The length of the menstrual cycle: the value and importance

December 9, 2010

 Duration of the menstrual cycle
 From that, what is the length of the menstrual cycle, as the days continue to menstruation, a woman's health depends on her ability to conceive, and childbearing. The menstrual cycle - it is a very fragile system, and its duration is influenced by many factors. Many believe that the length of the menstrual cycle should be exactly 28 days, but this is a fallacy.

 The length of the menstrual cycle: the value and importance

Menstrual Cycle - What is it?

Menstrual cycle - this is a normal physiological process, which normally takes place each month in the female body and lasts from the first day of menstruation to the first day of the next. The duration of his individuality of each woman and can change throughout life. Normally, the length of the menstrual cycle lasts 21 days and not more than 35 days. Perfect menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. The first menstrual period (menarche) begins between the ages of 11-15 years and depends on hereditary factors (the beginning of the first month in the closest relatives), climate and national characteristics. End of menstruation on average 40-68 years and are associated with the onset of menopause. The duration of the menstrual period ranges from three to five days. Under the influence of various factors may be a delay of up to ten days. This is not an aberration. When a longer delay should consult a doctor.

 The length of the menstrual cycle: the value and importance

Factors affecting the length of the menstrual cycle

The reasons for defining the timing of the menstrual cycle, and may be different in diseases of women and external influences on the body:

  • infectious and inflammatory processes of female genital mutilation (endometritis, salpingoophoritis);
  • diseases in which education is a violation of sex hormones (endometriosis, polyps and endometrial hyperplasia Hyperplasia endometrial cancer - requires timely detection and treatment  Hyperplasia endometrial cancer - requires timely detection and treatment
 , Uterine and cervical cancer);
  • Other endocrine diseases (diabetes, hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism Hyperthyroidism: increased secretion of thyroid hormone  Hyperthyroidism: increased secretion of thyroid hormone
 , The defeat of the adrenal glands);
  • high or low body weight (obesity, exhaustion);
  • nerve overload (exams), violation of the environment, climate change, moving, travel.

 The length of the menstrual cycle: the value and importance

The phases of the menstrual cycle and duration

During the menstrual cycle, cyclic variations occur in the ovary, and the appendages. The phases of the menstrual cycle in the ovaries:

  • follicular phase, which begins with the first day of menstruation and ends in the middle of the middle of the menstrual cycle (this time in the ovary matures dominant follicle from which the egg is then released and ready for fertilization);
  • ovulatory phase - is ovulation Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?  Ovulation - How to determine as accurately as possible?
   and the output of mature egg from the ovary (on average lasts about 24 hours);
  • luteal phase - is the formation of the ruptured follicle corpus luteum, which produces progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   and prepares the uterus for implantation of the ovum and the preservation of pregnancy and lasts 13-14 days, plus or minus two (if pregnancy has not occurred, menstruation begins, and then the menstrual cycle is repeated again).

The phases of the menstrual cycle in the uterus:

  • menstrual (bleeding directly);
  • proliferative;
  • secretory (preparation of the endometrium for pregnancy).

 The length of the menstrual cycle: the value and importance

Changes in menstrual cycle length after childbirth

Pregnancy and childbirth body suit "hormonal shake-up", which can not affect the length of the menstrual cycle in the future. Moreover, lactation also affects the length of the menstrual cycle is associated with production of prolactin (a hormone responsible for milk production). Menstruation can not attack during the entire period of breastfeeding, and can go on a monthly basis or at intervals of two to three months. This process is an individual, and even in the same woman after pregnancy is different in its own way. Also, after birth there are certain anatomical changes female genitalia (cervical shortening and extension of the cervical canal), which leads to an increase of menstrual blood loss, shorten the duration of menstruation and reduced menstrual cycle.

 The length of the menstrual cycle: the value and importance

As artificially shorten or lengthen the menstrual cycle

Sometimes in life are moments when you need to call before the onset of menstruation or delay their onset (exams, going to the pool, a great date). In aid of combined oral contraceptives. To do this, start early to month, you should not drink up until the end of the packaging of tablets, and, conversely, to delay menstruation, do a seven-day break, and immediately start taking pills of the next pack. But abuse is, of course, this method is not necessary, so as not to disrupt your menstrual cycle.

Anna Sozinova

Article Tags:
  • the duration of the menstrual cycle

The regulation of the menstrual cycle by means of physiotherapy techniques

May 29, 2011

 regulation of the menstrual cycle
 The menstrual cycle may well be adjusted using the physiotherapy techniques. Use them alone or in combination with other treatments can be solved only by a doctor after a preliminary examination of the woman and establishing a definitive diagnosis.

