Primary tuberculosis - a negative contact with mycobacteria - Treatment

April 13, 2014

  • Primary tuberculosis - a negative contact with mycobacteria
  • Treatment

 primary tuberculosis treatment

Treatment of primary tuberculosis

Prescribe treatment of primary tuberculosis, doctors adhere to the following principles:

  • Use of more than one drug to prevent multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Standard treatment begins with the reception of the four medications for two months;
  • The treatment should last from four to nine months or, if necessary, even longer. Number of drugs used for the treatment depends on the results of tests for antibiotic sensitivity;
  • Use the strategy of directly observed treatment. This strategy increases the probability that the patient will take the medication for as long and as often as necessary. Proper treatment, in turn, reduces the risk of reactivation of tuberculosis;
  • Try different combinations of anti-TB drugs, if the selected first combination of drugs does not give the expected result due to drug resistance;
  • Correct treatment regimen in accordance with the needs of specific patient populations, such as pregnant women and HIV HIV - can be slow, can not be stopped  HIV - can be slow, can not be stopped
 -infected children, and so on.

In most cases for the treatment of all forms of tuberculosis used isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide and ethambutol in various combinations.

Successful treatment depends not only on the drug, but also from the patient. First of all, it should faithfully take drugs and go to the survey. Many patients are advised to be hospitalized for the first few weeks of therapy - at this time the patient is infectious, and stay in the hospital will reduce the risk of infection of other people. After two to four weeks after receiving the drug the patient can no longer infect others, and usually feels much better.

Lifestyle plays an important role in the treatment of primary tuberculosis. The patient must fully eat, sleep, and enough to move (do not overwork) - all of this helps to strengthen the immune system The immune system - how it works?  The immune system - how it works?
   and it is better to fight the disease.

Low-fat diet during treatment is strongly advised to avoid. If the patient has a poor appetite - which is frequently observed in tuberculosis - experts recommend, if possible, have the most favorite dishes in small portions, four to six times a day. Between meals you can eat high-calorie protein shakes.

Considerable importance and psychological problems associated with tuberculosis .  Identification of primary tuberculosis for many people getting hit - not least because of insufficient and biased knowledge about the disease .  So, there is still a fairly widespread belief that tuberculosis ill, in large part, alcoholics, drug addicts and prisoners, and that the disease will necessarily lead to serious and irreversible health effects .  Often, patients experience feelings of guilt and shame because they can infect (and sometimes actually infect) your loved ones and strangers who meet in public transport, shops, etc. .  In fact, TB no one is immune, and in most cases respond well to treatment .  As for the infection of healthy people, the blame can only be those who are ill with tuberculosis and open deliberately refuses to be treated .  In addition, most people after infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis do not develop active .  If, despite all the arguments, the patient continues to feel depressed, that does not go over two or more weeks in a row, he should consult a psychologist or your doctor so that he, if necessary, refer the patient to a therapist .



If the patient adheres to the therapy, primary tuberculosis Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed  Tuberculosis - a full recovery is not guaranteed
   It can usually be cured for a period of four to nine (sometimes - up to twelve) months, after which a significant part of people's infection no longer makes itself felt. Complications of primary tuberculosis usually occur in people with weak immune systems, and those who do not follow all instructions from your doctor about taking medication. In such cases, the formation of abscesses in the lungs, airway obstruction, with extrapulmonary tuberculosis - disruption of the affected organs (liver, bladder, kidney), scarring of the skin, kyphosis. If untreated, complications of tuberculosis Complications of tuberculosis  Complications of tuberculosis
   may result in death of the patient.

Article Tags:
  • types of tuberculosis

Lyme disease - beware of ticks - How does

September 28th, 2008

  • Lyme disease - beware of ticks
  • As shown

What is Lyme disease

Lyme disease or Lyme borreliosis - an infectious disease caused by a spirochete (Borrelia) and transmitted by ticks. Lyme disease has a tendency to chronic course with frequent exacerbations. Primarily affecting the skin, nervous system, joints and heart.

