of the liver, pituitary dysfunction, and others. Development lipomatosis combined with metabolic disorders in diabetes, a number of metabolic diseases, so it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of patients to identify the possible causal factor.

The role of hereditary factors also still actively debated among experts because it describes cases of family illness (family lipomatosis). His inheritance is going on in an autosomal dominant pattern. According to statistical data, it was found that men are more at risk for lipomatosis, men get sick more often.


What forms lipomatosis

Conventionally distinguish several clinical variants of the disease that are distinguished by the nature of the pathological process. Lipomatosis occurs in the following forms:

  • nodular form
  • diffuse form
  • mixed form (diffuse nodular lipomatosis)

The presence of single lipomas in the subcutaneous tissue characteristic of the nodular form of the disease. The diffuse lipomatosis can conditionally indicate the severity of the pathological process. Multiple nodes lipomatous symmetrically or without a clear sequence determined on the trunk and extremities. Fatty growths cover different areas of the body, wherein lipoma can be formed within the internal organs.

Multiple lipomatosis has a slow flow, but described the cases of rapid growth of tumors. Lipomatosis develops in any period of human life. Separately emit diffuse form of the disease in childhood, which has its own peculiarities. Children lipomatous deposits are found in the form of a symmetrical formations on the forearms and thighs. There are some forms of lipomatosis, the development of which is associated with puberty Puberty child - stages of a complex path  Puberty child - stages of a complex path
 . Metabolic disorder is hereditary, which is confirmed by genetic research.


Pathological changes in the internal organs when lipomatosis

Due to the metabolic excessive deposition of fatty tissue may occur in the internal organs. There is a replacement of normal tissue structure body fat tissue that became known as steatosis. These processes may affect the liver, pancreas and other organs. The most common pathological changes are transferred on the basis of the inflammatory process, when damaged cells due to inflammation begin to deposit fat.

Lipomatosis of the pancreas develops in patients who have not revealed the presence of pathology of the body. Experts have proved the fact of hereditary predisposition, so the study of family history at lipomatosis is a must for all the family members and close relatives. Have lipomatosis other sites is often combined with the processes of fatty degeneration of the pancreas.

People who have blood lipid disorders, overweight are at risk of developing this disease. In most clinical cases detected changes in organs during ultrasound examination of internal organs, while the clinical picture will be different symptoms of poor or even the absence of symptoms. This allows you to talk about the benign course of the disease. In rare cases, larger sizes lipomatous nodes are pressed pancreatic ducts, which can cause malfunction of the body.

Treatment of pancreatic lipomatosis Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
   It should be aimed at elimination of existing violations of lipid profile, which is used not only drugs, but also hold a rational diet therapy. To achieve the therapeutic effect is possible only if the integrated approach in the choice of tactics of the patient.


Role in the regulation of liver metabolism

The liver plays a major role in metabolism Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things  Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
 Including in fat metabolism. Because metabolic disorders fat accumulates in large amounts in the liver cells, causing changes in their functional activity. Lipomatosis liver has no specific symptoms, the symptoms may be present in the clinical picture of most diseases of the liver. Patients meet the following complaints:

  • Pain dull character in the right hypochondrium
  • decreased appetite
  • deterioration in general well-being, malaise

Only in the course of the special examination of the patient can determine the cause, that is what has caused the emergence of the kind of changes in the level of hepatocytes. One of the most common causes of a fatty degeneration due to alcohol abuse.

Excessive alcohol consumption is a cause of increased revenues of fatty acids from adipose tissue. Modifications may also occur at the level of suppression of the oxidation of fatty acids and increase their synthesis in the liver. In some cases, you can not set the level of injury and the cause of violations, so talk about the idiopathic form. The most common is a globular fatty liver. There is atomized form.

Derinat children: strengthening the immune system

June 22, 2011

 Derinat children
 The drug of natural origin derinat found application in pediatric practice, because it helps to strengthen immunity Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system  Strengthening the immune system - help the immune system
 And this is very important in childhood. After all, children are often found immunity disorders, which are manifested by various infectious and inflammatory diseases.

 Derinat children: strengthening the immune system

Operating principle

Derinat available as a solution in vials for external use, for topical use (for special flakonah-) and intramuscular ampoules.

Immunity in children can be formed at different times. There are children who for admission to kindergarten and often suffer long-term, they are called "nesadovskie." Eventually they may be formed chronic bronchopulmonary diseases.

To help these children can only strengthening the immune system. A good aid in this derinat can have, which is usually well tolerated by children and almost no side effects and contraindications. Derinat permitted to apply to children of any age. Under the action of activated derinata own defenses baby accelerates the maturation of its immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
 . Derinat suppress the vital activity of various infectious agents - bacteria, fungi, viruses, and quickly reduces inflammation and promotes the removal of decay products of tissues through the lymphatic system.

It is well known that children are common chronic diseases of upper respiratory tract, like tonsillitis and adenoids, the severity of which depends on the immune system: the more often aggravates these diseases, the greater grows and inflamed tissue of the tonsils and adenoids Adenoids - the expansion of the pharyngeal tonsil  Adenoids - the expansion of the pharyngeal tonsil
 . Derinat lets break this vicious circle and to significantly reduce the number of exacerbations.

 Derinat children: strengthening the immune system

Application Features

Derinata special feature is that it can be used for both treatment and prevention of colds and ENT diseases. Use of the drug for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and flu in children contributes to the rapid elimination of catarrhal manifestations, especially hectic period and intoxication. Prevention of these diseases derinatom not only significantly reduces the frequency, duration and severity of the current, but also reduces the occurrence of bacterial complications of upper respiratory tract, improves the adaptation of the children in the team.

For the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and flu derinat can be instilled into the nose for two - three drops twice daily in each nostril. In the treatment of these diseases derinat buried in the nose for three - five drops every hour - a half. In protracted rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis his nose buried in three - five drops in each nostril, or insert a cotton swab How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions  How to use sanitary pad - basic precautions
   in each nostril with the preparation of three - six times a day.

Apply derinat and chronic inflammatory diseases of the eye, such as conjunctivitis, which also speeds up the healing process. In the eyes buried one - two drops three times a day.

When stomatitis and gingivitis (inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and gums) big kids derinatom rinse their mouths, and little can be wiped her mouth and gums cloth soaked in a solution derinata.

Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the external genitalia in girls (vulvovaginitis) also respond well to treatment if in the complex treatment includes derinat which is prescribed in the form of irrigation and applications.

If constipation and enterobioze (helminthic invasion pinworms) in children often have cracks and irritation of the anus. Derivative administered in this case in the form of applications, it contributes to the rapid recovery of tissue integrity.

Finally, a solution for external application can be used to treat any of wounds, burns and frostbites in children. This will speed up the healing process and to prevent infection in the wound.

 Derinat children: strengthening the immune system

Derinat for the treatment of internal diseases

Derinat applied for the treatment of various internal diseases. In this case, the solution is used for intramuscular injection. The first injection derinata used in bronchopulmonary diseases in children. It can be used in the treatment of acute diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia), exacerbation of chronic diseases (e.g., chronic obstructive bronchitis) as well as for their prophylaxis.

In the treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis derinat promotes rapid ulcer healing and restoration of the integrity of the mucosa. In addition, it kills the pathogen of the disease the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

Often children have inflammatory diseases of the kidney and urinary tract. In this case derinat and help in their treatment, and warn exacerbation.

Derinat - a drug that can be used for both treatment and prevention of various infectious and inflammatory diseases in children of any age.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • derinat
