Movalis - injection: at very strong pains

September 30, 2011

 Movalis - injection
 Movalis administered by injection usually in the first days of acute illness, when pain and inflammation significantly pronounced. After a decrease in pain, typically pass the tablets or rectal suppositories. This is the most rational way to treat acute pain.

 Movalis - injection: at very strong pains

What is the difference movalis solution for injection of tablets and suppositories

Unlike injectables movalis it is that for intramuscular administration, and it is completely absorbed into the bloodstream, where it is the maximum concentration is reached after about hour. This concentration of the drug lasts long enough that allows you to enter it once per day. A stable therapeutic concentration in the blood is movalis within 3-5 days after the start of his administration. Furthermore, movalis Movalis - relieve symptoms of inflammation  Movalis - relieve symptoms of inflammation
 Introduced by injection well into the joints, where its concentration is half of the concentration in blood.

When taken as tablets lasting analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect comes a week after the start of treatment.

But NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) by intramuscular administration are capable of producing such a complication is necrosis (death of) muscle tissue. A comparative clinical study to identify the negative impact movalis muscles when administered intramuscularly. Local Action movalis compared with the action of other NSAIDs such as diclofenac Diclofenac - relieve inflammation and pain  Diclofenac - relieve inflammation and pain
 . As a result, it was found that movalis gives significantly fewer local complications than other NSAIDs. However, long-term use as an injection movalis not recommended.

 Movalis - injection: at very strong pains

Regimens movalis inflammation accompanied by pain

Movalis used in the treatment of various diseases, which are accompanied by prolonged pain. This is mainly inflammatory and degenerative-dystrophic (metabolic) diseases of the spine and joints. This pain during acute become particularly intense, which requires a special approach to the treatment of such patients.

The clinical studies have to chart the treatment of inflammatory processes accompanied by pain, using a combination of different forms of movalis. Typically movalis prescribed first (in the first 3 - 5 days after the onset of deterioration) by intramuscular injection, and then move on to receive the tablets or administration of rectal suppositories (e.g., 15 mg intramuscularly for three days, then 15 mg once inside the next 20 days ).

This allows on the one hand to quickly remove the intense pain, and on the other - to avoid local complications. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects were very fast, the first day of intramuscular movalis, it helped to improve the general condition and increase motor activity of patients with almost complete absence of local complications. When you go to the reception inside movalis improvement persisted and even intensified anti-inflammatory effect.

As a result of clinical trials, it was found that movalis solution for injection is a highly effective drug that has a pronounced analgesic effect and can be recommended for the treatment of various pain syndromes. The effectiveness of the scheme was used more than 80%.

Sometimes intramuscular movalis combined while taking this medication in pill form. This made it possible in the future, after the therapeutic effect of painless injections and refuse to go to the reception movalis inside.

 Movalis - injection: at very strong pains

Are there any side effects of the combined use of different dosage forms movalis

When applying for movalis schemes designed and tailored to the individual characteristics of the patient side effects are much smaller. Nevertheless, they are. It can have side effects:

  • the part of the digestive system - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms  Abdominal pain: Types and Symptoms
 , Constipation or diarrhea, abdominal distention, ulcerative lesion of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, liver disorders;
  • from the blood - anemia, decrease in the number of leukocytes (leucopenia) and thrombocytes (thrombocytopenia);
  • by the bronchopulmonary system - bronchial asthma;
  • on the part of the brain - headache, dizziness, tinnitus, drowsiness, depression Depression - a little more than a bad mood  Depression - a little more than a bad mood
 , Impairment of consciousness;
  • with a side of blood - high blood pressure, edema, tachycardia;
  • from the kidney - a violation of their functions;
  • by the organs of vision - blurred vision, conjunctivitis;
  • soft tissue - increased skin sensitivity to light, very rarely - necrosis of muscle tissue when administered intramuscularly.
  • allergic reactions.

