Vaccination against polio - the only guarantee of protection against infection
July 11, 2014
Vaccination against polio to protect people from severe infections, which often leads to disability. Polio vaccine was developed in the 50s of the last century. After the introduction of mandatory immunization of children spread the infection was stopped.
Why is the vaccine against polio
Poliomyelitis - is a serious infectious disease caused by three types of viruses (1, 2 and 3), leading to heavy damage to the central nervous system. Complications are polio paralysis, which lead to disability. Like any viral disease, polio is difficult to treat, the only effective means of it is vaccination. Correct vaccination allows you to completely protect a child against polio.
Modern vaccines contribute to the development of immunity to all three types of polio virus.
All vaccines are of two types - live and inactivated (killed). Live polio vaccine is a liquid, which comprises live attenuated polio viruses. Take the vaccine through the mouth, so it is called oral. The advantage of a live vaccine is more active immunity, but the disadvantage - the possibility of complications, including the development of vaccine-associated poliomyelitis (VAP). Russia has issued a live attenuated oral polio vaccine 1, 2, 3 types for the prevention of polio in the Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitis them. Mikhail Chumakov.
Inactivated vaccine is not produced in Russia, but it is purchased for the vaccination of infants. So the vaccine Infanrix (pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline, UK), includes components against hepatitis
Viral hepatitis - Army disease
B, diphtheria, tetanus
Tetanus - a constant companion of man
, Poliomyelitis (inactivated virus), pertussis
This pest, pest whooping ...
. Pentaxim vaccine (Sanofi Pasteur, France) is used for the prevention of diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis (inactivated vaccine), whooping cough and Haemophilus influenzae. Polio Vaccines Imovaks (Sanofi Pasteur, France) and Polioriks (GlaxoSmithKline, UK) - a single-component inactivated vaccine to prevent polio 1, 2, 3 types of inactivated.
Vaccinations for children against polio
Vaccinations against polio children begin to make the age of three months. As a rule, they combine a vaccine against whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus. At the same time it made the vaccine DTP and polio. Primary vaccination consists of three doses, the first two are used for inactivated vaccines, and then go on living. All subsequent booster also conducted with live vaccines.
Calendar of vaccinations against polio
first vaccination against poliomyelitis (inactivated vaccine is carried out) - 3 months;
second vaccination against poliomyelitis (inactivated vaccine is carried out) - 4, 5 months;
third polio vaccination (performed live vaccine) - 6 months;
The first revaccination against polio (live vaccine) - 1 year 6 months;
second revaccination against polio (live vaccine) - 1 year 8 months;
third polio booster (live vaccine) - in 14 years.
Where do vaccinated against polio
Live oral polio vaccine is buried in the mouth, kid - on the lymphoid tissue of the pharynx, older children - on the surface of the tonsils, where it starts to form immunity. If the vaccine drip into a language of its unpleasant taste appears excessive salivation, a child swallows the drug, it enters the stomach with saliva and it is destroyed, so the vaccine will be effective.
Inactivated polio vaccine to children 1 to 5 years is administered subcutaneously in the undercut area in the shoulder or intramuscularly in the thigh, older children - in the shoulder.
Side effects of vaccination against polio
And live and inactivated vaccines usually do not cause side effects. The only thing that can manifest vaccinated against polio - a reaction in the form of a small redness and swelling
Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
at the site of an inactivated vaccine. It is also possible slight fever after the vaccination against polio and malaise - they appear in the child through a day or two after the injection. All these phenomena take place in a few days on their own.
However, the complications of vaccination against polio there. These complications include vaccine-associated poliomyelitis (VAP).
This condition can develop after administration of live oral vaccines a child with congenital immunodeficiency or AIDS. Predisposing to VAP and congenital malformation of the gastrointestinal tract.
Contraindications vaccinated against polio
Contraindications to the use of live oral vaccines are neurological disorders that arose during previous vaccination, immunodeficiency, cancer, any acute illness and exacerbation of chronic diseases.
Contraindications to the use of inactivated vaccines: Hypersensitivity of the components of the vaccine, any acute illness and exacerbation of chronic diseases. Pregnancy and breast-feeding is not a contraindication to vaccination.
Vaccination against polio must be made for all children.