Lamisil - modern effective antifungal agent with broad spectrum of action. It is available in different dosage forms, it can be used in different types and forms of fungal infection. The drug is not toxic, with different formulations have different contraindications for the use of this drug.
Why Lamisil no toxic effect on the human body
Active ingredient is terbinafine lamizila that affects fungal cells, by inhibiting its metabolism in the cells. This Lamisil does not inhibit metabolism
Metabolism: The basis of life of all living things
cells in the human body, which distinguishes it from previous generations of antifungal drugs.
Lamisil is an antifungal drug of last generation, whose effectiveness in the treatment of fungal infections has been repeatedly tested in practice, including the treatment of children after two years (for tablets). The combination of efficiency and lack of toxicity makes terbinafine drug of choice in the case where the pathogen exhibits fungal infection sensitivity thereto (based on laboratory tests).
Do lamizila side effects
Side effects are manifested mainly in the reception of the drug inside (Lamisil tablets). In this case, the major side effects arise on the part of the digestive system: pain and discomfort (discomfort) in the upper abdomen, taste disturbances, nausea, sometimes vomiting, and diarrhea.
But the main danger is that Lamisil may have a negative effect on the liver. There are side effects are very rare, however, there are cases where violations laboratory values of liver function, and there are such signs as jaundice and pain in the right upper quadrant.
Sometimes there are also side effects such as muscle and joint pain, decrease blood of granular white blood cells (granulocytes, this leads to decreased immunity), platelets (there is excessive bleeding and bleeding), hair loss. There may be allergic reactions, which are sometimes very difficult to proceed with necrosis - the withering away of the surface skin cells, and so on (Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis).
When using lamizila formulations for external use may cause skin irritation and allergic reactions, which are sometimes difficult to distinguish from each other. Therefore, the appearance of the skin at the site of lamizila redness, swelling, rash of any kind, you need to see a doctor to solve the question of the continuation or repeal of treatment (allergy require immediate discontinuation of the drug, and if skin irritation is sometimes possible to continue treatment).
Is it possible to overdose lamizila
Overdosing lamizila is only possible if it is ingested. But this preparation is so toxic that to overdosage symptoms appeared, it is necessary to take not less than 20 tablets of the drug (or 5 g of active principle, while in one tablet contained 250 mg). Overdose is manifested in the form of nausea and vomiting (rare), pain in the upper abdomen and hypochondrium, headaches and dizziness.
If you suspect an overdose of the drug should wash the stomach to take a few tablets of activated charcoal
Activated carbon - old but indispensable
and if the condition does not improve, call an ambulance.
External dosage forms lamizila overdose usually do not cause.
Contraindications for use lamizila
Lamisil tablets are contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its components of the patient, for children up to two years for violations of liver function, as well as during feeding baby
Breastfeeding - a personal choice
feeding (the drug is excreted in human milk).
During pregnancy intake lamizila
Lamisil - a modern drug to help cope with fungal infection
I shall be assigned a doctor and only for health reasons. Such precautions are necessary because the clinical trials of the drug (in pregnant women) were not carried out. Laboratory studies (in animals) lamizila negative impact on the mother and fetus are not revealed.
Precautions Lamisil tablets should also be applicable in case of violation of renal function, chronic alcoholism, cancer (including blood diseases), metabolic diseases, disorders, blood vessel patency limbs.
External lamizila dosage forms can not be applied under the age of 12 years (Lamisil Uno under the age of 15 years) and hypersensitivity to its components of the patient.
Lamisil - a modern, effective antifungal drug that does not have increased toxicity and has very few side effects and contraindications.
Galina Romanenko