Seal breast cancer: early identification of the problem - a guarantee of recovery

December 24, 2009

  • Seal breast cancer: early identification of the problem - a guarantee of recovery
  • The incidence of

 Sealing breast
 Seals breast cancer can be caused by various diseases, most of which are not harmful to health or are associated with a low risk, but in rare cases, the seal is a cause for concern. The most common reasons include seals breast infections, injuries, non-cancerous growths and cancer.

Breast cancer - one of the main causes of death among women. At present the mortality from breast cancer is reduced, which may be associated with an early diagnosis of the disease in combination with improved methods of treatment. Although in most cases the seal of the breast safety (ie, benign), a woman should see a doctor to rule out or diagnose cancer.

Seals of the breast can be a manifestation of generalized swelling breasts, a condition which is characterized by a sense of a few small bumps on some parts of the breast and breast tenderness.

Seals may appear in both breasts around the nipples in the upper chest, the outer part of the breast, especially before menstruation. They are temporary in nature, there are, and are changing in size.

Generalized breast lumpiness once considered a pathology, and even called fibrocystic mastopathy, but today it is so widespread, it is taken as the norm. Generalized breast lumpiness generally disappears after menopause, but sometimes occurs in post-menopausal women taking hormone replacement therapy.

 Seal breast cancer: early identification of the problem - a guarantee of recovery

Infections caused by compression of the breast

Infectious diseases of the breast known as mastitis. Mastitis is especially common in nursing mothers. When the skin around the nipple (areola) micro cracks are formed, for example by feeding through broken skin penetrate the bacteria and cause infection. Breastfeeding mothers often a hardening of the breast, known as the blockage of the milk ducts. Some treatments can help prevent the development of the actual infection of the breast that is painful transformation of solid seals mastitis. Infections may be concentrated in deep breast tissues, forming abscess Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?  Abscess - why it is so dangerous ulcers?
   - A pocket filled with pus. An abscess can be quite painful, the skin on the breast is red, becomes hot, or hard. Abscesses are treated with antibiotics and surgery for drainage of the abscess. Nipple piercing increases the risk of breast infections, which are particularly difficult to treat.

 Seal breast cancer: early identification of the problem - a guarantee of recovery

Injuries causing compression of the breast

If the damage or injury to the chest there is a rupture of tiny blood vessels, which leads to localized bleeding (hematoma can be felt as a seal). Chest injury may damage the fat cells in the breast tissue - this state is called fat necrosis. Seals of this type arise in mechanical damage and injuries to the chest, they are not cancerous and does not pose a serious threat to health.

 Seal breast cancer: early identification of the problem - a guarantee of recovery

Non-malignant formation, causing compression of the breast

Fibroadenoma is a benign (non-cancerous) tumors and is very common. These tumors are more common in women aged 30 to 35 years. Fibroadenoma - a dense, solid tumors to the touch, which are usually painless or sensitive to a small extent. Sometimes fibroadenomas grow rapidly in girls during puberty Puberty child - stages of a complex path  Puberty child - stages of a complex path
   and pregnant women.

Cyst - a fluid-filled sacs in the chest. They can be smooth and rigid, movable on palpation. During the menstrual cycle changes brush size. Cysts can be both painful and sensitive, and is completely painless. Cysts occur under the influence of hormones that control the menstrual cycle. Usually, cysts occur in women older than 35 years and is not associated with breast cancer.

Fibrocystic disease is a disease of the breast, which develops against the background of hormonal disorders and is characterized by the growth of connective tissue in the form of whitish strands with cysts, within which is a clear liquid. Shotty breast Breast - the mirror Women's Health  Breast - the mirror Women's Health
   It occurs due to disorders of the central nervous system, ovarian failure (typically, on a background of inflammation), adrenal glands, thyroid and liver.

