Atypical cyst breast cancer - a malignant tumor is possible

July 11, 2013

 atypical breast cyst
 Cyst of breast cancer is considered to be a predisposing factor of its degeneration into a malignant tumor Malignant tumor: cells are mad  Malignant tumor: cells are mad
 Especially atypical breast cyst Cyst of the breast - a sign of hormonal trouble  Cyst of the breast - a sign of hormonal trouble
 . Often, breast cysts are discovered accidentally during medical examinations, but it is possible to find them, and the woman, especially for large size of the brush.

Lactocele not a rare disease. Quite often, breast cysts are diagnosed in women of reproductive and late reproductive age (35 - 50 years). One of the causes of breast cysts are various hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous

 Atypical cyst breast cancer - a malignant tumor is possible

What is atypical breast cyst

Breast cyst is a fluid entity which is formed due to the expansion of a duct cancer and accumulation in the cavity formed secret. Furthermore, lactocele a fibrous capsule. Generally, the shape of the breast cysts round or oval, their size may be from several millimeters to several centimeters (five centimeters or more in diameter). Typical cyst (benign) has a smooth inner wall, while atypical cysts are characterized by growths that protrude into the cyst.

 Atypical cyst breast cancer - a malignant tumor is possible


Part of the reason the appearance of atypical breast cysts are the following:

  • cysts, breast cancer, there is a long time;
  • constantly recurrent (appearing again) cysts of the breast;
  • formation of breast, which has a calcium;
  • inflammation of the cyst;
  • the presence of benign growths papillomatoznyh;
  • presence of malignant cyst cavity papillomatoznyh formations.

 Atypical cyst breast cancer - a malignant tumor is possible

Symptoms of atypical cysts breast on mammography

In carrying out such diagnostic procedures such as mammography may reveal the characteristics of atypical breast cysts:

  • thickened wall of the capsule cysts;
  • the contents of the cyst give reflection;
  • no side shade;
  • no acoustic gain.

 Atypical cyst breast cancer - a malignant tumor is possible

Clinical manifestations

The clinical picture of atypical breast cysts independent of its size. Small cysts are usually asymptomatic and behavior identified by chance during a mammogram. When larger amounts of breast cysts woman herself palpates dense and flexible education in the chest, painless to the touch. Often the cyst increases on the eve of menstruation. Furthermore, it may disturb the discomfort in the breast, which is manifested by burning, itching or pain. Very large cysts lead to deformation of the breast. Possibly infected cysts that is accompanied by fever, redness, breast cancer and axillary lymph nodes increases.

 Atypical cyst breast cancer - a malignant tumor is possible


Diagnosing breast cysts is quite simple. Already on palpation of the breast is determined by the elastic, round or oval formation, not soldered to the skin (with the exception of small cysts). Additionally applied radiography (mammography) breast, which allows to determine the size and location of education and the number of cysts. When ultrasound is possible to study the walls from the inside cysts. The presence of growths on them indicating atypical cysts. Furthermore, use aerocystography. For final confirmation of the diagnosis carried out a puncture of breast cysts Puncture of the cyst of the breast - an important diagnosis  Puncture of the cyst of the breast - an important diagnosis
   fine needle, after which the resulting material is examined for the presence of atypical cells.

 Atypical cyst breast cancer - a malignant tumor is possible


Therapy atypical breast cysts larger sizes is complete emptying formation during puncture. After this procedure, the woman is at a dispensary.

If you suspect malignancy performed surgical removal of the cyst formation with part of the breast (sectoral resection). After surgery the result is subject to a mandatory histological examination.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • lactocele

Treatment of mastitis - conservative or surgical?

April 30, 2013

  • Treatment of mastitis - conservative or surgical?
  • Chest pain
  • Therapies
  • Conservative treatment
  • Folk remedies

 breast treatment
 Breast disease - a condition characterized by the formation of benign tumors in the breast, as well as, sometimes, pain and abnormal secretions. In most cases, the disease does not require treatment. If it causes discomfort, different methods are used for the treatment of mastitis.



