How to adjust the menstrual cycle: consult a gynecologist

September 19, 2012

 how to adjust the menstrual cycle
 Menstrual disorders are the most common problem that women turn to a gynecologist. Perhaps there is not one woman who at least once in life has been no violation of the menstrual cycle. The problem is multifaceted and requires a thorough examination of the doctor. So, before you ask the question of how to adjust the menstrual cycle, you need to see a gynecologist, as identified by them any cause menstrual disorders and its treatment depends. Often women resort to folk treatments, but they are also far from unsafe, and before you start to use them, should consult a doctor.

 How to adjust the menstrual cycle: consult a gynecologist

The normal menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle should be considered on the first day of menstruation to the first day of the following month. The normal length of the menstrual cycle is 21-35 days. The duration of menstruation should not be less than three days and no more than seven days. As a rule, moderate menstruation, painless or cause some discomfort in the abdomen, and menstrual blood loss should not exceed 80-100 ml.

 How to adjust the menstrual cycle: consult a gynecologist


First of all, for any deviation from the normal menstrual cycle, a woman should consult a physician-gynecologist. He will have a pelvic examination Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health  Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health
 , Detects the presence or absence of gross pathology of the reproductive system, prescribe the necessary examination (pelvic ultrasound, hormone profile, total blood and urine tests, and if necessary, consult other doctors, including an endocrinologist, a gynecologist). Even for a single violation of the menstrual cycle should not be delayed campaign to the gynecologist, because the reason for such violations can be "frivolous" (stress, malnutrition, climate change), as may be the "first bell" some kind of pathology.

 How to adjust the menstrual cycle: consult a gynecologist


The nature of the menstrual cycle affects the nutritional status of women. Keep in mind that too rapid weight loss (usually a consequence of diet) or, on the contrary, being overweight is a common cause of menstrual disorders. Women whose weight does not reach the normal recommended to normalize the food (it should be complete and include proteins, fats and carbohydrates). Women who are overweight (obesity) prescribe a special diet to reduce weight.

When painful menstruation should limit your intake of chocolate, strong tea or coffee. Optimally replace these drinks natural juices and juice.

 How to adjust the menstrual cycle: consult a gynecologist

Physical exercise

Physical activity in the establishment of the menstrual cycle are of great importance. Especially useful to do sports teenage girls who have irregular menstrual cycles and painful menstruation. In these cases is very good swimming, cycling and skiing lessons.

Simple exercises no less useful for all women suffering from menstrual irregularities. The basic rule - exercise should not be too intense.

 How to adjust the menstrual cycle: consult a gynecologist

Vitamin therapy

No less effective method in the establishment of the menstrual cycle is a vitamin. Usually assigned a cyclic treatment at least three months. Gynecologists recommended in the first phase of the menstrual cycle to take vitamins C and B, and the second phase are assigned vitamins A, E and folic acid Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate  Folic acid - the value is hard to overestimate
 . In addition, the lack of vitamins in the body (vitamin deficiencies) also leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle, which eliminated the appointment of a multivitamin complex Multivitamins - how dangerous overdose?  Multivitamins - how dangerous overdose?
   and minerals (especially in the spring). It is recommended to use as many fresh fruits and vegetables.

 How to adjust the menstrual cycle: consult a gynecologist

Traditional methods of treatment

Before starting the regulation of the menstrual cycle, traditional methods of treatment, you should consult your doctor. Most often in the menstrual cycle is used mugwort, cotton, onion broth, and more. Very effective for violations of the cycle upland uterus Borovoy of the uterus: applied only after a visit to the doctor  Borovoy of the uterus: applied only after a visit to the doctor
   and red brush (you need to use them with caution, as these herbs have a pronounced hormonal action).

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • regulation of the menstrual cycle

Calendar menstrual cycle - how can you calculate it

October 23, 2012

 menstrual calendar
 Most women do not keep a monthly calendar for the calculation of their menstrual cycle. It is a common phenomenon, but it is not correct. Every woman needs to know the length of your cycle, to be able to calculate the specific days that will quickly identify the cause of possible infringements when they occur. Calendar menstrual cycle greatly contributes to facilitate diagnosis of various pathological conditions.


