Aspirin - instructions for the mechanism of action of the drug

September 25, 2012

 Aspirin guide
 Aspirin - it is the first nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic and antithrombotic action. Today, he is widely used to treat inflammatory diseases accompanied by severe pain, for the prevention of thrombosis and as a febrifuge.

 Aspirin - instructions for the mechanism of action of the drug

The mechanism of action of aspirin

Aspirin (active substance - acetylsalicylic acid) belongs to the group of NSAIDs, and is admitted to the German pharmaceutical company Bayer Schering in the form of tablets of 100 mg and 500 mg. The tablets have a characteristic signature views: on one side the Bayer logo (the cross), and on the other the inscription «ASPIRIN 0.5». Other pharmaceutical companies acetylsalicylic acid is produced under a variety of names: cardio-aspirin, aspirin UPSA, atsilpirin, kolfarit, mikristin and others.

The mechanism of action of aspirin is associated with the suppression of prostaglandin synthesis - a biologically active substance involved in inflammatory reactions. But prostaglandins also need to protect the gastric mucosa from a variety of influences, so aspirin has side effects as irritation of the stomach wall.

Furthermore, under the effect of aspirin decreases the synthesis of thromboxane A2 (biologically active substance which activates the aggregation of platelets), which leads to suppression of platelet aggregation - their ability to grouping, i.e. bases thrombus formation. As a result, drop of blood clotting.

 Aspirin - instructions for the mechanism of action of the drug

Indications and contraindications

Aspirin is used for the relief of inflammation and pain in various diseases. Very often it is used to relieve the inflammation and pain in joints and spine diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications  Arthritis - a variety of forms and complications
   and ankylosing spondylitis. Take it as if pinched nerve, back pain and back pain, associated with osteochondrosis. In addition, as an analgesic for the relief of taking an aspirin a headache, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?  Abdominal pain: when to sound the alarm?
   painful menstruation, pain in the throat when strep throat, toothache, and so on.

As antipyretic aspirin is prescribed for a variety of bacterial and viral infections in adults and adolescents after fifteen years.

For the prevention of thrombosis and thromboembolism it is taken in coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension and so on.

Aspirin has a lot of contraindications. First of all, an inflammatory gastrointestinal disease, especially if they are accompanied by formation of erosions and ulcers. Do not take aspirin while reducing the clotting ability of the blood, "aspirin" asthma (bronchospasm may develop on the background of any NSAID) in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy, breast- Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   feeding, in combination with methotrexate (cytostatics - drug inhibits the growth of cancer cells), at the age of 15 years, as well as with individual intolerance of the drug by the body of the patient.

With care prescribe aspirin for severe liver and kidney diseases in violation of their function, gout, asthma, chronic diseases of bronchial tubes and lungs, as well as in the second trimester of pregnancy.

 Aspirin - instructions for the mechanism of action of the drug

Side effects

Aspirin gives a lot of side effects, which is why it today trying to replace other more efficient NSAIDs, have fewer side effects. Side effects are:

  • from the gastrointestinal tract - heartburn, stomach pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , nausea, vomiting; bleeding from the stomach and intestines with severe signs of emesis with blood, black, tarry stools or worn features small bleeding with time causing anemia, ulcerous processes in the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and even their perforation;
  • from the liver - a transient liver function abnormalities;
  • the central nervous system - dizziness, tinnitus (often signs of overdose);
  • from the blood - decrease of blood clotting and a tendency to bleeding and hemorrhage;
  • from metabolism - decrease in excretion of uric acid from the body, which can cause an acute attack of gout in people with impaired metabolism of uric acid;
  • in viral diseases in children aspirin can cause them to development of Reye's syndrome - severe brain damage and liver;
  • allergic reactions - urticaria, angioedema, seizures, bronchospasm, anaphylactic shock.

Aspirin - it is the first nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, which has both advantages and drawbacks of the drugs in this group.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • aspirin

Bubonic plague - the least contagious

February 8, 2012

 bubonic plague
 Bubonic plague people often suffer in natural foci of the disease, becoming infected by rodents - basic (wild rodents - marmots, ground squirrels, etc.) and secondary (eg, house mice) carriers of the plague. Bubonic plague - less contagious form of the disease.

