How to delay the menstrual cycle
Menstrual cycle and its characteristics
That is, to push back the start of menstruation for a certain period of time - a question that interests many women. Of course, not always the arrival of menstruation is a joyous event, especially if a woman is not planning a pregnancy in the near future. Very often, for quite objective reasons, it is necessary to push the menstrual cycle (the trip a vacation session, sporting events and much more). Call artificially delay menstruation is possible, but it is worth remembering that such "bullying" over their own menstrual cycle should take place only in emergency indications and to be the exception rather than the norm.
Methods for delayed menstruation
There are several ways to move the start of menstruation. Officially medicine gives "good" only two of them: a delay monthly using combined oral contraceptives, and delayed menstruation using progestins (progestogens). For an informal way to delay menstruation
Delayed menstruation - when to sound the alarm?
is receiving Dicynonum
Dicynonum - help with bleeding and increased bleeding
(etamzilata sodium) and the use of traditional methods.
Hold monthly using combined oral contraceptives
Perhaps all these pills are known to protect against unwanted pregnancy as combined oral contraceptives. These contraceptives are divided into monophasic, biphasic and three-phase. Currently, widespread only mono- and three-phase pill. The monophasic oral contraceptive pills all contain the same dose of estrogen and progestin. In contrast, the three phase oral contraceptive pills are three groups (for one cycle), where the dose of estrogen and progestin are different. They are considered the most physiological for the female body.
Each pack contains 21 tablets (which are designed to create the 28-day menstrual cycle). Within three weeks, the woman should take one tablet a day, and after the end of the package to make the seven-day break, during which begins menstrualnopodobnoe bleeding.
In order to cause a delay in menstruation, it is necessary after 21 pills without interruption continue to receive the following from a new package.
Take the pill you need as many days as necessary to delay the menstrual cycle. Officially, it is proved that such a method, without interruption, shall not be harmful to health and can drink combined oral contraceptives continuously for 60-80 days. This is explained by the fact that menstrualnopodobnoe bleeding that occurs during the break, not a real menstruation, and is not due to the physiological hormonal changes as a result of a sharp decline in the concentration of hormones in the blood.
If you receive three-phase combined oral contraceptives from a new package you need to start taking the last (third) group of pills. Distinguish them easily: all three groups have different color tablets.
Hold monthly using progestins
Progestins (progestogens) can also be used to delay menses, that is, to extend the duration of the cycle. To do this, you need to start taking progestin fourteen, at least five days before the estimated monthly. Check progestins should be taken on the day when the expected end of the month. In this case, the beginning of menstruation will occur in the first or third day after the end of the course.
Obligatory medical consultation
Before you decide to cause a delay in menstruation, you should consult with your doctor. First gynecologist determine whether contraindications to use of hormonal drugs
Hormonal treatments - not only contraceptives
, such as:
- thromboembolism;
- hormone-dependent tumors;
- liver disease;
- cerebral vascular disorders, and others.
It is especially dangerous to experiment with hormonal therapy for women over 35 years of age and smoking (enhanced blood clotting).
Traditional methods of delayed menstruation
By popular methods of delay is increased monthly consumption of products containing large amounts of vitamin C (lemon, parsley). Vitamin C strengthens the vessel wall, thus reducing bleeding. Traditional methods are not scientifically proven and the action of them in varying degrees can affect or delay the beginning of the month.
Anna Sozinova
Article Tags:
- regulation of the menstrual cycle