Secure days before menstruation - important accurate calculation

April 6, 2012

 safe days before menstruation
 Despite significant progress in medicine, including gynecology and contraception, many women continue to believe and hard to calculate so-called safe and dangerous days. Especially great is their belief that the most "safe" days before menstruation. Undoubtedly, this method of birth control is no denying, but it should be remembered that the efficiency reaches 70% of the force. There are many ways to calculate their "safe" days, but now doctors say that there is no safe days. There are only dangerous and very dangerous. So, before you start calculating the "safe" days, it is better to consider other, more reliable methods of contraception Contraceptive Methods: Ten myths about contraception in the mirror of facts  Contraceptive Methods: Ten myths about contraception in the mirror of facts

 Secure days before menstruation - important accurate calculation

To fit the calendar method of contraception?

Calendar method of birth control (calculation of safe days) may only be used:

  • Women between the ages of twenty five to thirty-five years;
  • Women with a stable regular menstrual cycle;
  • disciplined (leading regular schedule of the menstrual cycle) and even-tempered woman;
  • women using unprotected intercourse spermicide.

 Secure days before menstruation - important accurate calculation

A few words about the menstrual cycle

It is known that the menstrual cycle is divided into three phases, the follicular, ovulatory and luteal. And if the first phase of all women differ in length, then luteal more or less stable and lasts from twelve to sixteen days, and an average of about fourteen. The ovulatory phase is exited egg from the ovary (ovulation), which is considered the most dangerous in the afternoon, or, on the contrary, the most favorable day for conception. Ovulation occurs on average fourteen days before menstruation.

 Secure days before menstruation - important accurate calculation

The calculation of safe days before menstruation

As follows from the above, calculated with 100% -Warranty safe days can not, either before or after menstruation. Hackneyed expression, like, seven-five-three days before menstruation are safe, they have become a byword. The menstrual cycle in women each individual and, moreover, it may change from cycle to cycle. Someone length of the menstrual cycle is 21 days, but someone has to believe as many as 35. Therefore, this "truth" does not.

The calculation of safe days spent under the following formula: the menstrual cycle subtract 11, then 8, it turns out the first scoring day. Then, to the resulting number is added 8 that will be the last day of danger.

For example, the length of the menstrual cycle of twenty-eight days. The first day would be a dangerous eleventh day of the cycle, and the late nineteenth. This period is called fertile window, and the chances of getting pregnant at this time is significantly increased. That is, the safe days before menstruation will last nine days of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
   (first day of the month is the first day of the menstrual cycle).

 Secure days before menstruation - important accurate calculation

Why is unreliable safe days before menstruation?

Firstly, during the menstrual cycle, such as the year it may change depending on various circumstances (stress, sickness, travel, change of climate and many more) .  Secondly, the women who can say with confidence that exactly fourteen days she starts menstruating? Third, in one menstrual cycle egg can mature than once, and this is not such a rarity .  Fourthly, the duration of the viability of sperm sometimes reaches nine days, and if you had unprotected sexual intercourse one day before menstruation, may well preserved sperm to fertilize an egg in the next cycle .  And finally, fifth, ovulation is not always on schedule in the middle of the cycle (for various reasons) and can move at the end of the menstrual cycle .  Therefore, the possibility of pregnancy is preserved not only the day before menstruation, and even during her .

 Secure days before menstruation - important accurate calculation

Measurement of basal temperature

Another way to calculate the safe days before menstruation is a method of measuring the basal (rectal) temperature. In the normal menstrual cycle, the temperature in the first phase of a performance below 37 degrees, then there is its sharp rise, indicating that ovulation has occurred, and in the second phase the temperature is kept at elevations above 37 degrees. Thus, a schedule of basal temperature Basal temperature - try to move less  Basal temperature - try to move less
 You can calculate ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 And accordingly, safe days.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • menstrual cycle and ovulation

Dysmenorrhea - how to determine the cause of the pain?

August 8, 2010

 Many women during menstruation are experiencing discomfort. Dysmenorrhea, or painful menstruation, may present as minor pains in the abdomen, and the psycho-emotional and vegetative-vascular disorders. Pain occurring every month, their expectation adversely affect the general condition of women, and can even lead to the disintegration of the family.