 Seal breast cancer: early identification of the problem - a guarantee of recovery

Symptoms of breast cancer

The main symptoms of breast cancer are not painful lumpy breasts, nipple discharge, and inflammation of the breast skin.

Breast cancer is not usually accompanied by pain. Only 6% of women with breast cancer patients complain of chest pain Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases
   as the first sign of the disease.

Discharge from the nipple without the influence of external stimuli can be caused by benign (non-cancerous) tumors, such as ductal (Intraductal) papillomas (noncancerous growths in the milk ducts), and the expansion of areas of the milk ducts (ductal ectasia milk). However, discharge from the nipple - is always a reason to see a doctor.

Changes in skin breast, including their redness and fever, occasionally can be a sign of breast cancer. Typically, in most cases, inflammation or rash on the chest is not associated with cancer; They can be caused by eczema or fungal infection of the nipple. However, any precipitation chest must be evaluated by a physician.

Mammography - protection against breast cancer

October 5, 2008

  • Mammography - protection against breast cancer
  • Kinds

 Mammography - the study of breast pi X-rays. It is used to detect tumors and to determine whether they are benign or malignant.

 Mammography - protection against breast cancer

How is mammography

Before the procedure, the patient is asked to undress to the waist. Depending on the type of equipment it will need to sit or stand.

One breast is placed on a flat surface under which is a device that emits X-rays. Then, to his chest pressed against the so-called compressor that allows you to get the best picture of the breast tissue.

X-ray pictures are taken from several angles. Sometimes the patient is asked to come again after some time to make more shots. It does not always mean that doctors have identified breast cancer Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know  Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
 . Most likely, the doctor wants to check again some parts of the breast that were not clearly visible in the photographs taken during the first mammography.

Digital mammography - a new technique that allows you to view x-ray images of the breast on a computer screen. This procedure is more accurate, but is not available everywhere.

 Mammography - protection against breast cancer

How to prepare for a mammogram

On a day when you have to mammography, do not apply deodorant, perfumes and creams all over her chest and armpits. These substances can cause interference in the images. Before the procedure is necessary to remove from the neck all the decorations. Provide specialist who will conduct a mammogram if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

 Mammography - protection against breast cancer

What do mammograms

In mammography may include the following tasks:

  • Detection of breast cancer;
  • Diagnostics previously identified tumors in the breast;
  • Monitoring the woman who previously using mammography revealed abnormal growths;
  • Assessment of the status of women, which has a number of symptoms of breast disease Diseases of the Breast: from mastitis to cancer  Diseases of the Breast: from mastitis to cancer
 For example, knots in the breast, nipple discharge, breast skin structure change, change in the nipples and so on.

Regular mammography contributes to the early detection of breast cancer. Some medical organizations recommend that women over age 40 every one to two years to do a mammogram. Representatives of all health organizations say about the need to every one or two years to do mammograms for women over 50 years old.

 Mammography - protection against breast cancer

The results of mammography

Considered normal result of mammography, in which the picture is not detected any new growths. However, the majority of tumors detected using mammography, are benign and should not cause concern. Cause the following types of entities that can be seen in photographs taken during the mammogram:

  • Well defined spot correct form (in most cases this cysts);
  • Nodules are generally the same regular shape - they can be benign or malignant;
  • Areas of denser tissue, which can have both regular and irregular in shape; often these seals are cancer either themselves or hide in themselves cancers;
  • Calcification - calcium deposits in the breast tissue, which may also be signs of cancer Fifteen signs of cancer that women ignore  Fifteen signs of cancer that women ignore

If the results of a mammogram the doctor began to suspect cancer, may need additional mammography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and / or the use of other diagnostic procedures.

 Mammography - protection against breast cancer


Radiation levels Radiation and its biological effect: gently infected!  Radiation and its biological effect: gently infected!
   using mammography is low, so the associated risks are minimal. If mammograms do a pregnant woman holding her belly special cover to protect a child from exposure to radiation, so that this procedure is very safe.
