From what appears thrush - a lot of reasons

October 30, 2012

 from what appears thrush
 In recent years, the number of people who become ill with a thrush, is growing steadily. This disease does not shy away from anyone, they suffer and women, children and men. Cope donated problem is hard enough, but before you start treatment, you need to install, from what appears thrush. This is primarily due to the fact that in identifying the causes of thrush Causes of yeast: what should be afraid of  Causes of yeast: what should be afraid of
   it must be eliminated, which would affect the treatment and its efficacy. The causes of yeast infection in children, women and men are different from one side, and on the other are quite similar. Most important in this disease - not to allow the issue to chance, and timely pass inspection and start treatment.

 From what appears thrush - a lot of reasons

A bit of thrush

Thrush is a disease that affects the skin and mucous membranes (mouth, vagina, etc.), fungi of the genus Candida. Today there are more than 150 species of fungus. The main role in the occurrence of thrush referred to fungi species Candida Albicans. Mushrooms are considered opportunistic organisms and coexist in peace with the normal microflora as long as there were any provocation that reduces the immune system. Most often it occurs in yeast genitourinary tract (e.g., urogenital candidosis) and in the oral cavity.

 From what appears thrush - a lot of reasons

From what appears thrush in women

Yeast infection in women, usually proceeds as vaginal candidiasis Thrush - vaginal candidiasis: when to go to the doctor?  Thrush - vaginal candidiasis: when to go to the doctor?
   (vulvovaginal candidiasis Vulvovaginitis - a disease of children and the elderly  Vulvovaginitis - a disease of children and the elderly
   or colpitis). This marks the emergence of the patient cheesy heavy discharge with an unpleasant odor (sour), itching, burning and irritation of the external genitals. The vulva and vaginal mucosa swollen and bloodshot.

The causes of yeast infections in women Thrush in women - the relevance of the problem  Thrush in women - the relevance of the problem
   directly dependent upon the factors which lead to a weakening of the immune system. These include:

  • receiving various hormonal methods, including birth control pills;
  • violation of rules of personal hygiene;
  • chronic diseases of the body (diabetes, etc.);
  • endocrine disorders;
  • gastrointestinal disease;
  • infections, sexually transmitted infections;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • surgery;
  • errors in the diet.

 From what appears thrush - a lot of reasons

From what appears thrush in men

In men, there are three kinds of manifestations of thrush. These include yeast glans (balanitis), thrush and oral thrush generalized skin. The most common fungal attack of the glans penis. At the same time, patients complain of foreskin redness, swelling, pain and burning sensation in the head, the inability to retract and pull the head, odor and pain during intercourse. The causes of the disease are also associated with the weakening of immunity. This may be due to:

  • chronic diseases (diabetes, HIV infection);
  • prolonged chemotherapy;
  • antibiotics;
  • overweight;
  • violation of rules of personal hygiene.

 From what appears thrush - a lot of reasons

From what appears thrush in children

Thrush in children occurs in the form of oral lesions. There are three stages of the disease. Mild characterized cheesy plaque on the oral mucosa, which can be easily removed. Moderate form occurs with plaque, which are located on the hard palate, cheeks, tongue and lips. Removed such raids are not completely and leave bleeding wounds. Severe characterized raids a dense skin, which are completely coated with a hard and soft palate, lips, cheeks, gums, tongue and posterior pharyngeal wall. Children with severe become restless, they have no appetite. For deposits with severe thrush joins and odor. The reasons for the appearance of thrush in children include:

  • malformations of children prematurity;
  • surgery;
  • hypovitaminosis, malnutrition, anemia;
  • rickets;
  • goiter;
  • chronic and acute diseases;
  • infection;
  • endocrine pathology;
  • mechanical or chemical trauma oral cavity;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • infection in utero (mother, sick thrush).

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • causes thrush

Orungal - side effects are

July 6, 2013

 orungal side effects
 One of the modern effective antifungal drugs is orungal. Side effects in orungala are fairly common, it is common to all antifungal drugs. That is why the treatment of fungal infections should only be prescribed by a doctor.

 Orungal - side effects are

The main action orungala

Orungal - a modern anti-fungal drug, the active substance is itraconazole. After oral itraconazole actively absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, the blood flows initially and then to the tissue. Orungala peculiarity is that its active substance accumulates in the tissues in much greater concentrations than in the blood.

Enrolling in the tissue affected by pathogenic fungi, inhibits the synthesis of ergosterol orungal - biologically active substance, a component of cell membranes of fungi, it leads to the destruction of fungal cells.

Displayed orungal with feces and urine, after decomposing in the liver to metabolites. Overall orungal drug is not toxic and is generally well tolerated. But in this case, when it is assigned to a physician taking into account all the indications and contraindications.

 Orungal - side effects are

Side effects from the cardiovascular system

Side effects orungala from the cardiovascular system are rare and mostly in patients who have had to treat any problems with the circulatory system. It is also relatively common side effects occur in elderly patients.

The fact that orungal can cause negative inotropic effect, that is, to reduce force cardiac contractility. This leads to a stagnation of blood in the systemic and pulmonary circulation. Stagnation in the systemic circulation - is swelling and impaired function of internal organs. The stagnation in the pulmonary circulation - a shortness of breath and a threat to the development of pulmonary edema.

 Orungal - side effects are

Side effects from the digestive organs

Sometimes when taking orungala appear side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, mild abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 . They usually do not require discontinuation of the drug and tested independently.

But if there were pains in the right upper quadrant or liver problems, which may appear light yellow skin and sclera, and can - only changes in the laboratory analyzes, the orungal usually overturned. This must be done, as there are isolated cases of toxic hepatitis Toxic hepatitis - the impact of harmful substances on the liver  Toxic hepatitis - the impact of harmful substances on the liver
   patients receiving orungal.

 Orungal - side effects are

Side effects of other organs and systems

Orungal rarely has side effects in the nervous system. It headaches, dizziness, and sometimes - neuritis or neuralgia of peripheral nerves.

Women orungal can cause transitory menstrual irregularities. Perhaps the loss of hair, of course, possible allergic reactions: urticaria, angioedema, anaphylactic shock, Stevens - Johnson (severe allergic mucous membranes, including the internal organs), etc.

 Orungal - side effects are

Can orungal have negative effects on pregnant women and nursing mothers

Orungal not recommended during pregnancy. There is evidence that the intake of this drug in the fetus develop various congenital anomalies. At the same time, reliable data that these anomalies are connected with the reception orungala rather than to the impact of any other factor not.

It was also established that the intermittent reception orungala about vulvovaginal candidiasis (thrush) side effects did not cause the fetus. Therefore orungal not recommended for pregnant women, but at the same time use it for health reasons (in life-threatening diseases) can not be excluded. In this case, orungal prescribed if the expected positive effects from the body of the mother than the potential risk to the fetus.

During feeding baby Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   breast orungal not prescribed, as it stands with human milk. If the purpose of the drug is necessary, it is recommended to interrupt breastfeeding.

Young women during treatment orungalom Orungal - antifungal broad spectrum  Orungal - antifungal broad spectrum
   methods of contraception should be used at all times during and after the treatment before the onset of the first menstrual period after treatment.

Orungal - a modern, effective anti-fungal medication. Compared with other antifungals it gives not so many side effects and is generally well tolerated. But in this case orungal prescribed by the doctor with all the indications and contraindications. Separate application orungala may have undesirable effects

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • orungal
