Menstrual cycle and its regulation: five levels

September 20, 2012

 regulation of the menstrual cycle
 Nature in the woman's body laid down certain cyclic processes to the possibility of conception, called a menstrual cycle. The menstrual cycle - a complex system, the regulation of which the many structures. The regulation of the menstrual cycle happens on the type of forward and reverse links, that is, any external and internal stimuli can affect the menstrual cycle and cause its violation.

 Menstrual cycle and its regulation: five levels

Menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is a complex cyclic changes in the body, particularly in the reproductive organs. The most characteristic manifestation of the menstrual cycle are menstruating or bleeding Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology  Spotting - it is important to rule out pathology
   from the uterus. The menstrual cycle is set after the first menstrual period (menarche) and takes place throughout the reproductive age women (12-13 and 45-50 years). The length of the menstrual cycle normally is 21-35 days, menstruation lasts from three to seven days, and menstrual blood loss is 50-150 ml.

 Menstrual cycle and its regulation: five levels

The regulation of the menstrual cycle

Today found that the regulation of the menstrual cycle consists of five layers:

  • First level

The first level consists of the cerebral cortex, which is the main "chief" of all structures involved in the regulation of the menstrual cycle. The cerebral cortex is sensitive to impulses coming from the external environment, and then through a system of transmitter neyroimpulsov transmits them to the hypothalamus. All the information from the outside world determines the mental and emotional state, which in turn is reflected in the reproductive system. It is known that acute and chronic stress can suppress ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   and cause menstrual irregularities (eg, amenorrhea The absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) - ambiguous symptom  The absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) - ambiguous symptom

  • Second level

The second level - a pituitary hypothalamus area. The hypothalamus is represented by clusters of nerve cells, some of them are synthesized by specific hormones (releasing factors or liberiny) influencing the production of hormones in the adenohypophysis (anterior pituitary gland). Currently Known releasing factors:

  • releasing factor follicle stimulating hormone;
  • releasing factor LH:
  • prolactin releasing factor;
  • adrenocorticotropic hormone-releasing factor;
  • somatotropin releasing factor;
  • thyroid releasing factor;
  • melanotropny releasing factor.

Products liberinov genetically programmed and is formed during adolescence.

  • Third level

The third level - is anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis) where synthesized gonadotropic hormones (hormones that are responsible for the production of sex hormones in the gonads - ovaries). The regulation of the menstrual cycle involved: follicle stimulating hormone (it occurs due to the growth and maturation of follicles in the ovary), luteinizing hormone (together with follicle stimulating hormone provides an output ovum from the follicle, and stimulates the production of progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   in the corpus luteum), luteotrophic hormone or prolactin (responsible for breast growth and lactation).

  • Fourth level

The fourth level of regulation presented by the ovaries. The maturation of the gonads takes place and the release of a mature egg (ovulation), and sex hormones are produced. Under the influence of FSH in the ovary grows chief follicle from which the ovum will be released later. Furthermore, FSH stimulates the synthesis of estrogens, which are responsible for growth of the uterus, breast and vagina.

Luteinizing hormone together with FSH is involved in ovulation and stimulates the production of progesterone in the corpus luteum.

  • Fifth level

The fifth level - is the uterus, fallopian tubes and vagina. In the uterus under the influence of hormones changes occur in the functional layer of the endometrium (depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle). There are four stages of uterine cycle (changes in the lining): Stage desquamation (menstruation), the stage of regeneration (healing of the wound), the stage of proliferation and secretion stage.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • regulation of the menstrual cycle

Schedule basal body temperature at ovulation: What it may indicate

May 3, 2012

 basal body temperature chart ovulation
 Determination of ovulation is very important for women. This is necessary not only to calculate the "safe" days, but also to determine a favorable time for conception. The easiest way to determine ovulation is drawing up the schedule of basal temperature. Measurement of basal body temperature refers to a simple method and does not require special equipment (except thermometer) and can be conducted woman at home. Measurement of basal temperature held in the rectum, vagina or mouth resting (after at least six hours of sleep).

 Schedule basal body temperature at ovulation: What it may indicate

What is ovulation?

During each menstrual cycle in the ovary matures the egg, which is ready to be fertilized. This process is regulated by hormones of the pituitary gland and the ovaries. Yield ripened ovule occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle and its life expectancy is about 24-36 hours if fertilization has not occurred, it degenerates. Before ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   in the body increases the content of luteinizing hormone which occurs due to increase of estradiol. Estradiol is produced by the growing follicle from which the egg is released. After separation of the main exit of the follicle and the egg in its place formed by the corpus luteum, which begins to produce progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
 . Progesterone prepares the uterine lining for implantation of the embryo (the endometrium thickens and loosened). Conception is possible only during ovulation.

 Schedule basal body temperature at ovulation: What it may indicate

Schedule basal body temperature at ovulation

The normal schedule of basal temperature ovulation occurred is a biphasic curve. That is, in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the basal temperature is kept at 36, 5-36, 9 degrees, ovulation occurs on the eve of its decline, and then (in the second phase of the menstrual cycle), it rises sharply to 0, 2-0, 4 degrees and It lasts about 10-14 days. Before menstruation temperature decreases. If the graph of basal body temperature is stored as a two-phase line, for at least three menstrual cycles - it is indicative of normal ovarian function.

 Schedule basal body temperature at ovulation: What it may indicate

Possible abnormalities of basal body temperature chart

  • The estrogen-progesterone deficiency

If this disease is not a sharp temperature rise in the second phase. Increasing the temperature not more than 0, 2-0, 3 degrees. Perhaps the rise in temperature the day before menstruation, and she the second phase of the menstrual cycle shortened to ten days or less. The estrogen-progesterone deficiency suggests hormonal disorders that lead to infertility.

  • Estrogen deficiency

In the case of estrogen deficiency in the chart seen significant swings in temperature. The graph will look like a monophasic curve without significant recovery in the second phase. Estrogen deficiency is also a cause of infertility.

  • Hyperprolactinemia

When hyperprolactinemia Hyperprolactinemia: determine the cause  Hyperprolactinemia: determine the cause
   increased content of prolactin (a hormone responsible for milk production). The schedule of basal temperature will be in the form of a monophasic curve, and she keeps the temperature above 37 degrees (like pregnant women). Menstruation is not.

  • Stimulation of ovulation

During ovulation induction (clomiphene appointed in the first phase, djufaston Djufaston - helps female body  Djufaston - helps female body
   second), there is a two-phase timetable with distinct first and second phases, and significant temperature rise after ovulation. Deviations from the normal schedule suggests the wrong dosage of drugs.

 Schedule basal body temperature at ovulation: What it may indicate

What to look for when scheduling

Cases when to seek medical attention:

  • short (less than 21 days) and long (more than 35 days) menstrual cycles;
  • constant delay of menses for more than ten days;
  • schedule of basal temperature during the cycle keeps a low or high temperature (without changes);
  • sudden changes in temperature in the first and second phase of the cycle;
  • the temperature difference between the first and second phase of at least 0, 4 degrees;
  • lack of ovulation in the chart;
  • the absence of pregnancy in normal-phase charts for a year.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • basal temperature
