Prednisolone: ​​User will pay attention to the effects

September 9, 2012

 prednisone guide
 Prednisolone - synthetic glucocorticoid agent (GCS) It has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-edematous action. It suppresses the immune system, exudation of fluid from the small blood vessels (exudates) in inflammation, uncontrolled proliferation of tissue cells (proliferation), relieves itching.

 Prednisolone: ​​User will pay attention to the effects

The mechanism of action of prednisolone

Perdnizolon - a drug, which is a synthetic and more active derivative adrenocortical hormone hydrocortisone Hydrocortisone - a drug that could save the life of the patient  Hydrocortisone - a drug that could save the life of the patient
 . Available prednisolone Prednisolone - against inflammation, allergy and pain, but with complications  Prednisolone - against inflammation, allergy and pain, but with complications
   in the form of tablets, injectable solutions, ointments and ophthalmic suspensions.

The mechanism of action of prednisolone is connected with the fact that it inhibits the synthesis of biologically active substances that cause inflammation and allergies, and also reduces the concentration of enzymes that break down proteins in inflammation.

Prednisolone actively inhibits phagocytosis (cellular immunity - destruction of pathogens by macrophages cells) and antibodies to a foreign substance (humoral immunity) - this leads to a rapid and substantial reduction in immunity. It also inhibits the formation of collagen protein to the site of inflammation or injury (that is, the formation of rough scars and adhesions).

Antiallergic effect of prednisolone is associated with suppression of formation and secretion of histamine and other biologically active substances involved in allergic reactions. It also reduces the permeability of small blood vessels (capillaries) that prevents the appearance of edema.

Antishock effect of prednisolone is due to the fact that it enhances the action of adrenaline (primarily its ability to raise blood pressure, which drops sharply in shock), and sensitivity to the receptors located in different organs and tissues.

Prednisolone also has a marked effect on the metabolism Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting  Improves metabolism and losing weight without dieting
 . It reduces the amount of protein in blood plasma increases protein breakdown in muscle tissue, increases its synthesis in the liver. This can lead to the suppression of growth in children.

Not less impact it has on the lipid and carbohydrate metabolism: inhibits glucose uptake by fat cells, which leads to the activation decay adipose tissue. But because of the increase under its influence insulin secretion is stimulated formation of fat, which contributes to its accumulation.

Marked effects prednisolone provides water-salt exchange: he delays in the body of sodium and water (edema) and outputs potassium, reduces the absorption of calcium in the intestine increases its elution from bone and kidney excretion (this leads to depletion of bone calcium or osteoporosis - bone become brittle).

In high doses, prednisone can increase excitability of the central nervous system that leads to the formation of seizure. Prednisolone suppresses the secretion of pituitary hormones, thereby inhibiting the synthesis of endogenous (produced by the body), glucocorticoids, and adrenal androgens. It inhibits secretion of pituitary hormones that stimulate the thyroid function and maturation of the egg in the ovary.

 Prednisolone: ​​User will pay attention to the effects

Indications and contraindications

Prednisolone tablets and as an injection used for rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, certain types of leukemia, infectious mononucleosis, neurodermatitis, eczema, atopic dermatitis and other testimony to the use of corticosteroids. Prednisone is also introduced into the joints in the presence of these inflammatory and degenerative processes. In the treatment of eye diseases prednisolone used as a suspension.

Do not use this prednisolone in case of hypersensitivity to it of the patient, gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, osteoporosis, severe diabetes, stable high blood pressure, thrombophlebitis, disease or syndrome Cushing (violation of regulatory mechanisms controlling the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, resulting in increased production of corticosteroids), increased intraocular pressure (glaucoma), acute bacterial, viral and fungal infections, active form of tuberculosis, inflammation of the lymphatic vessels on the background of the introduction of the BCG vaccine, syphilis, psychosis, tumors, breast- Breastfeeding - a personal choice  Breastfeeding - a personal choice
   feeding. It should appoint prednisone for two weeks before the administration of any vaccine and two weeks after.

In pregnancy, prednisone can be administered only for health reasons.

 Prednisolone: ​​User will pay attention to the effects

Side effects

Prednisone has many side effects. Part of the endocrine system and metabolism may be suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, steroid diabetes, slowing growth and sexual development in children disorders of protein metabolism, osteoporosis, reduced levels of potassium and calcium in the blood, obesity, sweating. Decreasing the amount of potassium in the blood leads to violations of the heart muscle, blood stagnation, thrombosis.

On the part of the digestive system - nausea, vomiting, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, inflammation of the esophagus, pancreas, bleeding from the stomach and intestine, and perforation of the walls, violation of appetite, bloating, hiccups. Sometimes - impaired liver function.

Patients may cause persistent headaches, increased intracranial pressure, psychoses, neuroses, depression, seizures. It is also possible the development of cataracts, circulatory disorders in the area of ​​the cornea.