 The regulation of the menstrual cycle by means of physiotherapy techniques

The regulation of the menstrual cycle physiotherapy methods at the cerebral cortex, hypothalamus and pituitary gland

The cerebral cortex and one of the parts of the brain (the hypothalamus) are key regulators of the menstrual cycle, which regulate the work of the pituitary gland (the main endocrine glands in our body). The pituitary gland, in turn, regulates the ovaries using hormones allocated to them. If the inspection found that these structures are the "culprits" menstrual disorders, it can be assigned to physiotherapy.

In any menstrual irregularities associated with the central nervous system: cervicofacial Kellatu galvanizing with zinc chloride, bromide, sodium or magnesium sulfate; transorbital (orbito-occipital) electrophoresis with sodium bromide - a calming effect on the cerebral cortex; infitoterapiyu - effects on the central nervous system of the low-frequency electric fields of low intensity, thereby improving blood flow and brain oxygenation, increased quality of metabolic processes in the brain; infitoterapii effect of calming and improving nutrition of brain tissue.

When various types of bleeding associated with menstrual irregularities: indirect electrical stimulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary region Davydov; if after 5-6 treatments did not stop the bleeding, then move on to other treatments: galvanic collar on Shcherbak with sodium bromide, alternating with diathermy; electrophoresis with novocaine in the neck area - bleeding associated with an excess of female hormones estrogen; electrophoresis with vitamin B1 bleeding associated with a lack of female sex hormones estrogen.

When menopause syndrome: with an increase in blood pressure - darsonvalization neck region, electrophoresis with novocaine at the collar region; in severe climacteric syndrome - electrophoresis with magnesium in the collar region intranasal electrophoresis or a combination of magnesium and lithium.

 The regulation of the menstrual cycle by means of physiotherapy techniques

The regulation of the menstrual cycle at the level of physiotherapy methods of female genital mutilation

In the female genital organs cause menstrual irregularities may be inflammatory diseases, developmental abnormalities, trauma consequences (in childbirth, abortion). All this can be restored, including the use of physical therapy techniques.

When pelvic inflammatory disease are appointed: electrophoresis with imposing electrodes on the nasal cavity with novocaine Novocaine - why it is so popular in medicine?  Novocaine - why it is so popular in medicine?
   to improve the blood supply to the genitals, with calcium chloride - for bleeding on the background of inflammatory processes; electrophoresis with other drugs to the area of ​​inflammation; laser helium-neon laser on the area of ​​the cervix, vaginal vault, the area and the points on the skin associated with the ovaries; UHF-therapy, induktotermiyagryazi, paraffin wax, mineral wax to the area of ​​inflammation.

When painful menstruation in the second phase of the menstrual cycle: electrophoresis on the lower abdomen, the solar plexus with novocaine, magnesium sulfate; galvanic collar on Shcherbak calcium chloride, bromine, nicotinic acid, ultrasound, pulsed, pulsed currents of low frequency with a 5-7 day cycle until the end of menstruation, short-wave diathermy, central electroanalgesia dirt.

When premenstrual syndrome in the second phase menstrualnogo cycle or just before menstruation: electrophoresis with novocaine, magnesium sulfate on the lower abdomen or epigastric region.

When uterine bleeding Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach  Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation - a sign of a serious breach
   different origins: electrical currents diadynamic uterus with uterine bleeding after numerous abortions, bleeding against the backdrop of various hormonal disorders; electrical stimulation of the cervix Davydov pulse currents with uterine bleeding during anovulatory cycles (without release egg from the ovary); by repeated bleeding is used to prevent the 14th day after the curettage Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure  Scraping - heavy and unsafe procedure
 And then - from the 14th day after the next menstrual period within three days; uterine bleeding associated with insufficient secretion of estrogen appointed sessions bryushnokresttsovogo electrophoresis with copper, ultrasound; at elevated estrogen secretion - total ultraviolet irradiation, bryushnokresttsovy electrophoresis with potassium iodide.

With a lack of female sex hormones estrogen: inductothermy to the solar plexus; electrophoresis with copper sulfate at the ovaries. With the increased secretion of estrogen produced effects on the mammary gland using inductothermy or darsonvalization right breast, electrophoresis with calcium chloride to the area of ​​both breasts. With a lack of the female hormone progesterone Progesterone - norm and pathology  Progesterone - norm and pathology
   designate electrophoresis with zinc sulfate during the second phase of the menstrual cycle.

Hydrotherapy: elevated ovarian recommended radon bath, at low - hydrogen sulfide; with reduced ovarian function in conjunction with the underdevelopment of genitals - nitrogen thermal baths; with reduced ovarian function in conjunction with inflammatory gynecological diseases - naphthalene, bischofite.

All physiotherapy treatment is carried out only after the examination and gynecologist appointment.

Galina Romanenko

Article Tags:
  • regulation of the menstrual cycle
