Adenoma of the breast - can be transformed into cancer

June 24, 2010

 mammary adenoma
 Adenoma of the breast - a benign (non-cancerous) tumor of the breast, formed glandular (glandular) and fibrous (fibrous) tissue of the breast. Adenoma of the breast can be both single and group (it must be remembered that the multiple, complex adenoma breast cancer increases the risk of breast cancer).

Adenoma of the breast detected by breast self-examination and palpation of the primary, being smooth, round, rubbery touch education. Breast fibroadenoma formed fibrous tissue appears softer to the touch, particularly before the onset of menstruation, when hormonal changes cause swelling.

The size of adenoma breast can vary from one to five centimeters. In very rare cases, an adenoma can grow to considerable size (about fifteen centimeters). On a mammogram adenoma looks like a round or oval formation with smooth, crisp edges in the image. Fibroadenoma may look like a cyst or blastoma.

The most frequently adenoma breast cancer in young women between the ages of fifteen and thirty years, and also in pregnant women. The least common adenoma of breast cancer in women at menopause and menopause. About ten percent of the formations in the breast tissue over time, disappear on their own. In most cases, breast adenoma growth ceases when the formation reaches the size of two to three centimeters.

The exact causes of breast adenoma formation is unknown. Presumably, formation of adenoma associated with estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
 Because most of these formations formed in pregnant women or in premenopausal women. Often the appearance and disappearance of adenomas observed during the menstrual cycle when hormone levels change.


Diagnosis of breast adenoma

Aden breast fairly easy to distinguish from other tissues, so to diagnose these tumors most commonly used ultrasound. The images obtained by the ultrasound breast adenoma appears as a dark spot with a sharp-edged, homogeneous, circular or oval. If ultrasound does not allow to accurately diagnose breast adenoma, used magnetic resonance tomography. For the most accurate diagnosis may require biopsy or fine-needle aspiration biopsy tolstoigolnaya - fence tissue samples for subsequent examination under a microscope.


Treating or removing an adenoma of the breast

Because mammary adenoma is not dangerous, the choice of treatment depends primarily upon the diagnosis .  If the formation of a small, painless, not growing over time, and a biopsy revealed no problems, treatment is usually not required - with the exception of re-ultrasound after a certain period of time in order to determine the status of adenomas .  If adenoma is characterized by large dimensions (more than three centimeters), painful, it grows with time, and the biopsy results indicate the presence of abnormal (over active) cells may require surgical removal of the adenoma - so-called lumpectomy .  In some cases, removal of an adenoma of the breast can be used laser ablation or cryoablation .  Such procedures do not require hospitalization, and reserve minor scars do not require significant amounts of time to recover .


As it emerges and develops mammary adenoma

In the mammary gland adenoma usually it consists not only of glandular tissue, but also of fibrous connective tissue, so called fibroadenoma. Less common are purely glandular tumors - adenomas, apparently they are no different from fibroadenomas. Fibroadenoma is the most common benign tumor of the breast, it appears mostly aged 15-35 years, more frequently in women.

Fibroadenoma can occur anywhere on the breast, but more often it appears in verhnenaruzhnogo quadrant. Often there are multiple fibroadenomas.

When hormonal changes (during adolescence, pregnancy, breast-feeding Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!  Breast-feeding: feed - and no nails!
   child and so on) fibroadenoma may vary - in some cases increase rapidly in others (after normal pregnancy and delivery) - to diminish and even disappear.

Fibroadenoma can be knots and leafy.


Nodal fibroadenoma

Nodal fibroadenoma looks painless, well delimited round or oval plotnoelasticheskoy host of different sizes (usually from 1 to 3 cm, but can be much more). The tumor does not change its position in the different position of the patient (standing and lying) in contrast to the hub of mastitis, which merges with the breast tissue in a prone position. Such a tumor located in or around the (most) of the breast duct.

Often breast fibroadenoma Breast fibroadenoma - a benign tumor that requires Observed  Breast fibroadenoma - a benign tumor that requires Observed
   combined with mastopathy - the growth of the mammary gland in the background of hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
   connective tissue and the formation of cysts, filled with a transparent liquid. The age of patients is relatively young - between 15 and 35 years, after the age of 40 years and older the possibility of malignant degeneration of tumors.



Leaf-fibroadenoma frequently occurs between the ages of 40-45 years, has a layered structure, clearly distinguished from surrounding tissues and is rapidly increasing in size, resulting in deformation of the mammary gland, and sometimes to the complete substitution of breast tumor tissue. It is sometimes subjected to malignant transformation, and then spreads to the bones, lungs, and other organs. After removal of the tumor, it can recur (reappear).

Externally, the skin near the tumor may have a bluish tint to the redness, swelling palpable in the form of round or oval unit, but may have krupnobugristy circuit.


Diagnosis fibroadenoma

The diagnosis of fibroadenoma doctor may suggest after palpation of the breast, it says there are clear outlines of the tumor, its mobility and painless.

To confirm the diagnosis of an ultrasound and X-ray examination of mammary glands, blood analysis on hormones and laboratory study tissue taken from breast cancer by biopsy.

On radiographs fibroadenoma gives a circular or oval intensive shadow with clear arcuate contours. Shadow fibroadenoma nodular uniform, but in the long course of the disease, especially in the elderly, it appears the lime deposits. Leaf-fibroadenoma gives more shade rounded shape with scalloped contours.

When ultrasound can measure the amount of fibroadenoma, to distinguish it from the cysts and cancer. Blood tests to detect hormones, hormonal abnormalities, and the study of biopsy material - cancer cells.


Treatment fibroadenoma

Treatment can only be a fibroadenoma surgery - made sectoral resection of breast cancer, that is the removal of a benign tumor along with adjacent breast tissue with a mandatory extra (until the patient on the operating table) histological examination of tissue removed.

If the histological examination revealed malignant degeneration of the tissue, the course of the operation changed: removed entirely mammary gland and the surrounding (regional) lymph nodes, which are then also subjected to laboratory testing.

The prognosis for benign breast tumors in the case of timely surgical treatment favorable. In order to avoid the degeneration of a benign tumor in the breast cancer, you should regularly (at least twice per year) examined by a gynecologist and surgeon mammalogy.

Article Tags:
  • adenoma,
  • mammary gland
