Viral hepatitis - Army disease

March 29, 2014

  • Viral hepatitis - Army disease
  • Signs

 viral hepatitis
 Viral hepatitis in recent years become the most common infection. Currently found 9 viruses capable of causing hepatitis with different but often with similar symptoms. But experts say that it's not all discoveries: there are clearly viral hepatitis, which is the causative agent can not be established.


Forms of viral hepatitis

Viral hepatitis - is an infectious disease with a primary lesion of the liver, digestive system and the lymphatic system, which is characterized by intoxication and often occurs with jaundice. The term "hepatitis" united different in origin diseases, both infectious and non-infectious origin. But the largest group still account for viral hepatitis. Causes of viral hepatitis - Exposure to pathogens of viral origin. On how viral hepatitis is transmitted, it can be assumed, which virus caused it.

The classification of viral hepatitis in origin divides them by infectious agents that can be hepatotropic (ie, selectively affecting the liver) and non-hepatotropic.

Currently, nine kinds allocated hepatotropic virus Hepatitis (A, B, C, D, E, G, F, TTV, SEN). Of these, hepatitis A and E cause acute hepatitis, which in most cases ends in complete recovery from pathogen excretion from the body. Modes of transmission of viral hepatitis A and E - is getting the virus in the body of a person with food and water contaminated with the feces of the patient (fecal-oral route).

In addition, for hepatitis A infection are the main source of food and drinking water infected with hepatitis A infection for only a small number of viruses. Hepatitis E is mainly with faulty plumbing where viruses get hepatitis E Hepatitis E - a disease that is most often spread by malfunction  Hepatitis E - a disease that is most often spread by malfunction
   in large quantities: a small amount of virus is not capable of causing disease. Therefore hepatitis A is widespread, while hepatitis E - a disease of the countries where it is not complied with hygiene regulations. In addition, hepatitis A and E can be transmitted through blood and sexual contact, homosexual, in which there is injury to the rectal mucosa, but this mode of transmission is negligible.

Hepatotropic hepatitis viruses B, C, D, G, F, TTV, SEN called parenteral, as they are not transmitted through the digestive tract, and by the blood in its blood transfusion from an infected person to a healthy, and with repeated use of one and the as syringes and needles by different people, at different medical procedures (if used improperly treated toolkit), sexually. Hepatitis caused by these viruses almost always becomes chronic and may proceed to cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Since many experts believe that not all known hepatitis viruses, there is no such diagnosis is viral hepatitis caused by either A or G virus. Such diagnosis is that if all the symptoms speak for viral hepatitis, and laboratory confirmation of this diagnosis is not present.

For non-hepatotropic viruses that can cause hepatitis include cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex viruses, Epstein-Barr virus (mononucleosis pathogens), yellow fever virus, rubella, mumps, HIV.

Non-viral hepatitis can be caused by bacteria, and can also have non-infectious character (alcohol, drugs, autoimmune hepatitis).


Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A - the most common of all the hepatitis viruses. It causes acute viral hepatitis that never spills over into the chronic form. Sometimes Hepatitis A Hepatitis A - do not forget to wash your hands!  Hepatitis A - do not forget to wash your hands!
   It called infectious hepatitis, because it can be transmitted from person to person, like other viral infections. Viral hepatitis type A is spread through water and food, especially for poor sanitary conditions. In addition, it can quite easily spread among those who live in the same house with the infected. Failure to comply with sanitary norms massive infection can occur in restaurants, kindergartens, and so on.


Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is also known as serum hepatitis Hepatitis - the scourge of our time  Hepatitis - the scourge of our time
 As previously thought, that it can be transmitted only through blood serum. We now know that infection can occur through sexual contact; In addition, it is transmitted by use of contaminated needles, blood transfusions, dialysis, and during childbirth - from mother to newborn child. Tattooing, body piercing, use of shared razors and toothbrushes (if they contain traces of infected blood) is also associated with the risk of contracting hepatitis.

Approximately 6-10% of patients infected with hepatitis B, chronic viral hepatitis develops. The infection can last from six months to several years or even decades. During this time, an infected person can infect others.

In patients with chronic hepatitis B are at increased risk of developing cirrhosis, liver failure and liver cancer. It is estimated that 200-300 million people in the whole world suffers from chronic hepatitis caused by the hepatitis B virus


Hepatitis C

Before was isolated hepatitis C virus by interfering with viral hepatitis caused by their physicians noted pathogens as "hepatitis virus, not related to viruses types A and B". Today, the hepatitis C virus is revealed; most often they are infected, making the injection of non-sterile needles (usually the people who use illicit drugs). In addition, there is a risk of infection through blood transfusions and hemodialysis. Approximately 90% of the causative agent of hepatitis associated with blood transfusion is the hepatitis C virus Infection through sexual contact is rarely celebrated.

In 50-70% of patients infected with HCV develop chronic hepatitis C. Hepatitis C - "the tender murderer"  Hepatitis C - "the tender murderer"
 . These patients are at increased risk of developing cirrhosis, liver failure and liver cancer.


Hepatitis D, E, F, and G

Among these viruses special attention should be given hepatitis B virus D. This in a sense, a weak virus - it is necessary for the survival of the host simultaneous infection with hepatitis B. It can not survive on its own, as to infect the cells of the liver, it needs proteins, which produces HBV Hepatitis D is transmitted by use of contaminated needles for injection, as well as through sexual contact and blood transfusions. Hepatitis D can occur simultaneously with hepatitis B or later. Patients with chronic hepatitis both can quickly develop cirrhosis. In addition, the combination of these viruses is very difficult to treat.


Symptoms of viral hepatitis

The period between infection and the onset of illness is called the incubation period. The incubation period for hepatitis A is 15-45 days; Hepatitis B - 45-160 days Hepatitis C - from two weeks to six months. In some patients, viral hepatitis is not showing any symptoms. Often, however, the symptoms of viral hepatitis are:

  • Lack of appetite
  • Sickness
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Weakness, tiredness
  • Stomach ache
  • Less occur symptoms such as:
  • Dark urine
  • The light color stools
  • Fever
  • Jaundice


The prognosis of viral hepatitis

For most patients the prognosis is favorable. Almost all patients with hepatitis A, and the majority (about 95%) of adult patients with hepatitis B recover completely. Full recovery from viral hepatitis is:

  • Hepatitis B virus is absent as in the liver and in the immune system
  • Inflammation of the liver passes
  • The patient developed an immunity to the virus that caused the disease
  • The patient can not infect other people with viral hepatitis

Unfortunately, not all patients recover completely; approximately 5% of those infected with hepatitis B virus and 80% of those infected with hepatitis C disease spills over into the chronic form.
