- Fibrocystic breast disease: learn to independently verify the chest
- Diagnostics
- What do we have to do?
- Methods of Treatment
Fibrocystic breast disease is characterized by the presence of small bumps and discomfort in one or both breasts. This disease is very common among women, and in this case the tumor is benign, that is fibrocystic breast disease
Fibrocystic breast disease: a precancerous condition
- It is not cancer. It is observed in more than 60% of women. The disease occurs mostly in women aged between 30 and 50 years old and less common among post-menopausal women.
The diagnosis of fibrocystic breast complicated by the fact that the degree of severity of the disease may be different. In some women, the symptoms of fibrocystic breast may be weak with minimal sensitivity or pain. Symptoms can also occur at a certain time, usually during the premenstrual period. With self-examination of the woman or the physician during the inspection may not even feel any changes in the breast. Other women have fibrocystic breast disease may be accompanied by persistent pain and sensitivity, and you can feel the bumps and multiple seals in both breasts.
Is there a difference between fibrocystic mastopathy and fibrocystic disease?
None. In the past fibrocystic breast disease often called fibrocystic disease. But be that as it may, it is not a disease, but a state. Many women have a predisposition to the formation of seals in the mammary glands. Thus, now more than the most common term is fibrocystic breast disease. In the medical literature accepted abbreviation FCM (an acronym that occurred from the term fibrocystic breast disease).
To indicate fibrocystic breast sometimes used other terms, including breast dysplasia, chronic cystic mastitis, diffuse cystic breast disease and benign breast disease (a term which includes other benign tumors of the breast).
What causes fibrocystic breast disease?
Fibrocystic breast disease affects the glandular breast tissue. The only known biological function of the glandular breast tissue - the milk. Glandular tissue occupies a large part of the breast, surrounded by fat tissue and the supporting elements. Glandular tissue comprises various cell types: (1) the cluster of secretory cells (cells that secrete milk) connected to ducts; and (2) cells that line the surface of secreting cells, called epithelial cells.
The most significant factor influencing the fibrocystic breast disease, a hormonal condition of women during the menstrual cycle. The woman's body every month there is a lot of hormonal changes that prepare her to attack a possible pregnancy. The most important of these are the hormones estrogen and progesterone
Progesterone - norm and pathology
. These two hormones affect breast tissue, causing the cells to grow and divide.
Many of the hormones estrogen and progesterone in addition, also play an important role in the development of fibrocystic breast. Prolactin, growth factor, insulin and thyroid hormone belong to other hormones that are produced outside the breast tissue and play an important role in the function of the mammary glands. Besides mammary gland itself produces hormonal products from ferrous and fat cells. The signals emanating from these hormonal products are sent to neighboring cells in the breast. The signals of these hormone-like factors can cause symptoms of fibrocystic mastopathy. Such substances may also increase the effects of estrogen and progesterone, and vice versa.
The hormones that prepare the glandular tissue in the breast milk to reproduction (lactation) is also responsible for the woman's menstrual cycle. Despite this, there is a big difference between the processes that occur in the breast and uterus.
In the uterus such hormones activate the growth and division of cells lining the uterine cavity. If pregnancy does not occur, the lining is torn away from the body during menstruation.
In breast same hormones stimulate the growth of the glandular tissue and enhance cell metabolism, affect the blood vessels and the supporting tissue. These hormonal changes can lead to a feeling of fullness of the breast, which a woman may experience during menstruation.
When the monthly menstrual cycle ends, stimulated cells are breast cancer can not simply be eliminated from the body, unlike the uterine lining. Instead, a large number of breast cells undergo a process of programmed cell death, called apoptosis. During apoptosis of activated enzymes that begin to absorb the cell from the outside. Such cells break down, and cell fragments are removed by cleaning (inflammatory) and surrounding glandular cells.
During this process, the broken fragments of the cells and the inflammation can lead to scarring (fibrosis), which adversely affects the capillaries and glandular tissue in the breast. Inflammatory cells and some disintegrated fragments may produce hormone-like substances which, in turn, affect glandular, flow and structural support cells.
The number of cellular decay products, the degree of inflammation and cellular cleansing process in the breast of every woman unique. These factors can also vary from month to month for each woman. They differ, even those that may occur in different parts of a woman's breast.
What women are more prone to the appearance of fibrocystic breast?
Fibrocystic breast disease is diagnosed in more than 50% of women of childbearing age, usually aged 30 years and older. The cause of mastitis can serve as a set of processes recurring monthly hormonal cycles and the accumulation of fluid, cells and foreign substances in the breast. This process begins in puberty and continues until menopause. After menopause, fibrocystic breast disease is much rarer. In most cases the disease is diagnosed in women who had maternal morbidity cases of fibrocystic mastopathy.
Other predisposing factors for the development of the disease are: diseases of the thyroid gland, liver, inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, constant stress.
Can fibrocystic breast disease hit only one breast?
This is unusual. As a rule, fibrocystic breast disease is symmetrical (two-sided) the nature and affects both breasts. But in one breast fibrocystic breast disease may be more pronounced than in the other. But over time, the state becomes the same breast, and breast cancer with less fibrous tissue gradually "catching up" a breast lesions.
Why is timely diagnosis of fibrocystic breast?
Although fibrocystic breast disease
Breast - the mirror Women's Health
not life threatening, it can stimulate breast cancer
Breast cancer: what every woman needs to know
. Despite the fact that the disease is benign, without proper treatment and follow-up, mammalogy, it can lead to breast cancer. Yet, breast cancer is a very common malignancy among women. And as harmless fibrocystic breast disease, and deadly breast cancer affects one and the same body - the female breast.
Often breast is the background for the development of breast cancer (need to consider some common risk factors for breast cancer and mastitis). Fibrocystic breast seals are very similar to cancerous tumors, are sometimes difficult to diagnose cancer. For this reason, fibrocystic breast neoplasms breast forcing a woman and her physician to carry out serious examinations to detect breast cancer. If women found breast fibrocystic breast tumors may need additional tests and examinations to rule out prostate cancer.