It was found that natural foci of Lyme disease are largely coincide with the natural foci of tick-borne encephalitis are recorded, and almost the entire territory of Russia. At the same time the incidence of Lyme disease Borreliosis - Beware of ticks  Borreliosis - Beware of ticks
   several times higher than the incidence of encephalitis.

 How does | Lyme disease - beware of ticks

How is infection

Borrelia are found in the body of some wild animals, such as rodents, deer, birds, etc. When the bite of a tick spirochete from the blood of a wild animal fall into the intestines of the tick, multiplies there, and then excreted in the feces. The salivary glands of the tick Borrelia small, so not every bite of an infected tick can cause human disease. Tick ​​bites are recorded during the spring, summer until late autumn, but the peak biting usually falls in May-June.

 How does | Lyme disease - beware of ticks

On what basis can a diagnosis of Lyme disease

Lyme disease can be suspected when the typical appearance of the skin annular erythema after a tick bite. The laboratory blood tests for detection of antibodies to Borrelia. It is indirect immunofluorescence (NRIF) with an antigen from Borrelia (antigen - any foreign substance that has got into the blood in response to the introduction of such a body produces antibodies to the antigen, they stick together, and removes it from the body). Work is also a reaction which detects the RNA of Borrelia in the blood (PCR).

 How does | Lyme disease - beware of ticks

What are the symptoms of Lyme disease

After a tick bite and hit Borrelia in the blood and to the first signs of the disease takes place from 2 to 30 days, on average - two weeks (the incubation period).

The disease has several stages, which do not necessarily follow one another, and sometimes one or another stage at all.

  • The first stage - erythema migrans, she went on for about a week. Against the background of high temperature, headache, nausea, joint pain Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?  Joint pain - how to understand what is going on?
   on the site of the tick bite appears redness, swelling (erythema). Erythema gradually increases in size, sometimes reaching 50-60 cm, and acquires a bluish tint. Gradually formed in the center of enlightenment and erythema takes the form of a ring (but sometimes and is stain). This erythema can persist for several months and could disappear within two or three days, leaving behind pigmentation and then scar.
  • The second stage - a stage complications of the nervous and cardiovascular system (two to four weeks). Signs of serous meningitis Serous meningitis - a consequence of serious infection  Serous meningitis - a consequence of serious infection
 Headache, nausea, vomiting, photophobia, and so on. Maybe different nerve damage, for example, in violation of the facial facial expression and numbness of the affected side of the face. Then, some patients have disorders of the heart (discomfort, irregular heart rate, and so on).
  • The third stage - the defeat of the joints. Starting two months later from the start of the disease, sometimes even two years. It affects large joints, usually the knee, most often on one side. Inflammation of the joints can last several years, the fading, the sharpening, and the structure can be broken bones and cartilage.

 How does | Lyme disease - beware of ticks

Chronic Lyme disease

The disease has a tendency to chronic course with alternating periods of exacerbation and decay, but sometimes occurs in a continuous flow process. This usually manifest symptoms of the joints (arthritis). Against the background of chronic inflammation of the joints gradually changes and loses its function.

 How does | Lyme disease - beware of ticks

Treatment of Lyme disease

In severe disease treatment is carried out in the hospital. Antibiotics and drugs affecting the inflammatory process in different organs and tissues and removes intoxication.

In chronic course of the disease, along with antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
   prescribed drugs, reducing immunity (defenses). But if the response of the body is excessive and dangerous in itself, it appointed its suppressive drugs.

 How does | Lyme disease - beware of ticks

The prognosis of Lyme disease

Forecast at a favorable time begun treatment. Otherwise, especially in the chronic course, may come disability.

 How does | Lyme disease - beware of ticks

Disease prevention

Going for a walk in the woods, you should try not to leave open places on the body, especially on the legs. If, however, you find yourself at home in the body of the tick, you should cover it with a cloth dampened with plenty of vegetable oil, half an hour on. Then carefully remove the tick with tweezers, trying not to crush it, and lubricate the wound with iodine.

Galina Romanenko