The skin may appear petechial hemorrhages, acne, striae (stretch marks), fungal infections, slow process of regeneration skin with reduced or increased pigmentation.

Prednisolone - a drug that in no case can not be used without a doctor's prescription.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • prednisolone

Sumamed - Suspension: for the treatment of children

October 28, 2011

 Sumamed - Suspension
 Sumamed slurry is used to treat children. It is highly effective antibiotic, which is also very easy to use: its reception throughout the three days provides a one-week course of treatment, as sumamed slowly excreted from the body.

 Sumamed - Suspension: for the treatment of children

Action suspension Sumamed

The suspension Sumamed suppress the vital activity of pathogens of bacterial origin. These infections are infections of the nasopharynx (purulent tonsillitis Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?  Angina - is it worth it to carry "on their feet"?
 , Exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis), sinuses (sinusitis), middle ear, bronchi and lungs. It helps sumamed Sumamed antibiotics wisely  Sumamed antibiotics wisely
   in suspensions and other infections in infants.

Sumamed very quickly "dealt" with all these infections, only three days to cure infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Its operating principle is that after absorption in the gastrointestinal tract it very rapidly reaches the desired concentration in the plasma (liquid portion) and penetrates the blood cells performing the functions of cellular immunity (macrophages). Together with macrophages sumamed immediately falls in inflammation, which wasted no time, penetrate into the cells of infectious agents and, depending on the dose suspend their livelihoods or even breaks.

But that's not all: Summamed very slowly eliminated from the body and has a significant after-effect, so it is enough to take it to the standard dose for three days in order to get the full treatment.

 Sumamed - Suspension: for the treatment of children

To appoint sumamed in suspension

Sumamed in the suspension administered to young children whose weight reached 10 kg, it is believed that the child is six months, although the weight of 10 kg usually corresponds to a child about a year. Sumamed help your child cope with a bacterial infection of the nasopharynx, bronchopulmonary system, bones and joints, soft tissues, mug, streptococcal, scarlet fever, Lyme disease and some other infections, causative agents of which are sensitive to sumamed.

Since sumamed has a wide range of actions, on an outpatient basis, if a child has an acute bacterial infection that can immediately prescribe treatment without first checking the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics. In this analysis before prescribing the drug is still better to take, and then adjust the treatment according to the results. In the treatment of acute illnesses it is very convenient, so sumamed found widespread in pediatric practice. But this does not mean that the suspension Sumamed may be given without a doctor's prescription - like any effective antibiotic, this drug has many side effects and contraindications.

Sumamed in the suspension is not indicated for serious diseases of the heart, liver and kidneys, in case of hypersensitivity to the drug.

 Sumamed - Suspension: for the treatment of children

Side effects of the suspension Sumamed and overdose of the drug

When you receive a suspension Sumamed may occur following side effects:

  • of the central and peripheral nervous system - dizziness, headache, drowsiness or insomnia, lethargy (fatigue) or increased activity and aggression, convulsive readiness, violation of skin sensitivity (eg, feeling pins and needles in the skin);
  • by hearing, smell and taste - transient hearing loss (long-term use at high doses can be very child hearing loss), tinnitus, impaired perception of taste and smell;
  • on the part of the cardiovascular system - tachycardia Tachycardia - the body to the limit?  Tachycardia - the body to the limit?
 , Heart rhythm disorders;
  • from the gastrointestinal tract - a violation of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, pain and abdominal cramps, bloating, bowel disease;
  • of the liver and bile ducts - stagnation of bile, jaundice, liver dysfunction, and very rarely - necrosis (necrosis of the cells of the liver);
  • on the part of the musculoskeletal system - joint pain Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?  Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?
   and muscles;
  • by the kidneys and urinary tract infections - inflammation and dysfunction of the kidneys;
  • in connection with the suppression of normal intestinal microflora and the genital tract can dysbiosis (increased proliferation of pathogenic microflora) and candidiasis (a fungal disease);
  • Allergic reaction - skin rash, itching and other symptoms.

In overdose suspension Sumamed any side effects worse.

 Sumamed - Suspension: for the treatment of children

How to receive a suspension Sumamed

A suspension Sumamed must be strictly in accordance with the instructions to the drug. To do this, the vial with the powder (it there 17 g) was poured enclosed syringe with 12 ml of boiled lukewarm (not hot!) Water. After stirring the active vial 23 ml of a suspension is obtained, which gives the child a strictly prescribed by a doctor, dialing from a vial using a syringe. Thereafter, the syringe is washed thoroughly with running water, and the child is given a drink a few sips of liquid (suspension must be removed from the mouth).

Preparing a suspension retains validity for five days.

Before each use, the suspension was thoroughly agitated until a homogeneous suspension.

The suspension Sumamed - this is not a safe drug, assign it to the child can only be a doctor.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • sumamed