Dysmenorrhea, in Greek, means menstrual shortness of expiration. In the domestic literature often called dysmenorrhea algomenoreya or algomenorrhea. Dysmenorrhea - menstrual disorders is manifested in cramping or aching pain in the lower abdomen, lumbar region or sacrum during menstruation and accompanied by a general state of health violation.

 Dysmenorrhea - how to determine the cause of the pain?


Causes of dysmenorrhea is not well established, but we know that it is associated with the violation of the synthesis of prostaglandins (hormones that cause pain and inflammatory reaction). Also, dysmenorrhea may occur in the presence of gynecological diseases (endometriosis, uterine fibroids, inflammation of the pelvic organs, ovarian tumors and congenital anomalies of genitals).

 Dysmenorrhea - how to determine the cause of the pain?


There are primary dysmenorrhea, which is not associated with anatomical changes in internal genital organs and secondary arising at occurrence of pathological processes in the pelvic organs.

In dysmenorrhea symptoms are divided into mild, moderate and severe.

 Dysmenorrhea - how to determine the cause of the pain?

Primary dysmenorrhea

Primary dysmenorrhea usually occurs in young girls and women. Pain appears with the first menstruation or through 1-1, 5 years after menarche. Pains appear in the first day of the month, or 10-12 hours before them, they were cramping in nature, are located in the lower abdomen can give to the rectum, bladder, or lower back. Besides pain may be nausea, vomiting, fever up to 38 degrees, diarrhea, weakness and headache. From the psycho-emotional status may occur anxiety Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?  Anxiety - how to distinguish normal from disease?
 Irritability Irritability - you try to control my temper  Irritability - you try to control my temper
 , Tearfulness insomnia or drowsiness. Often, primary dysmenorrhea occurs in asthenic women with underweight and emotionally unstable, prone to fainting women.

 Dysmenorrhea - how to determine the cause of the pain?

Secondary dysmenorrhea

Secondary dysmenorrhea usually occurs in women 30-35 years. The most common cause of secondary dysmenorrhea is endometriosis. In this disease, patients complain of aching pain in the abdomen, which intensified during menstruation. Endometriosis pain lasts for the first two or three days monthly, almost radiating to the lower back and rectum and are not accompanied by vegetative disorders (vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, and tachycardia Tachycardia - the body to the limit?  Tachycardia - the body to the limit?
 , headache).

 Dysmenorrhea - how to determine the cause of the pain?


  • Medical history (abortion, childbirth, surgery on the cervix, uterus or appendages).
  • Gynecological examination (examination of the cervix and vagina in the mirror, palpation of the uterus and appendages).
  • The study of hormonal status
  • Instrumental methods of investigation (ultrasound, hysteroscopy, in difficult cases, laparoscopy).
  • Inspection of medical specialists (a gastroenterologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, cardiologist).
  • Additional studies (thyroid gland, mammary glands).

 Dysmenorrhea - how to determine the cause of the pain?


Treatment of dysmenorrhea depends on the degree of its manifestation, origin and appointed strictly individually. For the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea use NSAIDs which inhibit prostaglandin synthesis. These include indomethacin, Naprosyn, Brufen, acetylsalicylic acid, and others. Take they should be 2-3 days before menstruation and the first day of the cycle. Recommended intake of these drugs over 3-4 menstrual cycles. Appointed as antispasmodics, which are due to its relaxing effects reduce cramping. Often the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea used combined estrogen Estrogen - the key to bone health  Estrogen - the key to bone health
 -gestagennye contraceptive preparations of scheme is not less than three months. Oral contraceptives suppress ovulation, and accordingly, and the pain that comes along with the maturation and release of the egg. Equally important in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea normalization of work and leisure and sports (swimming, running, skiing, cycling). In the treatment of secondary dysmenorrhea should be considered reason caused it. Often used surgery (surgery for malformations of the internal genitalia, endometriosis or pelvic tumors).

Causes of dysmenorrhea is different, so painful menstrual periods should definitely see a doctor, so as not to miss the opportunity to a dangerous disease and improve their quality of life.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • painful menstruation