Movalis by injection never prescribed for a long time.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • movalis

Broad-spectrum antibiotics - not only treat but also cripple

October 22, 2009

  • Broad-spectrum antibiotics - not only treat but also cripple
  • Types of antibiotics

 Broad-spectrum antibiotics
   Antibiotics - a substance of biological origin, produced by microorganisms and inhibit the growth of bacteria and other microbes as well as viruses and cells. Antibiotics effective against a plurality of infectious microorganisms, including Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, are called broad-spectrum antibiotics.

 Broad-spectrum antibiotics - not only treat but also cripple

The use of broad spectrum antibiotics

Broad-spectrum antibiotics are successfully applied in the following cases:

  • to identify the causative bacteria of the disease when there are several possible diagnoses, and any delay in treatment can lead to an exacerbation of potentially serious illness. This occurs in particular when meningitis Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges  Meningitis - an inflammation of the meninges
 When the patient's condition can be so severe that he could die if not quickly begin treatment broad-spectrum antibiotics.
  • to kill the bacteria that are resistant to some drugs and does not react to other antibiotic (narrow spectrum).
  • for the treatment of superinfection, when the disease is caused by several types of bacteria (in this case requires a broad spectrum antibiotic or combination therapy).

 Broad-spectrum antibiotics - not only treat but also cripple

Advantages of broad spectrum antibiotics

  • wider compared with other antibiotic activity spectrum;
  • obvious advantage of broad spectrum antibiotics is that their application reduces (as compared with the narrow-spectrum antibiotic) the need to accurately identify the pathogen before treatment.

 Broad-spectrum antibiotics - not only treat but also cripple

Disadvantages of broad spectrum antibiotics

  • Children taking broad-spectrum antibiotics in the first year of life are at increased risk of childhood asthma;
  • the use of broad spectrum antibiotics can lead to the formation of drug resistance;
  • in some cases, the treatment of broad-spectrum antibiotics develop side effects: penicillin after prolonged use at high doses has toxic effects on the central nervous system, streptomycin - on the auditory nerve;
  • receiving broad-spectrum antibiotics can sometimes cause sensitization, which is expressed in the exacerbation of infection, relapse of disease, superinfection, as well as allergic reactions

 Broad-spectrum antibiotics - not only treat but also cripple

Broad-spectrum antibiotics:

  • Amoxicillin
  • Levofloxacin
  • Gatifloksatsillin
  • Streptomycin
  • Tetracycline
  • Chloramphenicol

Broad-spectrum antibiotics are active against a broad spectrum of bacteria, in contrast to the narrow-spectrum antibiotics effective against specific groups of microorganisms only.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics traditionally used in those cases when the doctor is not sure of the diagnosis or you can not accurately identify the pathogen, but it is necessary as soon as possible to fight the infection, without waiting for culture results, when you can apply an antibiotic Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   narrow spectrum, active against the identified microorganism.

For broad-spectrum antibiotics include penicillin, cephalosporin, tetracycline Tetracycline - a natural broad-spectrum antibiotic  Tetracycline - a natural broad-spectrum antibiotic
 , Ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin. These drugs are active against both Gram negative and Gram positive organisms. When a patient reveals bacterial infection, it is most commonly prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics since they provide a quick and effective treatment. For example, if you go to the doctor with suspected bronchitis Bronchitis - protection if the body has malfunctioned  Bronchitis - protection if the body has malfunctioned
 You appoint antibiotics common action to treat the infection and is unlikely to take the bacteria on seeding.

If the infection is resistant to prescribing or unusual occurs, take a sample for analysis of bacteria. This sample is used not only to identify the pathogen, but for the selection of antibiotics to which they are sensitive. In this case, a sample of the bacterial culture is used for the screening of drugs that will be most effective, and you do not have to make a few broad-spectrum antibiotics before finding the correct one.

The main problem in connection with the broad-spectrum antibiotics, which acquired widespread in the late twentieth century - the formation of bacterial resistance to these antibiotics. Shortly after antibiotics have been established, the bacteria began to mutate, adapting to antibiotic therapy. In some cases, the bacteria become resistant to certain broad-spectrum antibiotics, which greatly complicates the treatment of infections, which are the causative agents of these infections.
