Lamisil - Instructions: To help drug

January 13th, 2013

 Lamisil guide
 Lamisil - antifungal agent with broad spectrum of action. The manufacturer (Novartis, Switzerland) releases the drug in various dosage forms, both for internal and for external use. This allows you to effectively treat even severe fungal infections such as ringworm Ringworm - how not to be left without hair  Ringworm - how not to be left without hair

 Lamisil - Instructions: To help drug

The mechanism of action lamizila

Medicament Lamisil (international non-proprietary name - terbinafine) relates to a broad-spectrum antifungal action and is available in several dosage forms:

  • in tablets of 250 mg;
  • as a 1% cream for external use;
  • as a 1% spray for topical use;
  • in a 1% gel (dermgelya) for external use with a cooling effect;
  • a 1% viscous coating solution (Lamisil Uno) for single use only.

The mechanism of action lamizila associated with suppression of the enzyme involved in the metabolic processes in cells of the fungus, which leads to cell death. In particular terbinafine suppresses early in sterol synthesis in the fungal cells, which leads to lack of the necessary cells ergosterol and excessive accumulation of squalene (ergosterol synthesized therefrom).

Sensitivity to lamizilom Lamisil - a modern drug to help cope with fungal infection  Lamisil - a modern drug to help cope with fungal infection
   show fungal infection pathogens that cause diseases of the skin and its appendages (hair and nails), for example, fungi-dermatophytes causing trichophytosis, microspores rubrosporiyu, athlete's foot, jock itch Jock itch: fungal infection  Jock itch: fungal infection
   and so on. Not less sensitive to the drug the yeast genus Candida. External lamizila formulations are also effective against the pathogen colored (herpes) zoster.

When taken into lamizila drug it is systemic. In the skin and its appendages are concentration lamizila destroying fungal cells.

 Lamisil - Instructions: To help drug

Indications for use

Lamisil prescribed treatment (and sometimes for prevention), caused by sensitive pathogens fungal diseases. Systemic treatment (in the form of taking the pills inside) is used:

  • fungal diseases of the nails (onihomiozah);
  • fungal diseases of the scalp;
  • fungal diseases of smooth skin (trunk, extremities. feet), candidiasis of the skin (caused by fungi genus Candida).
  • Dosage forms for topical use lamizila appoint:
  • fungal diseases of the skin, including in lesions of the feet, torso and limbs;
  • candidiasis of the skin;
  • at a colorful (pityriasis) versicolor.

Separate dosage forms lamizila for outdoor applications have their own characteristics. So, Lamisil Spray has a refreshing and a drying property, is quickly absorbed and does not leave stains on clothes, so it is recommended to use fungal diseases that are accompanied by weeping (maceration).

Lamisil cream, on the other hand, removes dryness and flaking of the skin, softens it, so more suitable for the treatment of fungal infections, accompanied by dryness, irritation and peeling skin.

Lamisil dermgel has a cooling effect, it is quickly absorbed into the skin and dries it relieves itching, promotes rapid healing of skin processes. It is used primarily for the treatment processes accompanied by weeping.

Lamisil uno - a disposable pimeneniya solution which rapidly forms on the skin surface protective film, providing the therapeutic effect of the drug for several days. Use the drug for the treatment of fungal infections of the feet.

 Lamisil - Instructions: To help drug


Any lamizila dosage forms can not be used in case of hypersensitivity to the drug the patient. Admission lamizila inside is contraindicated in children under two years, external dosage forms lamizila not apply for the treatment of children up to 12 years, and Lamisil Uno - up to 15 years. It is not recommended to apply Lamisil tablets when feeding your baby Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   feeding, as it is excreted in breast milk.

Precautions Lamisil is used in severe liver and kidney dysfunction of these organs, chronic alcoholism, cancer (including blood diseases), metabolic diseases, diseases that are accompanied by obstruction of the blood vessels of the limbs. During pregnancy, Lamisil can be used only on prescription in the presence of vital evidence.

 Lamisil - Instructions: To help drug

Side effects

In most cases, all dosage forms lamizila well tolerated. However, possible side effects. Thus, ingestion of pills sometimes appear: a feeling of discomfort and pain in the stomach, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, taste disturbances, impaired liver function. Sometimes there are pains in muscles and joints, changes in the cellular composition of the blood, leading to immune disorders and increased bleeding, hair loss, allergic reactions.