Women with mastopathy, it is recommended to limit the intake of salt and saturated fats, and caffeine, and included in the diet as many foods rich in fiber. Desirably, the organic products were it not contain hormones and pesticides. A diet high in fiber will help rid the body of toxins and prevents the reabsorption of the most dangerous of them, including - xenoestrogens. It is recommended to consume as much as possible vegetables, especially those that belong to the family of cruciferous (cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts). It is also very useful yogurt with probiotics, which help normalize the intestinal microflora.



Begin to exercise regularly and make sure that in your workout consisted of aerobic and strength exercises and stretching exercises. Moderate exercises several times a week help to normalize hormonal levels, helping to lift the mood, control weight, and improve overall health.


Homeopathic medicines

  • Root pokeweed - one of the most effective anti-cyclic breast pain.
  • Hemlock Spotted indispensable in a very solid nodules in the chest and pain appearing before menstruation. It also helps with the inflammation of the axillary lymph nodes.
  • Lac Caninum - homeopathic preparation of the canine milk used for the treatment of severe cyclic breast pain and swelling.


Vitamins and dietary supplements

When mastitis is recommended to take the following vitamins and supplements:

  • Vitamin A - 100,000 IU per day (for example, in a glass of fresh carrot juice contains about 20,000 IU of vitamin A);
  • Vitamin C - 500 mg daily;
  • Vitamin B6 - 200 mg per day;
  • Zinc - 15 mg per day;
  • Flax Seed Oil - 300 ml per day;
  • Probiotics containing Lactobacillus acidophilus - 1 teaspoon three times a day;
  • Evening primrose oil - 1500 mg twice a day;
  • Co-enzyme Q-10 - 150 mg once a day (by a physician can be increased dose);
  • Flaxseed - tablespoon freshly ground seeds once a day.


Lymphatic drainage

In some cases, for the treatment of mastitis can be used by lymphatic drainage - it is very effective and rarely cause unwanted side effects. But first you must make sure that the lump in the breast is really benign; otherwise lymphatic drainage can be dangerous.



First of all patients with mastopathy is recommended to make some changes in your lifestyle, often in sports, to give up caffeine, cola, chocolate, alcohol and tobacco. Some experts recommend a diet rich in fruits and vegetables and the exclusion from the diet of fatty foods and simple carbohydrates. Also, you need to eat less salt, especially for one-two weeks before the start of menstruation.

It is important to wear a comfortable bra, especially for women with large breasts. Regardless of the size of the breast, during exercise you need to wear a supportive bra.

Some experts believe that if mastitis should also avoid stress, sleep at least eight hours a day, avoid exposure to direct sunlight and solarium.

In the treatment of mastitis also use certain drugs. Oral hormonal contraceptives are very effective if breast Breast - the mirror Women's Health  Breast - the mirror Women's Health
   associated with menstrual irregularities. These products are practically no side effects and can be taken without fear (exception here are female smokers - they have hormonal contraceptives can cause a variety of complications).

It should be noted that in rare cases, hormonal contraceptives causes increased symptoms of mastitis.

Much less for the treatment of mastitis using other means. Since all of the following drugs cause serious side effects, taking them appointed only in cases where the breast is a very strong pain in the chest Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases  Chest pain is one symptom - a lot of diseases

  • Danazol - a synthetic form of the male sex hormone testosterone. It stops the menstrual cycle and causes the condition, which can be called artificial menopause. Danazol is usually prescribed to women age 45-50 years.
  • Tamoksinfen blocks the activity of estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
 . It is often used in the treatment of breast cancer, and also to prevent it in women, risk groups. Toremifene works about as well as tamoxifen.
  • Injections of goserelin and ovaries stop working as danazol, cause an artificial menopause. This drug has many side effects, including hot flashes and reduction of bone density.

In addition to these drugs, used to treat mastitis natural means such as nettle, plantain Psyllium - helps the kidneys and stomach  Psyllium - helps the kidneys and stomach
 St. John's wort, a series, juniper, yarrow, horsetail.
