- How to stop lactation - from folk remedies to medications
- Pills
How to stop lactation and why do it? Termination of lactation may be required in different circumstances. For example, some women shortly after childbirth have to go to work again, and they just do not have time to regularly breastfeed. In some cases, for example, HIV infection in the mother breast feeding is contraindicated. Finally, the question of the suppression of lactation may be relevant in the case of the death of the fetus in late pregnancy or newborn death.
Mammary glands are preparing for lactating women even during pregnancy. In most cases, cancer ready for breastfeeding by the end of the fifth month of pregnancy, and in the last trimester begins the secretion of colostrum - a yellowish liquid, has a very high concentration of proteins and antibodies
Antibodies - "soldiers' immunity
. The placenta produces hormones that inhibit delivery to milk production, but as soon as the placenta comes out of the mother's body, begins active lactation. After delivery of the milk nipple may be released not only in the feeding, but at a different time - simply from the fact that breast milk has collected a lot; the secretion often begins even when a woman sees the baby or thinking about it. This occurs under the influence of the hormone oxytocin, and its level is, of course, can not be reduced as soon as you are for any reason stopped breastfeeding.
On the suppression of lactation always need time and how much - depends on the specific case.
Before you stop breastfeeding (especially if you do it before the child is six months), it is necessary to consult a doctor. He'll tell you how to stop lactation correctly, with minimal discomfort for you. Moreover, in some cases it can prescribe drugs that stop the production of rapidly breastmilk.
How to stop lactation in women
The first and most important rule of termination of lactation: express as much milk as you need to feel comfortable - not more. To suppress lactation, you should give your body to understand that milk is no longer needed, and for that most of it should remain in the breast. Otherwise, the more milk you express, the more it will be produced - just as occurs during breastfeeding.
First, it is recommended to decant small quantities of milk three or four times a day. Gradually reduce the amount of milk and the frequency of decantation, bringing it up to once every three or four days. You will feel when it is time to cease to express milk.
How to stop lactation folk remedies
One of the most popular folk remedies for the suppression of lactation is tea with sage
Sage - cvyaschennaya grass
. To prepare it, pour a half teaspoon of dried sage cup of boiling water, let infuse for twenty to thirty minutes, and drink tea, optionally add a spoonful of honey. Recommended drinking three cups (about 200 ml) of tea a day, until the milk production is not stopped.
You can also prepare a decoction of sage and walnut leaves, mix them in roughly equal amounts. In one cup of boiling water required to one teaspoon of tea leaves. In addition, it is recommended to drink a decoction of mint
Mint and its useful properties: aromatic freshness
, Cranberry and basil leaf - all of these herbs help to gradually suppress milk production.
How to stop lactation without pills: common recommendations which do not help
Different sources can be found a lot of useless and even potentially harmful advice to those who want to stop lactation. For example, to suppress lactation often advised to firmly tie the chest wide strip of fabric. In practice, the implementation of this recommendation will not only lead to increased discomfort and pain in the chest, but may also cause damage to the delicate tissues of the breast. During the period of lactation, including when you stop it, the breast should be handled with care (for more details, we'll talk about this later).
Also, do not reduce the volume of fluid intake, or taking diuretics to stop milk production. These measures will help to suppress lactation only when a significant decrease in the volume of water in the body that can cause serious health problems.
In addition, you should be skeptical of tips on how to quickly stop lactation. As soon cease milk production depends mainly on when you stop lactation - immediately after birth or a few months later, in what quantities you produce milk, as well as how often you touch the chest (it is believed that nipple stimulation, for example, during lovemaking, can stimulate the continuation of lactation).
In some women, milk production stops in just 7-10 days, the other to suppress lactation takes several weeks.
In addition, sometimes a few weeks after breastfeeding has stopped, it begins to produce milk again - although in most cases it does not last long.
Termination lactation: general tips
- In the first few weeks of day and night should wear a comfortable bra made of soft, natural fabrics, with wide straps, which provides good support for the breast. You can buy a bra size larger - from accumulating in breast milk breast can increase significantly.
- Put in bra special discs of a soft material that will absorb the milk, and do not forget to change them regularly.
- Apply to the chest towel soaked in cold water, or chilled cabbage leaves - it will help ease the pain. The compress should be kept for 20-30 minutes, but if you are at home, we can put cabbage leaves in the bra and keep them all day, changing every two hours. Before using the leaves must be thoroughly cleaned and cut very prominent veins.
- Cool and warm shower also helps to relieve chest pain
Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
- Avoid any injuries to the chest - during lactation, it is very sensitive and it can be easily formed bruises.
- When severe pain in the chest, you can take non-prescription analgesics.
In the first days after giving up breast-feeding chest pain can be so severe that a woman may feel uncomfortable even while lying in bed. In this case, it is recommended either sleep on their backs, or to enclose a small pillow under the chest. To make it comfortable to lie on your stomach, you can put a pillow under your hips and belly - it will reduce the pressure on the chest.