- Painful periods - and yet why a stomach ache?
- Causes
Most women have at least a few times during the life there are painful periods. The medical term used to describe painful menstruation - dysmenorrhea. The pain caused by menstruation, usually felt in the lower abdomen, but can spread to the back and thighs.
Although it is not known exactly how many women suffer from painful menstruation, the study showed that the dysmenorrhea is very common. Some experts suggest that about three-quarters of young women and a quarter to a half of the women over 35-40 years of experience pain and discomfort during menstruation. One in five women pain during menstruation is so strong that it prevents them to go about their daily business.
In most cases, pain during menstruation is a normal part of the menstrual cycle, and they manage to cope with the help of non-prescription drugs, or no drugs. In some cases, painful periods may indicate the presence of a woman of some major diseases. With frequent and severe pain during menstruation it is recommended to undergo a medical examination to rule out a variety of serious violations.
The main symptom of painful menses - pain and muscle spasms in the lower abdomen. The pain can be very intense and sudden, and dull and long.
In addition, painful periods may be accompanied by symptoms such as headaches, nausea, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, diarrhea.
Some women begin to feel the pain for a few days before menstruation, while others - with the onset of bleeding.
Most often the pain lasts for 12-24 hours, although in more severe cases it can persist for several days. Usually, the pain is most intense during the most intense bleeding. With age, the month most women become less painful; Many women notice an improvement after the birth of their first child.
The pain occurs when there is a reduction of the uterine wall. In fact, the uterus contracts almost constantly, but these reductions are so weak that their women did not feel.
During monthly contractions become more energetic, causing Histalkut inner lining of the uterine wall. Reducing, uterus squeezes certain blood vessels and blood flow to the uterus is restricted or temporarily terminated. Not getting enough oxygen, uterine tissue released into the blood chemical compound, which is the trigger of pain.
At the same time the body produces other chemicals known as prostaglandins. They further stimulate uterine contractions, thus increasing the pain.
It is not known why some women menstruation are much more painful than others. It has been suggested that this may be due to the accumulation of prostaglandins in the body that leads to a particularly strong uterine contractions.
Painful periods due to illness
Significantly less painful menstruation is the cause of the underlying disease. This is called secondary dysmenorrhea. Diseases that may cause pain during menstruation:
- Endometriosis: cells which normally form the inner shell of the uterine wall, begin to grow in other places, most of all - in the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Their peel causes severe pain.
- Fibroids: This condition is characterized by the formation of non-cancerous, ie benign tumors in the uterus. Because of this, pain during menstruation can become particularly intense, and bleeding - more abundant than usual.
- Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs: This violation occurs when infection of the uterus, fallopian tubes and / or ovaries bacteria, which leads to severe inflammation and painful periods.
- Adenomyosis: tissue that usually form the inner shell of the uterine wall begin to grow into the muscle wall of the uterus. This can cause severe pain, especially during menstruation.
- IUD may also cause dysmenorrhea
Dysmenorrhea - the basis of infertility
. This may be due both to its improper installation, as a reaction to the material from which it is made. Sometimes painful periods are observed only in the first month after the installation of a spiral.
- Secondary dysmenorrhea is most common in women between 30 and 45 years old. Often it can be identified by the changed nature of the pain during menstruation. The changed nature of pain during menstruation is the reason for seeking medical attention.
Women suffering from painful menstruation, should be referred to a gynecologist. After listening to the patient, he will conduct a pelvic examination
Gynecological examination: an important component of women's health
To detect possible signs of bleeding or infection. Your doctor may also do an analysis of the stroke, blood and urine tests to detect certain diseases that can cause painful menstruation.
If necessary, also held pelvic ultrasound, laparoscopy or hysteroscopy
Hysteroscopy - examination of the uterus inside
. The last two procedures can examine the internal organs from the inside, and to identify the disease, which can not be detected by other diagnostic methods.
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are most often used for painful menstruation, and are effective in about seven out of ten cases. In most cases, patients taking non-prescription nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - such as aspirin or ibuprofen. If they do not help, your doctor may prescribe other NSAIDs, such as naproxen, or mefenamic acid. NSAIDs should not be taken with asthma and those who have the disease of the stomach, kidney or liver. They should also be avoided during breast-feeding. Aspirin is contraindicated in persons under the age of sixteen.
- Other pain medications are used when the patient for some reason you can not take NSAIDs. Paracetamol very rarely causes serious side effects, although studies have shown that it reduces pain less effectively than NSAIDs. If OTC pain relievers do not help, your doctor may prescribe more potent analgesics such as codeine.
- Combined oral contraceptives. If you need to not only pain relief, but also a means of contraception, the doctor may recommend a combined oral contraceptive. They reduce the production of prostaglandins, so periods become less painful. In addition, the monthly will not be as heavy and prolonged. An alternative combined oral contraceptives may be contraceptive implants or injections.
- Physical exercise. Although painful menstruation do sports or go for long walks do not want to completely overcome is yourself, because physical activity reduces pain effectively.
- Heat. Apply a heater or a hot water bottle to the lower abdomen, a minimum of 10-15 minutes per day. A warm shower also has analgesic effects.
- Massage. Massage the stomach with light circular movements.
- Relaxation. Yoga, Pilates and other activities that promote relaxation
Relaxation and stress - calm, not panic!
Help much to ease the pain.