Giardiasis - recommend a full examination - How is

November 8, 2009

  • Giardiasis - recommend a full examination
  • How is

How is giardiasis

Mainly manifested in the form of giardiasis asymptomatic carriage and only in some individuals there are signs of disorders of the small intestine, as discomfort, pain or dull cramping in nature in the stomach, nausea, bloating Bloating - if you are bursting inside  Bloating - if you are bursting inside
 , Unstable chair. In such cases, the treatment restores protivolyamblioznoe bowel function.

But often the detection of Giardia in the feces leads away from a proper diagnosis, such as inflammation of the gallbladder Gall bladder: structure and function  Gall bladder: structure and function
 , pancreas Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know  Diabetes and pancreas - the things you need to know
   and other digestive organs bacterial nature that are not related to giardiasis. Therefore, when giardiasis is recommended that a full examination of the gastrointestinal tract

Children lyamblioznoy massive infestation may cause pronounced symptoms. Giardia in the gut in children are sometimes found in such large numbers that cover completely the entire suction surface of the small intestinal mucosa, which is why there are violations of its work, which appear by alternating diarrhea and constipation, loss of appetite during acute, paroxysmal abdominal pain. Giardiasis in children may be a burden for other gastrointestinal diseases.

 How is | Giardiasis - recommended a complete examination

Diagnosis of giardiasis

Detection of Giardia is not difficult, their vegetative forms are found in the contents of 12 duodenal ulcer in probing and liquid feces, cysts - decorated in feces.

To rule out other gastrointestinal disease detection lamblia conducted a full examination.

 How is | Giardiasis - recommended a complete examination

Treatment for giardiasis

Treatment for giardiasis, especially children, must be complex. In addition to drugs that kill giardia (furozolidol, Trichopolum Trichopolum - he treats?  Trichopolum - he treats?
 Tinidazole) is assigned a diet with restriction of carbohydrate (giardia perfectly reproduce the environment in carbohydrate), probiotics (formulations comprising representatives of normal intestinal microflora, such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria), prebiotics (preparations containing substances necessary for reproduction of the normal intestinal microflora ), vitamins and trace elements - all of these substances have a salutary effect on the colon, which in turn is reflected in the condition of the small intestine.

 How is | Giardiasis - recommended a complete examination

How to prevent giardiasis

To prevent giardiasis is first necessary to strictly observe personal hygiene. If giardiasis is found in child care, you should carefully handle disinfectant pots, door handles, edges of basins, daily change or to iron linens, individual towels. After daily wet cleaning should also be used to handle inventory. The systematic holding of such events with giardiasis can finish without the use of drugs.

Giardiasis rarely causes marked changes in the gastrointestinal tract, but it often overshadows for other, much more serious diseases.

  Galina Romanenko

Trichinosis - when life is at stake - How is

December 24, 2009

  • Trichinosis - when life is at stake
  • How is

What is trichinosis and how they can be caught

Trichinosis - a bot (a disease caused by worms or helminths), which is caused by roundworm Trichinella and is characterized by the emergence of a high temperature, muscular pain, swelling Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   face, rash on the skin and in severe - the defeat of the heart muscle, lungs and central nervous system.

The causative agent of trichinosis - refers to Trichinella roundworm and has a length of 1-3 mm. Sexually mature Trichinella live in the mucosa of the small intestine. Males die after fertilization females, females are in the small intestine from three to six weeks. On the third day the females give birth to larvae that are current with lymph and blood spread throughout the body and deposited in the striated muscles (in skeletal muscle). After 3-4 weeks larvae formed around the capsule. The capsule is gradually filled with calcium salts, but the larvae remain viable for several years.

The source of the infestation of pathogens (infection with worms) to humans are pigs, wild boars, bears, whales, walruses, seals, horses and dogs. Human infection occurs by eating not tested, raw, salted, dried or smoked meat and bacon and sausages.

 How is | Trichinosis - when life is at stake

How is trichinosis develops

There are three phases in the development of the disease: enzyme-toxic, immunologic and mmmunopatologicheskuyu.

Enzymatically-toxic phase of the disease occurs only in the intensity of infection. The larvae in the implementation process in the mucosa of the small intestine secrete metabolic products that have enzymatic (speed up chemical reactions), toxic (poisonous) and sensitizing (allergenic) effects, as well as the ability to suppress immune responses. There is sensitization of the organism - the formation of antibodies in the blood Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity  Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
 Aimed at the destruction of the larvae (antigens).

Immunological phase is characterized by the appearance of the second or third week of the disease violent allergic reaction, which is accompanied by bleeding disorders, increased permeability of the walls of the small blood vessels (capillaries) and propotevanie one fluid into the surrounding tissues (edema).

Immunological phase of the disease due to the fact that the antigen-antibody complexes combined, are deposited in different tissues, damaging them. Damaged internal organs, central nervous system, and so on.

The mucosa of the small intestine in place of mature parasites begins the inflammatory process that can take ulcerative character with the withering away of the tissue and perforation of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract.

In the second week of the disease in skeletal muscle, myocardium, kidney, lung, brain, there are numerous larvae that cause inflammation of the surrounding tissue, inflammation of the heart muscle, brain, kidney and so on.

After five to six weeks after infection, the inflammatory processes are replaced by degenerative (in violation of the metabolic processes). Fall hair, skin changes, disrupted liver, etc. If timely treatment is carried out, the changes are inflammatory, degenerative also much more difficult to eliminate: under the influence of the treatment they undergo during the year.

 How is | Trichinosis - when life is at stake


Trichinosis can occur as easily, almost unnoticed, and very hard. The incubation period (time from infection for the first signs of illness) lasts from 10 days to total of four to five weeks.

When erased, and milder forms of the body temperature does not rise above 38˚S, the illness lasts one to two weeks. When to moderate the temperature rises to 40 ° C, decreasing gradually over two to three weeks to small numbers. Patients complain of severe pain in the muscles, they develop facial edema, conjunctivitis, often - different skin rash in some patients during the initial period appear diarrhea and abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms

In severe disease begins violently with diarrhea, abdominal pain. Fever, swelling and pain in the muscles grow gradually, reaching a peak in the third week of the disease. Muscle pain is so strong that accompanied a traffic violation. The swelling spread to the trunk and limbs. There are insomnia and mental disorders. On the third or fourth week, there are signs of internal organ involvement: inflammation in the heart muscle, lungs, liver, kidneys, brain and so on.

To confirm the diagnosis of trichinosis examined meat which might become a source of infection. In some cases, performed diagnostic muscle biopsy (taking muscle tissue for analysis) for the detection of Trichinella larvae. The characteristic changes are observed in the blood of patients - increasing the number of eosinophils Eosinophils - neutralize foreign protein  Eosinophils - neutralize foreign protein
 , The white blood cells responsible for allergy of the body.

Mild forms of the disease are treated at home, medium and heavy - only in the hospital. Prescribed drugs that kill pathogens invasion (eg Vermoxum) and reduces allergic symptoms of the disease.

Trichinosis - a very serious disease, so do not take risks and buy meat from casual sellers.

Galina Romanenko