Basic calculations for the Calendar

The easiest way of doing menstrual calendar is filling the required dates on the calendar of ordinary chaise. You can use another method - developed special calendars, which provide more detailed information on the nature of the menstrual women. In today's hectic lifestyle most women forget to fill in required fields, so you can use the convenient form of a calendar that fits the size of a small wallet. It allows a woman to keep a record of days of the cycle every day. A kind of achievement is considered to be a computer version of a menstrual calendar, a woman may download a copy of it to your PC or laptop, which is the most convenient option for busy business female.

Every woman must first clarify for themselves the basic concepts in order to properly fill the calendar. Calculating every day of the cycle should begin only take place on the first day of menstruation, but not since its completion. As a rule, women are confused and believe it is the first day of the end of the day of menstrual bleeding. At the beginning of the next menstruation is celebrated on this day. The time interval between menstrual cycle is. Every woman he has its own characteristics, the average is about 28 days with possible fluctuations of 21 to 35 days. For a woman 21 days is the normal duration, for others it may be 30 days. If the cycle has been established and is regular, then the duration of day does not change. Violations occur in the development of diseases (reason may be hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous  Hormonal disorders - oversupply and a lack of equally dangerous
 In the development of inflammatory processes). Available for the year aberration in the direction of shortening or lengthening of the interval, but not more than once. To this end, it is necessary to conduct regular menstrual calendar so that you can determine whether the abnormal pathological condition or acceptable norms. Also on the calendar it indicates how long menstrual bleeding and character selections. In the absence of violations of bleeding from the genital tract can last up to seven days, at the same time it should not be abundant and more than 50 ml per day in terms of lost blood. In her calendar woman should celebrate schematically blood loss (lean, medium or heavy discharge) that was later the doctor to assess the presence of pathology.

Keeping a calendar allows you to calculate a woman's time of ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
 . It comes strictly on certain days of the menstrual cycle The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases  The days of the menstrual cycle: Four phases
 . For the duration of the second phase it never changes and is fourteen days. If on the first day of last menstruation subtract fourteen days, you can find out what day of the cycle, ovulation occurs. This is especially important for those couples who are planning pregnancy, as it was the days of ovulation are the most favorable for conception Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child  Conception, ovarian cycle, fertilization and genetics of a child
 . If the couple is planning a pregnancy, it is most optimal for this day will be as close to the time of ovulation. These days even got the name of critical, due to the possibility of pregnancy.


The impact on quality of life calendar

Prove is the fact that the management of menstrual calendar a woman can improve her quality of life. This is explained as follows:

  • on certain days of the cycle in women may be uncomfortable or painful symptoms in the abdomen. It ovulatory days, ie a few days before and after the ensuing ovulation. If a woman keeps a calendar, it can calculate the date of ovulation. If such feelings arise these days, those considered to be a physiological phenomenon and on this occasion should not be a worry. Seek medical assistance should be in the case of severe pain syndrome
  • in some cases, a woman's ovulation is accompanied by discharge streaked with blood. Due to the fact that a woman keeps a calendar, it can be determined that the nature of the discharge is not associated with pathologic changes and is the result of hormonal changes (ovulatory peak of hormones)
  • in some women during the cycle, symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome. A few days before the next menstrual period there are complaints of pain and breast tenderness, mood changes, appetite and tastes, sensations, may appear swollen and weight gain. Convenience is a calendar that allows you to start preventive treatment medication to relieve symptoms, in case if a woman is a regular calendar, and she had no rhythm disturbances of menstruation

Balance hormones significantly affects the quality of life. It depends on the mood of a woman, her performance and physical activity, that is, its rhythm of life. Hormones in varying degrees, affect the status of all vital systems, and this influence is evident in the form of the changes that occur in the female body taking into account the phase of the cycle. For every woman, it is important to observe the changes taking place and mark the calendar, on which day cycle they occurred. This will help the doctor, the woman addressed with a question about his health.

Marina Solovyov

Article Tags:
  • the phase of the menstrual cycle
