Dull continuously or periodically appearing chest pain
Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
characteristic of some heart diseases such as rheumatism, that affects all the lining of the heart, myocarditis, rheumatic origin and others. There are such a pain and cardioneurosis.
What causes rheumatism
Rheumatic fever - is a systemic inflammatory disease of connective tissue with damage to the heart and blood vessels that develops against the backdrop of infection by beta-hemolytic streptococcus group A.
The development of rheumatic fever is usually preceded by a sore throat, or any disease of the nasopharynx caused by beta-hemolytic streptococcus group A. One of the conditions of occurrence of rheumatic fever is the severity of the streptococcal infection, prolonged carriage of the infectious agent and the inadequate treatment of angina.
In rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatic fever - are possible complications of heart
It occurs toxic and infectious damage of connective tissue in conjunction with an immunological rearrangement organism (in response to exposure to streptococcal organism produces antibodies which are connected to the antigen or pathogen infection, have a damaging effect on the tissue).
What is rheumatic heart disease and how it manifests itself
Rheumatic heart disease is manifested either sequentially or simultaneously by inflammation in the lining of the heart of all: internal (endocarditis), medium (myocardium) and external (the pericardium). Since separate manifestations of inflammation in the sheath sometimes impossible, for rheumatic heart disease using generic term "rheumatic heart disease". Symptoms of rheumatic heart disease are determined by a primary lesion of a particular layer of the heart.
The manifestations of rheumatic myocarditis
The most common primary (and sometimes the only) symptom of the disease is rheumatic myocarditis. Myocarditis manifested malaise, weakness, poor efficiency, low temperature rise, shortness of breath, palpitations. One of the main symptoms are pain in the heart, which are often a dull aching in nature. Against the background of dull pain can arise sharp pain, like the pain of angina (pain in angina occur spasm of the arteries supplying the heart muscle). But an attack of angina pain nitroglycerin is removed, whereas in rheumatic myocarditis pain nitroglycerin is not removed.
Symptoms of rheumatic endocarditis
The defeat of the inner lining of the heart (endocarditis, rheumatic) also occurs very often and shows the changes in heart valves. In most cases, with proper treatment it is only temporary, but may become permanent - in this case we speak about the formation of acquired heart disease. Manifested by various heart diseases circulatory disorders.
The manifestations of rheumatic pericarditis
Rheumatic pericarditis (heart failure outer shell, which represents two sheets, between which the pericardial cavity) may be dry and exudative.
Signs of dry pericarditis usually dull monotonous pain in the heart. Most such pains are mild, but sometimes reminiscent of the pain of angina. But as pericarditis is very often associated with myocarditis, it is difficult to say, thereby causing severe pain. A characteristic feature of dull pain in pericarditis is their dependence on the respiratory movement (at the height of inspiration pain worse), and change the situation.
Less commonly occurs exudative or pericardial effusion, in which the pericardial fluid accumulates inflammatory. At the same time the patient's condition worsens, there are shortness of breath, pain intensified and become retrosternal character (in this case they can be dull and oppressive, but there may be sharp). Appears expressed tachycardia
Tachycardia - the body to the limit?
. All the symptoms are increasing in a horizontal position.
Diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic heart disease
Clear clinical signs of rheumatic heart disease confirmed by laboratory tests (detection of inflammatory activity), ECG (various heart rhythm disorders), X-ray of the heart (the expansion of the borders of the heart by the left half, the symptoms of pericarditis), and other diagnostic studies.
In addition, the diagnosis of rheumatic heart disease is confirmed by the improvement of the patient against the backdrop of an active anti-rheumatic treatment. Treatment of the active phase of the disease is carried out in the hospital and continue treatment on an outpatient basis. Prescribe antibiotics penicillin, anti-inflammatory and desensitizing (reduces allergic disposition) therapy. Treatment long, it is often still in the sanatorium conditions.
If there is dull pain in the heart
Pain in the heart - always consult a doctor
, It is first necessary to exclude rheumatism.
Galina Romanenko