Mantoux test - the results for the detection of tuberculosis

December 2, 2014

 Mantoux test results
 Mantoux test, the results of which are used to identify people infected with tuberculosis mikobateriey, has for many years remained one of the most common methods for the diagnosis of tuberculosis Diagnosis of tuberculosis  Diagnosis of tuberculosis
 . One important advantage of this method is its simplicity. Under the skin of the patient, in the forearm is introduced into 0.1 ml tuberculin and after 48-72 hours the reaction is evaluated on injection.


Mantoux test - evaluation

It is important that evaluation of the results was carried out by two or three days after the injection of the tuberculin has been made. If the patient is at this time for any reason, I could not come to see a doctor, you need to make a second tuberculin test.

In assessing the results of the physician measures the induration - compact, convex, solid to the touch area of ​​the skin at the injection site. Induration should be measured across rather than along the forearm. Measuring the size of the entire area of ​​skin reddening will lead to misinterpretation of the results of Mantoux test.

When interpreting the results take into account the following factors:

  • The size of induration;
  • The probability that a person is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and the likelihood of progression of the disease in case of infection.

If the seal (induration) on the skin is missing, or less than five millimeters in diameter, the result of Mantoux test is negative in all patients, including those who are at risk.

If the diameter of induration from 5 to 9 mm, the result is considered positive in people from high-risk groups, which include:

  • HIV-infected patients;
  • People who have recently been in contact with TB patients;
  • People who in the course of X-ray revealed changes characteristic of tuberculosis;
  • Patients who have undergone organ transplants;
  • Patients who for any other reasons may be immunocompromised Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults  Immunity - types and characteristics in children in adults
   (for example, if a person for a month or more took no less than 15 mg of prednisone per day).

If induration size from 10 to 14 mm Mantoux test result is considered positive in people at moderate risk, which include:

  • People less than five years ago, immigrants from countries with a very high incidence of tuberculosis;
  • People who inject drugs;
  • Workers laboratories conducted bacteriological research;
  • The employees of medical institutions, where there is an increased risk of contracting tuberculosis;
  • Children aged up to four years;
  • Infants, children and adolescents in contact with adults at high risk.

If the diameter of induration of 15 mm or more, the result of Mantoux test is considered positive in all groups of patients.


What can affect the results of Mantoux test?

There are a number of factors that could cause the results of tuberculin skin test will be interpreted incorrectly. Causes false positive reactions may be:

  • Infections caused by nontuberculous mycobacteria;
  • Made earlier BCG vaccination;
  • Incorrect an injection of tuberculin.

It can result in false negative results:

  • TB infection, which occurred from two to ten weeks ago. The body takes several weeks to respond to infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis;
  • The infection, which occurred many years ago;
  • Age younger than six months;
  • It is a weakened immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
 For example, in AIDS patients AIDS - is still very scary  AIDS - is still very scary
 . This and some other diseases of the human immune system can be so weak that it does not react to the tuberculin injection, even if the patient is suffering from tuberculosis;
  • Recently immunized against certain viral infections;
  • Active viral infection;
  • Incorrect an injection of tuberculin.

In addition, the Mantoux test results can be affected by very frequent tuberculin skin test, which make, for example, some health professionals. They have a reaction to one sample may be absent or very weak, and the reaction of the next injection can be very strong. In such cases, expressed a positive response does not mean that a person is really infected with tuberculosis.

One Mantoux test for the diagnosis of tuberculosis is not enough. If the reaction is positive or negative, but the doctor has good reason to believe that a person may be suffering from tuberculosis, he may be appointed as chest X-ray and / or sputum.

Article Tags:
  • tuberculosis

Analysis for latent infection - to take as soon as possible

August 27, 2014

 analyzes on the latent infections
 Analysis on the latent infections reveals sexual infections, which goes unnoticed, but in the long course can produce serious complications, up to the total or partial infertility. Prevention of these complications can only be timely submission of analyzes on the latent infections and their treatment.


What is the analysis for latent infection

The most famous hidden genital infections in men include chlamydia, ureaplasmosis Ureaplasmosis - inflammation of the urogenital system  Ureaplasmosis - inflammation of the urogenital system
 , Mycoplasmosis and HPV infection. All of these infections can be women, however, they are more common bacterial vaginosis (bacterial vaginosis - for men the infection is not terrible), candidiasis, genital herpes. The last two infections can develop in men.

A feature of all the hidden sexual infections is their imperceptible flow. Aggravation can develop on the background or some other sexually transmitted infections, or with a decrease in immunity. Long flowing latent infection sooner or later lead to decreased immunity and complications that are difficult to treat and are often the cause of infertility.

Due to high risk of hidden dangers of genital infections developed specific recommendations for their identification.

Analysis for latent infection should take after unprotected sex with strangers in the planning period of pregnancy and after the onset (during pregnancy decreased immunity and all chronic infections can worsen), as well as symptoms of sexual infection.

The main symptoms of genital infections are: abdominal pain Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?  Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?
 The appearance of any discharge from the genitals, pain, burning, itching and discomfort only in the genital area, raids and neoplasms (eg, warts) on the mucous membranes of the genitals.

Timely testing for latent infections quickly and effectively treat the disease detected. If this is not done on time, will join the complications that are very difficult to treat.


Tests for latent infections - how many and what kind?

Testing for latent infection, there are several types:

  • blood for latent infection: by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) can detect the presence of blood in the DNA or RNA of pathogen, as well as the amount thereof; using immunoassays (e.g., ELISA) in the blood for antibodies to detect infectious agents;
  • general smear - smear taken from the urethra and genitalia under a microscope;
  • Bacteriological sowings biological material (scrapings from the genital and urethral) on nutrient media; in the medium infectious agents begin to multiply rapidly and form colonies; their identification comes under the microscope at the same time is usually determined by the sensitivity of the pathogens to certain drugs;
  • identification of DNA and RNA of pathogens by PCR in genital secretions, saliva and other biological fluids - qualitative and quantitative analysis;
  • rapid and accurate identification of the infectious agent in a biological material by using immunofluorescence assay (IFA).


Letting tests for latent infection - you need to know the patient

In identifying the hidden sexual infections it is very important the reliability of the results. To analyzes were valid, it should observe the following rules:

  • you can not take drugs, including antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal agents, immunomodulators, vitamins and minerals for a month before taking the tests;
  • do not put sex two days before delivery of analyzes;
  • it is impossible for irrigation, use local contraceptives, any local antiseptics and means for personal hygiene day before delivery of analyzes;
  • the optimal time for tests in women are 5-6 days of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
  • since the best detected latent infections due to lower immunity tests take good during cold, after exposure to cold, stress How to beat stress? Create an oasis  How to beat stress? Create an oasis
   or drinking.

Tests for latent infection the man taken from the urethra, so reducing the risk of invalidation of the results he should not urinate for 1, 5-2 hours before the procedure. Analysis for latent infection in women is taken from the vagina, cervical canal and the urethra. You can not take tests during menstruation. A blood test for latent infection is taken from the cubital vein.

Transcription analysis for latent infection - not an easy task, as even the detection of a pathogen does not always speak the presence of infectious-inflammatory process that needs to be treated.

The fact is that the agents of genital infections are often micro-organisms belonging to the pathogenic microflora of genitals. Therefore, it is not only the importance of the identification of the infectious agent, but the degree of its pathogenicity (ability to cause disease), the presence of inflammation in the genitals, as well as the species is present in the blood of antibodies to it (it says old infection).

Made time analysis for latent infection will help to avoid many troubles.

Galina Romanenko
