Breast cancer - stage cancer - II degrees

June 17, 2013

  • Breast cancer - stage cancer
  • Grade I
  • Grade II
  • Grade III
  • Grade IV

 Breast Cancer II degree

Breast Cancer II degree (stage) - a disease in the lymph nodes are involved

Symptoms of Breast Cancer II degree depend on the form of the disease, but always at this stage there are first metastasis - the defeat of nearby lymph nodes. At this stage, the woman herself may also reveal the presence of the tumor using an external examination of breast and its palpation and palpation of the axillary lymph nodes Axillary lymph nodes - signals about trouble in the mammary glands  Axillary lymph nodes - signals about trouble in the mammary glands

 Grade II | Breast cancer - stage cancer

As the tumor spreads

Stage II breast cancer is divided into stage II a and II b. At a stage II tumor size does not exceed 2 cm in diameter, but wherein the tumor extends 1-3 nearby (axillary usually located on the side of lesion) lymph node. The affected lymph nodes Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system  Lymph nodes - what keeps our immune system
   thick, may be slightly painful, but are not soldered to the surrounding tissues and to each other. Cancerous tumor at this stage can also be larger, up to 5 cm in diameter without lymph node involvement.

In stage II b tumor has up to 5 cm in diameter and extends to 1-3 axillary lymph node. Another option - the tumor is more than 5 cm in diameter and does not extend to the lymph nodes.

Clinical observations have established median survival in stage II cancer 10 years or more live from 75 to 90% of women with the condition that they were right on time and treated.

 Grade II | Breast cancer - stage cancer

The main symptoms

The main symptoms of breast cancer Breast cancer - symptoms of the disease need to know  Breast cancer - symptoms of the disease need to know
   Stage II is not expressed clearly, very often, and at this stage the cancer continues to develop symptoms. But if a woman in accordance with the recommendation mammologists monthly, without gaps, conducting self-diagnosis of breast cancer zhelezy¸ at this stage it will definitely notice. That is, of course, she did not diagnose yourself, but changes in the mammary gland will reveal. The main thing with this - not to play for time, trying to make a diagnosis, and immediately contact a specialist.

In the form of any symptoms can manifest as breast cancer stage II? First of all, at this stage in the most common form of anchor can already clearly dense painless probe assembly with an uneven surface and unclear contours. If the node is sufficiently large (for an ultrasound or mammogram to 5 cm in diameter), then over it, if you look closely, you can see land wrinkled skin - a sign that the tumor is growing towards the surface of the breast. Sometimes at this stage you will notice a small retracted skin over the tumor.

In cancer, Paget's nipple may swell and increase in size, or alternatively, get involved, abrasions on the surface become more pronounced, moving to the areola, get wet. There may be different kinds of discharge from the nipple. In this form of cancer lesion nipple can gradually move to the skin of the breast in the form of eczema with erosions, ulcers, crusts and scales (Paget's cancer is known as eczematous cancer).

Sometimes the breast can be reduced in size, the skin over it becomes dense, she covers the shell gland - this is called cancer Brigandine.

The lymph nodes in breast cancer stage II are usually increased in the axillary region, not soldered to each other and with the surrounding tissues and palpated as a dense, sometimes slightly painful formations.

 Grade II | Breast cancer - stage cancer

The prognosis for breast cancer in the early stages

Breast cancer in the early stages - a cancer of 0, I or II. Prognosis of the disease have a particular impact on women individual selection of treatment. It is well known that prognosis affect tumor size, rate of growth, histology, presence or absence of lymph node metastasis.

In addition, recently developed a series of laboratory tumor markers capable of more accurately predict the rapid development of the disease and how it will respond to treatment. Basically it Ki-67, ER, ER and Her-2-neu.

Ki-67 - a marker of proliferation (proliferation tissue by propagation of its cells) tumor. Ki-67 is an antigen (a substance capable of stimulating antibody formation in the body), is formed in the cell nucleus during its proliferation. It is now established a clear link between the number of cells that emit Ki-67, and the degree of malignancy of the tumor: the higher the number, the more malignant the tumor is. In the early stages of the disease Ki-67 allows you to predict the course of the disease and the results of his treatment.

ER and PR - is the female genital organs receptors of estrogen and progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 Located in the tumor. Detection of tumor ER and PR are favorable prognostic sign - the tumor can be treated with drugs that suppress the action of hormones.