 Bubonic plague - the least contagious

How do you get bubonic plague

The natural foci of plague constant supports pathogens are wild rodents often marmots. From animal to animal pathogens plague transmitted by fleas. Outbreaks of the disease in animals are called epizootic. During epizootics could cause contamination of house mice from which through flea bites can become infected people. Infection can also occur by direct contact with a rodent, such as while hunting derinding animal and so forth. The pathogen enters the body through intact skin - it is not a barrier to Yersinia pestis. From patients infected with bubonic plague rarely, only when the bubo breaks, and then only in the discharge are not many pathogens.

And in fact, and in another case, the causative agent of plague falls through the lymph vessels to nearby lymph nodes, causing them inflammation - bubonic plague.

 Bubonic plague - the least contagious

How is

After an incubation period (it lasts from a few hours to six days) in patients with sudden temperature rises, there is a strong periodic chills and headache. High temperatures are usually held three or four days, sometimes up to a week, with sharp fluctuations. On the first day (and sometimes the next) there is an increase in one or more lymph nodes, that is developing buboes. The appearance of buboes is accompanied by severe pain, because of which the patient is all the time trying to make the most advantageous position for him, for example, he may lie with outstretched arm or leg bent.

At first lymph node Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system  Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
   It is a small but sharp pain education, the skin over them is not changed. But then the lymph node increases the inflammatory process advances to other lymph nodes are located next to and surrounding soft tissues. Thus is formed a single entity without clear contours which became known as a bubo. For bubonic plague is characterized by the absence of lymph vessels.

The skin over the bubo reddens and swells sometimes becomes bluish tint. Bubo is initially cartilaginous consistency, but after about a week in the center of its areas appear fluctuation or fluctuation, which indicates the presence therein of the liquid contents, ie pus. Then bubo day or two may reveal in one or in several places with the release of large amounts of liquid pus mixed with blood. The result is a poorly healing ulcers, fistulas, and even the outcome of which is the formation of rough scars.

If the patient has been assigned a timely antibiotic treatment, a week after the onset of inflammation of the bubonic begins to decrease and within two to four weeks bubo completely absorbed. Sometimes bubonic sclerotic changes occur (ie, at the site of inflammation grows connective tissue), which is why bubo becomes dense, changes can be kept for a long time, sometimes for life.

In some cases, after the first days of the formation of bubo begins its rapid absorption, and then starts to increase again bubo. Such changes in the patient may appear several times, regardless of its general condition. But sometimes bubo does not develop from the beginning, moving into a stage of extinction. In this case, the plague is not difficult and takes a headache, minor ailments and pain at the site of the emerging bubo often do not have any other signs of disease.

With the development of cervical buboes for plague is usually difficult, but the most dangerous are the axillary nodes at which often develops secondary pneumonic plague Pneumonic plague - an instant infection  Pneumonic plague - an instant infection

Approximately one week temperature decreases. It could drop sharply (critical), or accompanied by fluctuations, but without the expressed fever and sweating. Perhaps the prolonged duration of bubonic plague in which the temperature remains a few weeks, persisting even after the disappearance of buboes. These patients often occurs severely malnourished. If they will not provide adequate medical care, they die.

 Bubonic plague - the least contagious

Diagnosis and treatment

Laboratory diagnosis of bubonic plague is to study the contents of the buboes to detect the pathogen. Also studied the blood for antibodies to the causative agent of plague.

Patients with bubonic plague Plague - whether justified reputation of the "black death"?  Plague - whether justified reputation of the "black death"?
   isolate strictly separate from patients with other forms of the disease. Just as with other forms of plague are assigned antibiotics and symptomatic treatment. If buboes long dissolve, then they are also locally administered antibiotics. In addition, the locally appointed ointment dressings with antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 . When festering bubonic illustrated surgery.

Discharge from hospital recovered patients made no earlier than one month after the normalization of temperature.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • plague