When using lamizila dosage forms for topical application to the skin may be signs of irritation (redness, burning, itching), and allergic reactions.

Lamisil - quality, effective and non-toxic antifungal drug.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • Lamisil

Symptoms of tuberculosis - easily overlooked

April 12, 2014

 symptoms of tuberculosis
 Many patients in the early stages of tuberculosis do not notice any signs of the disease. And even in the late stages symptoms of tuberculosis can be expressed relatively weak, moreover, they often resemble symptoms of other diseases.


How to identify disease

The initial symptoms of TB may occur shortly after infection with TB bacteria, but they usually pass on their own within a few weeks. Typically, in such cases, the patient has symptoms resembling flu symptoms - fever, chills, cough (usually dry) and weakness. At this stage it is already possible to identify tuberculosis using Mantoux test and other diagnostic procedures, but patients rarely go to the doctor with such as they seem minor complaints.

Secondary tuberculosis can develop in a few years or even decades after infection. Many people infected with tuberculosis reactivation does not occur.

That's when the secondary tuberculosis usually appear the main symptoms of tuberculosis:

  • Chronic cough with expectoration and / or blood - this is probably the best known symptom of pulmonary tuberculosis, which is frequently observed in tuberculosis and other types;
  • Heat - in most cases, the body temperature of patients with tuberculosis rises to 37-38 degrees Celsius;
  • Sweating at night;
  • Weight loss;
  • Lack of appetite.

The last two features can be dangerous in itself - in the absence of treatment and malnutrition reduction in weight in patients with tuberculosis may lead to further deterioration of health and weakening of the immune system. TB patients also may experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, runny nose, the appearance whistling sound during breathing.

Other possible symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis - weakness, chest pain, children may experience unusual drowsiness, irritability or lethargy. However, it should be noted that the signs of pulmonary tuberculosis in adults are often more pronounced than in younger children. Symptoms of the disease in children are often mistaken for signs of cold or flu, and did not always turn on this issue to the doctor.

Extrapulmonary tuberculosis can cause the same symptoms as tuberculosis. However, many patients also experience the following symptoms of tuberculosis, which affects various organs:

  • Frequent urination, pain or burning during urination, blood in urine - in tuberculosis of the kidneys and urogenital system. Sometimes this kind tuberculosis leads to frequent urogenital infections, infertility and - in both men and women;
  • Headache and confusion - in the case of disease tubercular meningitis;
  • Back pain, aching bones, joint pain Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?  Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?
   - In patients suffering from bone tuberculosis;
  • Changes in voting - tuberculosis of the larynx;
  • Diarrhea, constipation, blood in the stool - in patients with intestinal tuberculosis.

If you have any signs of TB, you will need as soon as possible to undergo a medical examination. Those who have recently contacted people suffering from open tuberculosis should be examined even if they do not have any symptoms of the disease.

External symptoms of tuberculosis except for reducing weight gain normally absent.


What happens in the body

Among the features characteristic of both pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis, which can be detected by a blood test - a decrease in the number of red blood cells and white blood cells, as well as reduced levels of hemoglobin. The reasons for this are still unclear; Some experts believe that this is due to exposure to TB bacteria in the bone marrow, others believe that anemia and leukopenia - this is just one of the signs of a weakened immune system, and the following results of blood tests are common precisely because tuberculosis Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed  Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
   most often develops in people with weak immune systems.

In general, the diagnosis of tuberculosis, particularly the definition of the variety, is quite challenging because its symptoms can often resemble symptoms of other diseases, such as:

  • Lung cancer - cavity into lung tissue, resulting in tuberculosis, similar to those found in patients with carcinoma of the lung;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Sarcoidosis, allergic alveolitis, pneumoconiosis, silicosis - to prevent these diseases in the differential diagnosis, a biopsy may be required;
  • Anorexia nervosa, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease  Diabetes - threatening and incurable disease
   - In these diseases, like tuberculosis, there may be weight loss, weakness and fatigue;
  • Mediastinal lymphadenopathy.

Pronounced signs of recovery in tuberculosis is usually lacking. As a rule, a few weeks after the start of treatment the patient starts to improve gradually passes cough, appetite returns, the weight starts to come back to normal. Some of the symptoms of TB Symptoms of TB - how to recognize the disease  Symptoms of TB - how to recognize the disease
   may be felt a couple of months, but if they do not disappear within four months after the start of treatment, should talk about this with your doctor.

Article Tags:
  • symptoms of tuberculosis