Her-2-neu - a protein that is secreted, by both normal cells and tumor cells. However, tumor cells secrete it into several times. A large selection of this protein is a poor prognostic sign and indicates a high probability of relapse after treatment. With the help determine the level of allocation of Her-2-neu can be isolated in patients with early-stage breast cancer clinical need in the longer auxiliary system (adjuvant) therapy.

Breast cancer - stage cancer - III degree

June 17, 2013

  • Breast cancer - stage cancer
  • Grade I
  • Grade II
  • Grade III
  • Grade IV

 breast cancer III degree

Breast Cancer III degree (stage) - detailed picture of the disease

Breast Cancer III level - this is not initial and detailed, progressive stage of the disease. The cells of the primary tumor while already "typed power" to actively invade surrounding tissue and spread to new lymph nodes.

 Grade III | Breast cancer - stage cancer

How is a tumor

Stage III breast cancer is divided into substeps a, b and c. These three sub show a steady progression of the disease, if not carried out an adequate treatment.

Breast cancer (breast cancer - breast cancer) in stage III A is the primary tumor with a diameter up to 5 cm in combination with the simultaneous defeat of the 4-9 regional (nearby is usually axillary, but sometimes okologrudinnoy) lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are affected on the same side on which the primary tumor. They are thick, welded to each other and with the surrounding tissues. Conducted at this stage adequately treated quite effectively. In general, it leads to a lifetime of 10 years or more at 65-75% of women.

The diagnosis of breast cancer stage III b indicates that the tumor has penetrated the wall of the thoracic cavity or the skin. At this stage, most evident mastitopodobny breast cancer (inflammatory form of the disease).

Treated according to the rules of breast cancer in this stage leads to a ten-year survival rate of 10-40% of women.

BC III and stage - a tumor of the same or lesser extent of metastases Metastasis - danger everywhere  Metastasis - danger everywhere
   axillary, okologrudinnoy and supraclavicular lymph nodes on the affected side. With proper treatment of the ten-year survival rate at this stage is about 10%.

 Grade III | Breast cancer - stage cancer

Signs of breast cancer stage III

Signs of breast cancer stage III are quite typical, it is difficult not to notice. Sometimes the symptoms of breast cancer appear only at this stage, while the initial stages occur almost asymptomatic. And here comes to the fore self-examination and self-diagnosis of the disease.

At stage III breast cancer in the breast is already quite clearly possible to probe the node with an uneven surface. As the tumor spreads to the surrounding tissues, it is firmly soldered to them. The contours of the tumor uneven, to probe them is not always possible. At the same time there are signs of the spread of the primary tumor on the skin - a retraction of the skin above the tumor, change in shape of the breast. In the propagation of the tumor in the deep skin crevices lymph edema Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause  Prevention and treatment of edema - it is important to understand the root cause
   and the expansion of the skin follicles over the tumor appears thickening of the skin in the form of "orange peel".

Tumor and spreads in the opposite strontium, towards the front wall of the thoracic cavity. When tumor cells grow in the chest, often appear in the field of pain associated with stimulation of the area located in the nerves. Mammary gland also becomes fixed in relation to the pectoralis major muscle.

In diffuse edematous infiltrative breast cancer Breast cancer - the verdict?  Breast cancer - the verdict?
   breast lesions can significantly grow in size, while remaining painless. Clear boundaries formation at this. In this form metastases in the lymph nodes occur earlier than other forms.

The lymph nodes under the arm will not be felt alone, but in the form fused with the surrounding tissues conglomerate - it can be a little painful.

At stage III breast cancer often show signs mastitopodobnogo (inflammation) of cancer. The woman may be signs deployed mastitis - swelling, redness, pain, fever. No antibiotics or surgery do not bring a woman relief. Such cancers can occur as during lactation, and older women. In the latter case it is detected more quickly as mastitis for older women are usually not typical.

It appears in stage III and signs rozhepodobnogo cancer when swelling and redness in the breast resemble irregular flames and accompanied by fever and impaired general condition of the woman. Rozhepodobny cancer also did not respond to antibiotics Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?  Antibiotics - whether they will help you in the foreseeable future?
 That distinguishes it from rye.

In cancer, Paget's undergoing fundamental changes in the nipple area, it changes its shape, covered with non-healing erosions and ulcers, areas which alternate with areas of scabs and scales. Discharge from the nipple become permanent. Furthermore, at this point in the interior of the breast starts to palpable tumor site. The larger the tumor, the greater the change on her skin - she first becomes wrinkled, and then retracted.

The typical form is armored cancer: breast reduced in size, the skin above the dense, uneven surface, resembling armor.

Breast cancer stage III - it is not an early stage of the disease. However, and it is treated.
